Slovakia announces the end of military aid to Ukraine

Slovakia announces the end of military aid to Ukraine

by euronews-english

  1. Is Euronews reliable?

    If true, they’re going to start losing billions from the EU pretty quickly I imagine.

  2. Oh the irony of countries that suffered under the sovjets now electing pro russian idiots as their leaders…

  3. Have all ordered Zuzana 2 been delivered already?

    Anyways, that sucks as Slovakia has some considerable ammunition manufacturing

  4. And right now an immediate total stop of EU money for criminals there who are so called government, probably been brought to power with ruzzian illegal mens

  5. So, block them from military aid from anything but defense in nato. No deliveries. No help. No training.

  6. Slovakia is a country of crystal meth and benzo addicted children. The elections were won by the mafia buying gypsies bottles of cheap wine. When the population is that desperate they will justify the politics of any hand that feeds them and buy into the boogyman blame spin.

  7. as a citizen of SVK im deeply sorry for the idiots 🙁
    my personal support will continue and i will do everything legally possible to let my governmet know, that i wist to support UA and fuck the RU…

    lets hope together, that these clowns are out of parlament as soon as possible

  8. Surely, the EU can mandate support for Ukraine across all its member states and make EU funding depends on it to a certain extent.

  9. It’s really strange to see this from a country that was literally invaded by Russians not that long ago relatively speaking.

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