Russia says US will not be at the centre of ‘new world order’

Russia says US will not be at the centre of ‘new world order’

by Elkenson_Sevven

  1. At the end of this, they will be lucky if Moskow remains the center of the Russian world.

  2. Russia will barely exist at all in the new world order, except as China’s little bitch.

  3. They are conceding we are currently the center of the world order .

    What a nice compliment, but most of us average Americans , have better things to do than care . About this world order or the next world order , or any previous world order .

  4. As if we chose to be this one. You all chose us. Soviet Union tried to force its way there and we see where it ended up. Russia is trying to force its way there….and we see where its heading. Yet, shit pops off, and whos the first person you come begging to?

    Russia is defying the world order. The days of larger states invading and capturing smaller states simply for territorial gains died long ago. Ukrainians have tasted freedom. So have all the other ex-Soviet states. They’ll all fight you to the death. Except Belarus, because Lukashenko has been in power since communist times. Even that is coming to an end as well.

    Edit: Typo fixes.

  5. Yes Russia will be the new world order. The whole world wanted to use yandex searches, buy a Lada, watch Russian Tv shows, use a Russian phone and watch the Russian football league. It’s just that evil Amerika always prevented us from it….but not for long I tell you. Brics by brics it will built this new order with its friends.

  6. “These men, and their hypnotized followers, call this a new order. It is not new and it is not order.”

  7. Too late buckaroo. The U.S. is the most power empire that has ever existed in human history and IS the leader of the world.

    This New World Order is basically just following some rules, making money, and America gets a slight edge. All Russia had to do is play ball and they could have bought as many mansions and yachts as they’d like.

  8. ‘Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’ Winston Churchill, 1947

    As true now as then.

    We likely all see the need for a “new world order”. The challenge naturally is what form it might take. The United Nations has quite obviously failed, and must be swept away and replaced by a more viable mechanism for global collaboration. What lessons have we learned from the UN period, and from those attempts that preceded it? How will we create an institution within which all the diverse nations of the world feel safe and welcome, regardless of their differences and similarities?

    Recognizing that the old world order where America was the sole and undisputed superpower is over, recognizing the problem, was a valuable step. We have yet to hear (let alone accept) a viable for what’s to come. Likely America, China, and the EU will be the primary arbiters.

  9. Ya know Vlad… day that will be true. All great powers have thier time and eventually (or abruptly) must cede the mantle.

    The one thing I am certain of, however, is that Russia will have very little to do with it either way.

    Now please come try to take Alaska back 🙂

  10. News just in: RT will go from Russia Today to RTP – Russia Triple Penetrated from China, Iran, and North Korea, but of course only once Ukraine is done having fun.

  11. Shouldn’t have the ideal multipluralism no Center at all?))

    Oops i forgot that Multipluralism is just a euphemism for an east bloc order ruled by Russia (in their dreams), yet rather China, against a West bloc…

  12. “Russia says…”

    Nothing true ever comes after “Russia says”, not even this. In fact, Russia’s actions virtually guaranteed that the US will be at the center of the world order for a lot longer. The US’ influence has never been stronger, and all this is because of Russia’s aggression.

  13. A few days ago al jazeera claimed that Israel bombed hospital because Hamas said so, no other options were taken into account, and of course no investigations. It is a pro-terrorist news outlet, not really worth reading

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