We can dream can’t we

by GreatBritishMemes

  1. Perhaps the lack of adequate public transport is what created these powerful angsts leading to the creation of these great bands?

  2. Fucking hate the trains in that area . Almost convinced stagecoach secrety runs them ha

  3. Leeds to Manchester for me in a couple of weeks is going to take 2.5 hours and I have to change trains twice. They’re 51 miles apart..

  4. Draw a same size circle literally anywhere in the UK that isn’t around London and you can say the same thing about trains.

    I work for a supply agency and I keep getting requests to go to schools and the agent sends me a google maps directions with a train journey to connect to a bus journey and I have to tell them every time

    for the past 2 years 80% of the trains running on that line have been cancelled due to “Inadequate staffing to run service”.

    I simply cannot rely on that train for work so it’s either cross my fingers on the 1/5 chance the train is actually running to connect to the bus route so the journey is 1 hour long, or take 3 hours of buses. (Which start at 7am so can’t get me to the school on time anyway)

    This is all to go 15 miles which can’t be cycled since the only straight connection is a dual-carriageway and all other roads connecting the two towns are meandering and deadly country lanes.

  5. Are the trains really that bad? I live smack bang in the middle of all that and I don’t get the train very often, but when I do they’re usually on time and of decent service. Am I just lucky?

  6. I’ve only really got experience with Sheffield but Sheffield – Leeds seemed to run hourly when I lived there? Sheffield and Manchester literally have a national park between them.

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