Visiting the in-laws, husband has a chapped nose so grabs some Vaseline. It went out of date in 2004! Still looked alright though, waste not want not

by whatswestofwesteros

  1. Depending on how old the husband is, it’s probably the same container that went on his butt all those moons ago. It’s come full circle.

  2. It’ll be fine! If you’d like a supercharged chapped nose solution however, grab some Burts Bees lip balm or O’Keefes Working Hands cream

  3. Not sure if petroleum products made from multi-million year old dead stuff really “goes off”

  4. Nowhere near as old as that, but… a couple of weeks ago I made myself sandwiches all week before realising the bottle of salad cream I had grabbed from the back of the fridge was a commemorative Platinum Jubilee bottle which went off two years ago! Tasted absolutely fine, and I didn’t keel over and/or die.

  5. Jars of Vaseline, which are still perfectly useable, have been discovered in the pyramids of Egypt…

  6. This sits alongside my Himalayan rock salt that is millions of years old and will be out of date next May

  7. For some reason it’s always vaseline and sudocrem that people own a multiple year old tub of.

    My own vaseline is relatively new (bought earlier on this year) but the sudocrem is at least 6 years old 😂

  8. Idk every one is saying it’s fine but like they say “health and safety laws are written in blood”. It’s probably fine but the plastic container that’s gone off, we have enough micro plastics in our system as is and the health effect have yet to been fully comprehended. Probably best to throw it out. Sorry I sound a bit hypochondriac but I thought I’d give a differing opinion XD

  9. Just found one in my parents’ bathroom cabinet with a use by of November 1999, also still looks alright!

  10. So we now know 2004 was the last time the father in law had a go on the poop chute.

  11. We have a huge Vicks Vapor rub that went off in 2007 still in use. If that makes you feel better.

  12. Went through my elderly mother’s medicines last year and found a ton of stuff that was seriously well past it’s expiry date. Every single thing I showed her was subjected to “but I use that!”. Clearly, Mother, you don’t because it’s still full and expired 20+ years ago!

  13. Makes you wonder about the validity of these use by dates.

    Conservative dates to save the company from lawsuits.

    It’s Petroleum jelly after all

  14. I inherited my sister’s big tub of vaseline, I think it went out of date in 2007? Still use it though-only half-way through!

  15. Can someone older please answer me…(F37)

    We’re you seriously fucking with vaseline? Like, vag, a-hole, peen – all in the vaseli-ine?

    Where was the lube? Did Millenials invent lube?

    Vaseline is kind of sticky?!

  16. Petrol is millions of years old, I think you’ll be fine.

    Unless that one dino had herpes.

  17. The empty Vaseline tub is a myth, although I imagine Diddy was pretty close to finishing it. 10,000 bottles of baby oil to 1 tub of vaseline.

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