A list of Gaelic objects looted from the Island of Ireland by The British Crown. They reside in the British Museum. Though the Irish People loan treasures and art works to the World (including the The British Museum) His Majesty’s Government refuses to return the pieces Gaelic Art.

A list of Gaelic objects looted from the Island of Ireland by The British Crown. They reside in the British Museum. Though the Irish People loan treasures and art works to the World (including the The British Museum) His Majesty’s Government refuses to return the pieces Gaelic Art.

  1. Sure they’re not exactly known for stealing shit and not returning it or anything… /s

    Parthenon marbles anyone? (I refuse to call them the Elgin marbles, cos he was a massive c*nt, and that’s a Brit term for them, not the real name). Nevermind pretty much the entire contents of the “British” Museum. https://youtu.be/eJPLiT1kCSM

  2. The also have the Book of Glendalough locked up in the Bodleian Library. One of the most significant books in Irish history. Not a beautiful book like the Book of Kells but a historically important one.

  3. If the UK ever attempts to rejoin the EU, the return of these objects must be a condition (along with the six counties while we are setting out conditions). It’s good that Britain is failing so hard now that other EU countries can get things back that Britain stole like the marbles or Gibraltar.

  4. I created this post and below is the links to the pieces.

    St Cuilein Bell Shrine British museum


    Penannular Brooch


    The Kells Crozier


    Shrine Boss


    The Londesborough Brooch

    St Conall Cael’s Bell


    Silver Ring Brooch




    Sandstone Memorial Slab Carved with Ogam Script


    ‘Latchet’ Dress Fastener




    Bronze Shrine Figure


    Three Bronze Rattle Pendants


  5. We don’t have entirely clean hands here either. Our National Museum is full of collections that should be handed back to their origin countries, in particular Africa. And the collection in the Chester Beatty comprises of some of the most important Middle Eastern religious texts in the world.

  6. I remember wandering into the Pitt Rivers museum in Oxford back in 2019 – it’s attached to the Natural History museum, which has a lot of dinosaur stuff and therefore a lot a screaming children – and seeing some Irish artifacts in a case alongside some Indian ones. They were only coins and jewellery, but it still felt odd to me that they were there in Oxford, not in the museum on Kildare Street, and it completely changed my outlook on decolonisation of museum collections. In fairness to them, they have since 2020 become field leaders in decolonisation the collection and have stopped displaying human remains, including a heart in a leaden case found in Cork. But every time I read about Brits frothing at the mouth about being asked to return artifacts, I think about those coins, how insignificant they are, how few people who walked through that museum probably ever looked at them, and the Irish hands they must have passed through before landing in Pitt Rivers.

  7. There’s way more than this although these are probably the biggest and most valuable. Nearly everything I saw was donated by some Anglo Irish Lord. Steals our land then steaks our stuff and gives it away

  8. Look I get the want for them to return our shit but tbf to the brits they did take them when they were in charge of us. It’s just spoils of war

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