Today I learned that Cheese and Onion Tayto’s were the first flavoured crisps in the world, created by Joe “Spud” Murphy in 1954.

Today I learned that Cheese and Onion Tayto’s were the first flavoured crisps in the world, created by Joe “Spud” Murphy in 1954.

  1. Something else for every Irish person to be proud of.

    Had forgotten salt and shake crisps, which I see get the first seasoned crisp packet title. Artisan salted crisps, where you can tailor it to your personal taste. Walkers still make them apparently.

  2. Crisps were invented before they had multiple flavours. At first they came unseasoned and with only a tiny packet of salt then Tayto(Murphy) invented the method to season them different flavours and the first one was Cheese and onion. But all flavoured crisps across the world today owe it to him.

  3. I learned this fact when I went on a tour of a potato chip factory in Heartland, Nova Scotia. May sound boring, but I was in a work camp nearby on a 3 week rotation and had a day off and couldn’t go drinking.

    Makes sense that the best crisps (i.e. Cheese and Onion Taytos) are the OG flavoured crisps. Tayto should definitely lean on this more in their marketing.

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