Microsoft Update Warning—400 Million Windows PCs Now At Risk

by wewewawa

  1. >This is all about timing. The public interest advocacy group PIRG is now campaigning for Microsoft to extend the Windows 10 support extension now available to schools to other users. “In one year, Microsoft plans to end support for Windows 10,” they warn, “potentially rendering up to 400 million computers obsolete overnight. This decision could trigger the single largest surge in junked computers in history, with dire consequences for both consumers and the environment.”

    I’m using Linux Mint. So easy nowdays to install.

  2. I have Windows 10 on the bootcamp partition of my Mac. I guess I will just delete it and use only the MacOS side.

  3. what a mess.

    Considering increasing use of the platform as a personal data collection farm, including the especially offensive Recall feature, education is a great example of why a fantastic good-faith gesture would be to just let 10 be. Teachers and students should not be spied on or exploited. And thanks to politics, every year education in the US has less and less money to work with. It would be cruel to force schools- sometimes teachers- to buy new equipment for arbitrary reasons.

  4. Linux can make any old computer run better than when you had Windblows on it. It’s where Microshit and Crapple steal all their ideas from!

  5. Ahhhhhhh yessss send them to our shores, we will liberate and educate them to topple your regime!

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