Next earthquake: german government has probably collapsed

by b33rlov3

  1. “Probably”?

    That government is so fucking done lol

    **EDIT:** Shloz basically confirms new elections

  2. Let‘s see how Merz will do as a chancellor. I got downvoted for this several times but i think he could release the brakes Scholz installed regarding Ukraine and Taurus.

    Edit: Thought this was r/europe
    **hysterically looks for jokes or memes to safe this comment**

  3. Well the Brits have a new PM every 3 month. Belgium does fine without a Government for over a year. Turkey has as stable Government while failing hard.

    Poitics doesn’t matter that much.

  4. Come on Hans, after 80 years its time to admit that this “Germany” thing wont work out.

    We are open to requests for state membership (Bundesländer with sea access only).

  5. Now is Italy the most stable? I just cannot accept it. Hans don’t fail like Barry or Pierre, remember your past! Or maybe not…/s

  6. Another Goverment down. So ho high is Putin leading now? 7 and 0? Plan didn’t work out well for the west it seems.

  7. Man, that was about time. Scholzin’ time is over. And still this lunatic believes people will re-elect him into office after he fucked up in almost every possible way.

  8. Can we please *not* vote the AfD this time around? Or BSW for that matter? We need people that are pro-Europe right now.

  9. So, today Scholz sacks his own finance minister and Macron congratulates Trump while subtly mocking him for his criminal charges

    Pierre, Hans, seriously, if you’re that based you don’t need to hide it, you know?

  10. Finally! Now let us switch back to the other administrative government until Olaf can try again!

  11. I just saw the post and snorted through my nose. This night can’t get any funnier. I don’t even want to know the details.

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