Press Preview: Tuesday’s papers

Press Preview: Tuesday’s papers

Hello there you’re watching the Press preview a first look at what’s on the front pages as they arrive in the next half an hour we’ll see what’s making headlines with the Barrister and futurist Andrew eborn and the writer and broadcaster Amy Nel Turner so let’s take

A look at what’s on some of the front pages king of Peace says the Daily Mirror after the Monarch called for tolerance and respect between faiths in his Christmas message The Daily Mail leads with a similar headline the king’s Christmas plea for peace the sun leads with All Is Forgiven as Sarah Ferguson

Makes her first appearance at the Royal Family’s Christmas day service in decades The Daily Express claims experts are warning the bank of England need to cut interest rates quickly to Kickstart the economy according to the times the labor party are plotting an alternative to the conservative Rwanda Asylum plan

Plan while the Daily Telegraph is critical of what it’s calling a postcode lottery for the availability of menopause drugs the guardian has an exclusive saying government policy to deal with childhood obesity is leading to a child health time bomb and the Daily Star focused their front page on rats who’ve

Been eating cars in a record rise in uh crit damage and to Remind You by scanning the QR code you see on screen during the program you can check out the front page of tomorrow’s papers while you watch along with us so we’re joined by Andrew

Ebor and Amy Nel Turner Andrew Amy thank you very much for being with us Merry Christmas merry Chistmas did you have a great day absolutely I love everyday’s Christmas for us and everyone ate well and was merry all the time now we’re much I can’t move out this dress anymore

Both fantastic let’s crack straight on and we’ll go with the Daily Mirror we’re going to go to the inside page to start with this and this is all about the king’s Christmas message fantastic a time to unite and what a great message message it was too what I love is that

Families gathering around the television at Christmas time that’s what you want 3:00 everybody was around there hoping for this message of Hope and that’s what he delivered and he talked about this sort of divided age that we live in with war raging all over the place and it is

Absolutely a time to unite he also touched on not just the plea for peace as War rages but he hails uh the volunteers in climate change fight as well and there are a few extra Royals who we haven’t seen for a little while uh who who joined in as well with uh the

The the service at Sand was it Megan could it wasn’t Megan we’ll get on to that guys in mon whereever they are Andrew you are the eternal optimist you really are cuz I saw things a bit differently actually so Charles uh credited our imaginative ways of caring

For each other which I thought was a very festive and creative way of talking about the cost of living crisis now it’s all very well a monarch in his castle talking about the imaginative ways we look after each other but we need to remember that this Christmas

Half a million kids didn’t have a bed I don’t like that imaginative way I think that’s too much actually one in seven kids didn’t have a present this morning so I hope he’ll use a bit more of this soft power to prod the politicians take notice of these statistics rather than

Just coming out with these fluffy pretty Words which are all well and good but they’re not helping these kids and you’re absolutely right you have to recognize that at this time of you while we’re all having lots of fun there’s complete antithesis where people are having misery and it can be incredibly

Lonely time he does talk it was was a message of Hope and I don’t think he did forget that and to be fair to him I did he he turned around and say look do unto others as you would have done unto yourself you talking about chran message

But the question is whether or not that message is getting through and you know you talk about it being a time for us all to kind of sit around the television and watch it I wonder how important that message is in 2023 right now I think

That if you if you know you’re living through an ERA with the greatest inequality since the Victorian era then some fluffy words off of a king is not really going to do do much to to give you much faith I know that’s that’s Grinchy isn’t it no but it’s important

To call it out I think you have to say that sort of side and but also what I do love and the reason about uniting people around a television set is what happens now is people are divided they’re all in their own screens you tend not to have

Those water caller moments where you would just all watch one particular television program so I do think from that point of view those who have a television set you can unite on that sort of basis but it is absolutely right Amy to call out the other side as well I

Think something important that he did address was his call for peace so he joined Justin WBY and the Archbishop um sorry the the Pope in in saying No this situation the conflicts across the world we’ve got in the greatest time of conflict um but ju deposed with what

Netanyahu said today who you know vowing to intensify the campaign in the Middle East and I think something that everyone can agree with is that that’s not the approach this military solution that he’s gunning for is is never going to work we need politics we need diplomacy

