The entity known as Russia was built on the skulls of nations like Ukraine. Poster from the “Free Nations of Post Russia” forum in Berlin this week

The entity known as Russia was built on the skulls of nations like Ukraine. Poster from the “Free Nations of Post Russia” forum in Berlin this week

by EUstrongerthanUS

  1. We gotta be careful with this kind of propaganda posters.

    The US and Canada, where the likes of Cree, Dakota or Mohawk were largely destroyed (some through literal genocides), were built on the skulls of other nations.

    When we look closer, I’m pretty sure we can find similar examples in Europe.

  2. Am I the only one who thinks that shattering Russia is wrong. I don’t mean it in a there will be warlords type shit but, in a it is a horrible thing to do towards the Russians. Imagin you nation gets destroyed. Sure there might by some people like the chechens that don’t want to be part of it but the majority wants to stay.

  3. Don’t think that there will be something worse after putin. He is responsible for turning Russia from mostly adequate state into hating everyone empire with phantom pain. It was putin who made convicts into national heroes (or gave them armies, like Wagner). So preserving this Russia is preserving dictatorship which gets worse and worse every year

  4. well this is what west wants. shatter russia in small, easily controlable parts so we can extract their resources cheaper. west did exactly the same in africa. imagine if this poster was same but it was usa or eu since both are evil empires from pov of rest of the world.

  5. I think it’d just end up like Germany, uniting in the end. Definetely where Muscovy was.

    I’d expect Siberia to maybe stay apart, as it’s another continent, but Vladivostok would carry Nearly all economy on it’s shoulders.

  6. **No. Just no.**

    I recall Ukraine’s intelligence claimed the Kremlin feared the collapse of the Russian Federation the most. It was funny news, but realistically most of these nations would not be able to stand in their own or evolve much. So no, I don’t think breaking Russia apart would be a good move.

    Side note, what is that USA copycat flag. What. Is. That.

  7. Yeah, it’s not like ethnic Russians are the majority of population in almost all of the areas listed here as proposed “free nations”.

    Also, what skulls are we talking about here, exactly – the minority populations in Russia still exist, and from what I’ve seen, they’re also largely Putin sycophants that view the West as the Satanic empire. If we want a future solution for the Russian threat, let’s talk rational proposals, and not LARP Civ scenarios.

  8. Is there any info or polling on how popular these groups (independence activists) are within their regions/ethnic groups? Because this seems very fringe but reddit popular.

  9. Why does Siberia belong to the USA here? Because they love oil? Ethnic russians more than 80% of the population.

  10. Not realistic and not needed. Russians living in the west are very close culturally to Russians in the east. The difference in accents is nothing compared to accent differences in the USA states, or in Germany, or in the UK. The Putin’s rule will end sooner or later, and all our internal problems will be discussed freely.

    And if you worried about the size: look how tiny the Gaza Strip is, and what horrible things they can do. It’s not about the size of the country.

  11. I love how r/europe has turned out to one.of the most opened racist,xenophopic and hatefuo subreddits on reddit while claiming to be politically correct. We truly live in such strange times.

  12. This map makes zero sense, why are even ethnic Russian areas divided by what i assume are some medieval princedoms that haven’t existed since the 14th century? Maybe we should divide France into the duchy of Paris, duchy of Burgundy, duchy of Normandy etc.


    And why is there a giant USA blob in the middle of Siberia?

  13. All this does is pour water on Russian propaganda. Nobody wants to deal with a bunch of unstable new states with inherited Nukes (even if there is a pretty big chance most of em don’t work anymore). And certainly nobody wants to deal with the bullshit of trying to occupy Russia.

  14. It might be a pipe dream, but ultimately, something everyone in the world should wish for.

    Hear me out:

    In its current state, Russia is a threat not just to its neighbours, but to the whole world, through its nuclear arms and hostile foreign policy.

    Without Siberia and Tatarstan’s oil and Yakutia’s diamonds, Moscow has a tiny economy. In order to keep those regions docile and together, **Moscow must start wars**. War rallies the population, justifies shitty standard of living and repressions against opposition, and disposes of unnecessary unemployed men who otherwise could cause trouble. As a bonus, you get further ethnic cleansing as you mobilize minorities. Moscow’s neighbours and the entire world will never be safe.

    But were those regions suddenly to stop sending massive amounts of money to Moscow, it would become something like Ukraine in the 90s. With high levels of poverty and impending hunger, it would have to give up the nukes in exchange for food and security “assurances” from the US, EU and China.

  15. USA is the evil empire, Great Britain was and still is a very evil empire. Portugal and Spain ? The same. China? The same. What about the Roman Empire? The same.

    When you read history books about the “great” nations, kingdoms and empires – they have stepped into the greatness by being evil.

  16. People outside of Russia tend to absolutely not understand national minorities by either forgetting them or overrepresenting their influence without any knowledge of their culture

  17. Split it. Perfect scenario for me: The nukes will get bought up immediately and completely by US and European countries + St. Petersburg and Leningrad oblast become Novgorod and join the EU.

    One can dream ok???

  18. Wow, russia must be actually scared of this, judging by the amount of russian trolls in the comments trying to explain why this simultaneously would never happen, and would be “worse for everyone” if it happened.

  19. This subreddit has produced quite a lot of crap but this is on par with the most outrageous romanian nationalistic gipsy propaganda that is usually shown here.

  20. Would love to see the balkanization of Russia. The ‘normal’ countries could eventually even join EU, Schengen, NATO, etc.

  21. this map is bullshit, and “Free Nations of Post Russia” forum in Berlin has very small support even among opposition

    why they coloured not onlu national republic, but even old russian regions?

  22. Russian here.

    In fact, these people do not decide anything and do nothing on their Telegram channel except write endless posts about how “Russia will fall”

    The collapse of Russia will not help, since people will not change their mentality from Russian to the conditional “Pskov” or Siberian one. In Russia, 81 percent are Russian, and the second largest nationality, the Tatars, occupy only ≈ 4 percent

    It is much easier to democratize Russia than to convince the majority of Russians that they are not them and they should live separately.

  23. This is ridiculous, but it has surprised me that the West hasn’t stoked up rebels in Chechnya or Dagestan of late. Would be a fitting distraction.

    Perhaps we’ve learned our lesson, it does come back and bite us 90% of the time.

  24. Some regions could be integrated into the EU, or even a future federal Europe. Others could have good relations but not integrated. I think it has to be looked at on a case-by-case basis. But it’s good that EU at least begins to project soft power across the regions. Kremlin continues to use the resources it stole from locals to fuel its expansion. It is time to break the cycle. Bypass Putin and build new partnerships

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