What a dream: A night train from Frankfurt to Edinburgh .. a map for possible night train routes for Europe proposed by the German Greens ..

by NamineDam

  1. ah yes! i love it! my town is not even on this map! amazing! makes me feel part of something so much!

  2. Now make it competitive! Hopefully the EU sticks to its rail plans, but we need this to be a valid alternative to planes.

  3. Won’t you need your passport checked in the middle of your sleep on the train? And how will you clear customs, will you have to get up and stand in line whilst waiting for that to be done? And if you have your pet with you how will you deal this those regulations and checks from the warmth of your nice train from Frankfurt to Edingburgh? It can sound inconvienient but will respect what Brexit voters insited on ….

  4. Yeah, right.

    Try to book a ticket for a cross-border train. Then try to book a night-sleeper cross-border train.

    Then compare the price of a 16h train trip to a 23 h plane trip. Then cry.

    As a former Geman chancellor said: Wer Visionen hat sollte zum Arzt gehen. (Those who have visions should see a doctor).

  5. Remove the *track access charges* for night trains and you can have it. Neither fuel, wagons or personnel cost make this difficult. Even private operators would gladly go for it.

  6. Are these night trains only? On newly built rail line infrastructure? Not stopping anywhere between large cities?

    Then make the Glasgow and Edinburgh line one, splitting in Scotland, just before the destinations, and connect Brindisi through Naples.

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