Podolyak: Musk’s suggestion to ‘surrender Ukraine’ is ‘catastrophic mistake’

Podolyak: Musk’s suggestion to ‘surrender Ukraine’ is ‘catastrophic mistake’

by D-R-AZ

  1. Full Text (Article has photo , links and link to video)

    Elon Musk’s suggestion that a ceasefire in Ukraine on terms favorable to Russia would prevent further war is a “catastrophic mistake,” said advisor to Ukraine’s Presidential Office Mykhailo Podolyak on Oct. 24.

    Musk had suggested earlier on Oct. 24 in a discussion on Twitter spaces that the U.S. was “sleepwalking” into World War III and that it should seek to normalize relations with Russia, which he suggested could happen if the U.S. pressures Ukraine into a ceasefire.

    Later in the discussion, Musk was joined by U.S. presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who proposed giving away Ukrainian territory to Russia in exchange for peace.

    Musk appeared to agree and also denied that a pro-Ukrainian insurgency was happening in Russian-speaking areas, implying that the current line of control might be a good permanent dividing line.

    Podolyak posted a lengthy response refuting Musk’s argument, writing that surrendering Ukraine to “mandatory large-scale genocide” from Russia will have far-reaching consequences.

    Appeasement will only embolden other international aggressors, he said, and the “great war” that Musk predicted will be even more likely.

    Podolyak has previously reacted strongly to Musk’s controversial public statements about the war in Ukraine.

    After Musk shared an insulting doctored meme of President Volodymyr Zelensky on Oct. 2, insinuating that Zelensky asks for too much aid for Ukraine, Podolyak responded on Twitter.

    “Any silence or irony towards Ukraine today is a direct encouragement of Russian propaganda that justifies mass violence and destruction,” he said.

    Musk has had an inconsistent track record in regards to supporting Ukraine. He received praise for providing Ukraine with the Starlink satellite internet system shortly after the beginning of the full-scale invasion.

    However, he came under fire in September 2023 for allegedly instructing his engineers to secretly turn off Starlink satellite communications near Crimea to prevent a Ukrainian submarine drone attack against Russian military ships.

    Musk denied the accusations, saying that Starlink satellite communications had not been active near Crimea in the first place.

    Musk has also previously suggested that Ukraine should trade land for peace.

  2. I can’t believe we are still giving him any attention. He is obviously making these comments to get his name back out in conversation. Just ignore him.

  3. What is wrong with our culture and politics that this guys views on anything are given any attention? My cousin Marty is more qualified to speak on major social issues.

  4. Musk is putin’s bitch. It will be very interesting to find out what he’s getting out of the bargain.

  5. Why does anyone care about what Musk says? He is an egotistical assh0)€. Let him spout off all he wants.

  6. It wasn’t a catastrophic mistake. He said it to get attention and he’s getting it. He’s very good at being a prick. However, surrendering parts of Ukraine would be moronic

  7. Why doesn’t he move back to South Africa? His opinions would be more at home over there. And we won’t miss him in the democratic world. It would be win-win for everyone.

  8. he was worked-on by 2 different russian agents – one of them was Grime friend’s bf. mission was successful.

  9. Stop giving him attention. Don’t share his news…

    Let him rot like the traitor that he is.

  10. Deport Elon Musk to Russia so he can make Tesla T-54 electric tanks (stock T-54 with an LED Christmas light for cabin lighting to read maps for lack of GPS) for the soviets. He’s not a genius. He takes credit for other peoples’ work like Thomas Edison.

  11. Jesus, will someone please gag this guy!? He must have gotten kicked out of putin’s sick room and now he has nothing in his mouth to shut him up!

  12. Definitely not buying a Tesla nor any products related to him.

    We all need to vote with our wallets.

  13. Musk and Vivek, 2 odious and obnoxious individuals. Neither have a moral fibre between the two of them

  14. However much land he thinks Ukraine should surrender to russia, he should surrender the same proportion of his wealth to Ukraine to help Ukraine fight this war.

  15. Musk should surrender his companies and all of his money then, see if he will just do it.

  16. I suggest that we (the United States and our NATO allies) give the AFU enough weapons, training and resources to completely annihilate the Russian invaders on ukranian territory and destroy what remains of the Black Sea fleet.

  17. Can we just please stop posting every thing that this idiot says on the internet?

    The best thing is to ignore him.

  18. Musk should stop cosying up to Russia, he thinks doing this will bring peace which is flawed logic. Long term it means no Ukraine and probably other countries too.

  19. WHY is anyone giving him a platform to spout his ignorant rationale? He is a private citizen, unelected and unaccountable and should not be given a rhetorical platform any more than the rest of us

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