Hi there!

A few years ago I hitchhiked through Sweden and somebody from Liechtenstein picked me up on my way to [Kebnekaise](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kebnekaise) He was there on a internship of some sorts, something to do with forestry.

Backstory aside, he had a CD of a band from Liechtenstein. I’ve been trying to find this band for a while now but I don’t know any of the lyrics, just what the songs were about.

One song described how Liechtenstein was the only country to receive some energy efficiency price but now the streetlights would turn off and they would walk into them.
There was also a song about Liechtenstein needing a big stadium, because other countries that had one were doing very well.
The last song I remember was about Liechtenstein’s German dialect and not being able to say I like you/love you.

Thanks for reading!

PS: if you feel like you are the person who I met in Sweden. We also listened to The Who, camped beside a lake and tried to get to the mines in north Sweden. Hit me up!

  1. Was this guys name Simon? If so, I know him. The band you‘re talking about is probably Lucy‘s Fair. You can find them on Spotify.

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