Trump Losing Sleep Over Polling Numbers Days Before Election

  1. You can get some gnarly hallucinations from lack of sleep. Who was he dreaming about when he was giving a handy to a microphone?

  2. And I wish the media would start re-iterating that Donald Trump’s ego isn’t what’s on the line with this election. His literal freedom is on the line. This menace and his pathetic, antisocial cult are making a mockery of our election system because the only reason Donald is running is to stay out of prison.

    But when Kamala wins, we will have Donald’s NYS criminal trial sentencing on I believe November 16th. I have no doubt Merchan will hand out an actual prison sentence and that will be the first domino to fall. Next up will be Trump’s DC federal trial.

  3. It seems to me that Trump probably knows that unlike what with happened with Hilary last time, he knows he’s screwed.

  4. Hopefully, he’ll do the same in courtrooms and possibly a prison cell. Biden and Kamala will live rent free in his head the rest of his life.

  5. I can’t wait for the election to be over so Trump can lose sleep over his two upcoming trials. And his sentencing in NY

  6. No. No he is not. Threatening AV teams and sucking off microphone stands is totally normal behavior for a stable business genius who is completely caught up on sleep. Totally normal.

    **Heavily** /s

  7. Remember if he is not elected he will likely be sentenced to prison this month. Go vote or encourage someone else to vote this monster out so he can be locked up in a cage where he belongs!

  8. Conversely, I’ll soon be sleeping like a baby at the prospect of not hearing this idiot ramble, double dick dance, deepthroat oxygen, say the phrase “people are saying” or “our country”, mouth out “thank you” to empty crowds, or steal nuclear secrets. America can only exhale when this guy is not sucking up all the social oxygen. And right now, it seems there’s a figurative light at the end of the tunnel. Kamala won’t be our savior, but she’s saving us from him.

  9. Aw, that’s too bad for him. Anyway, I got a box of reeses pumpkins for half off today, I’m very happy. Also I voted early. Place was packed.

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