German porn (be advised it’s extremely graphic!)

by miragen125

  1. Germany stopping nuclear power, is one of the worst decisions they took. And that’s saying a lot considering it’s history

  2. Thank god, I nearly forgot we decided to exit nuclear over a decade ago in the roughly 2 days without a post on this.

    Fuck, this sub is turning into r/europe…

  3. Look guys we defeated climate change! We simply demolished it. Easy.

    *proceeds to fire up the coal plant next door

  4. Nah any true internet connoisseur knows this is peak German porn


  5. I came three times, even though its so cold in my flat. I will look for something to burn now.

  6. Do you really think these are nuclear plant chimneys? You would not demolish radioactive material with explosives.

  7. I had expected some spicy scene from Annette or whatever her name is. This is pretty filthy too.

  8. Germans are known for their masoshism. It can be seen in their energy and migration policies as well

  9. i read once that germany is polluting on purpose to heat up the planet, specially russia that way they aren’t stop in ice and snow the next time

  10. Not to be that guy, but cooling towers aren’t exclusive to nuclear power plants. Gas and coal plants use them too.

    So this is actually a German’s worst nightmare

  11. I was expecting something like Church of Fudge 2 or something…

    (don’t look up the OG Church of Fudge, it’s been 20 years and it still haunts me to this day)

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