Colorado Secretary Of State ‘Extremely Concerned’ About Pro-Trump Violence | Jena Griswold received 64 death threats and more than 900 threats of abuse within three weeks of filing the case to keep Trump off the state ballot

Colorado Secretary Of State ‘Extremely Concerned’ About Pro-Trump Violence | Jena Griswold received 64 death threats and more than 900 threats of abuse within three weeks of filing the case to keep Trump off the state ballot

by newnemo

  1. The GOP has normalized violence against those who disagree with them. The 2024 trail for anyone running against a GOP candidate should have significant protection.


    >“The provision in the Constitution to stop insurrectionists from holding office is there for a reason,” she said. “Trump incited the insurrection. There shouldn’t be a loophole that allows a president to violate the oath of office and be on the ballot again.”

    >Asked if she worries about her safety as she openly condemns Trump, the Colorado secretary of state conceded that the hardest part of her job has been the “threat atmosphere.” She noted that two men have been arrested and found guilty of threatening her in the past two years.

  2. The fact that the police aren’t immediately apprehending those who make these threats should concern us more.

  3. MAGAs are promising violence. MAGAs have a history of violence against the government. MAGAs have said repeatedly they want to imprison or exterminate the rest of us.

    I believe them. MAGAs are a threat. Let’s treat them like the threats they are.

  4. It would seem the very amendment meant to prevent insurrectionists from holding political office after the Civil War may ultimately trigger the next Civil War.

  5. Gotta hand it to CPAC. The Base is really embracing the “We are all domestic terrorists” pivot.

  6. Words have consequences. Be patriotic about having recourse to the law when threatened or defamed.

  7. Just wait until one or more right-wing states “find” a legal means to remove Biden from the ballot. Shit’s getting real.

  8. As I always say, make the threats public and post names and pics of those making the threats.

  9. People who make threats – if the Police won’t do their job – there’s plenty of hungry attorneys looking for work. They’ll gladly sue those that threaten and they may have more pull at getting the Police involved? Just a thought…

  10. These are acts of domestic terrorism. How long until we cut off the head of the proverbial snake?

  11. It’s amazing how many idiots there are that don’t understand that this case was not brought by Democrats at all.

  12. As we all should be. Domestic terrorism isn’t a joke and it isn’t funny. Lock these mentally twisted shitheads up and let’s get back to working on making a better society for the non-crazy people who don’t want to murder everyone else for fun.

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