So I think all of the sentiments through throughout all the Christmas speeches from all of the leaders have been just find a solution that doesn’t involve all this violence that we’re seeing and is a solution for not days not months but years and that’s what every pushing and

Surely history has taught us that no amount of military force ever solves anything yeah absolutely all right let’s move on to the front of the of the male and their headline of course is about the king’s uh Speech but I do want to have a quick conversation with you about

The Royals who turned up at sandam and we saw as we’ve been saying the first time in Mel says 32 years say 32 years yes amazing I have to say how I it’s glorious that she was there 32 years all about United and and it does beg the

Question about his other son and and Megan and so on and so forth but the picture I have to say that the male pic of Fergie I mean she looks like she’s almost falling over such a mean picture it’s very strange that they decided to do this you know they’ve been doing this

Her whole life precisely generation you don’t really know who Fergy is and how they’re going to try and this is the first time they see Fergie if 32s so anybody who’s under the age of 32 she you know Fergy can teach all the Royals a lesson that you can do some seriously

Embarrassing stuff and they get welcome back into into the fold things like wait watch’s campaign children’s books do remember all those she did budging the helicopter that wasn’t embarrassing BD the helicopter the helicop was very good kid but she was also offered because there were financial difficulties and so

On and so forth she’s also apparently been offered to go into Celebrity Big half a half a mill a third of what don’t you think it’s it shows people are like oh Megan’s hanging a dirty laundry out well Fergie did that and and then 10 times again and then came back so is

That then the there the is the door opening then to Harry and Megan to come back I think it would be open I think that’s the message here any father would want to be reunited with his child if he could be and I’m sure it’s probably devastating for both sides to be fair

And it’s been a miserable year I think for both sides and I’m probably one of the few people in the world who speaks up for Harry because I think it’s good to look at some of the positive things the things he does like in Victor

Schames and so on and so forth but it’s been there been all sorts of fights with the Press there’s been fights with his father more and more revelations in all these different books from Scooby-Doo to you know the other his name I know the the end game and all that sort of stuff

Um I think we need to look at the sort of stuff we’re fractured Society where Give Peace a chance let’s make sure we get reunited but reaching out a father and a son would be a great reun you are an optimist I like it beautiful all right well let’s talk

About optimism and the government are very optimistic they’re going to get a flight off to Rwanda but the Lor party planned something else we’re going to move we’re going to skip over this actually go straight to the front of the times um let’s have a look at that if we

Can the uh times suggesting the labor party have got an alternative Rwanda Asylum plan interesting reporting just take us through what it is yeah it is interesting and and I went to the World Travel Market fairly recently where Rwanda had a stand of all places as

Indeed did Wuhan um so they was showing off all the bits of pie what they’re saying is they’re going to have a completely different scheme which is they’re going to say it’s going to be legally water type I think that’s what every’s trying to do uh and basically

He’s going to clarify his vision starma next week but it’s actually David blankit all the way back in the 2000s who prepared uh basically he was talking about Tanzania uh to to basically process is going to continue that’s the thing about but no it’s it’s so different to a rander idea the idea

Isn’t that you’re processed and you live in another country it’s that there it’s to stop people crossing the channel so if you can process people in a country nearer to where they’re leaving and then that their fate is determined there it means they don’t have to make that

Journey across the channel it doesn’t mean they’re going to stay in that country and it doesn’t mean we’re going to give the country 300 million pound and they never actually do it 260 or something like that I mean approaching 300 million the point of it as the

Article tells us is the L party needs to try start appearing tough on immigration because that’s the thing election looming very soon the whole thing about K he’s weak on immigration that they’re trying to counteract that but they always have to turn around and say what

Is the plan the devil is in the detail they’re being careful to be cost effective and realistic about a proposal that isn’t a pie in the sky we’re going to take off 200 people to around to bring 200 people back and then what this sounds like it could have the the the

Idea that Blair originally had about Tanzania it was it was mis it was it was seen at the time as an international trade in displaced people but it wasn’t that at all it was safer it was much safer to process people in a nearby country and then those successful

Applicants would come and live and start a new life in the of the details in this as well this plan that if you were successful come to the UK where will have you and they got leaders in Austria Germany Italy and de they all said they’re exploring proposals to process

Asylum claims outside the EU so if we’re going to have a concerted effort maybe that’s the sort of why to sort of start looking at things in a practical way I mean I suppose it speaks to that that point there speaks to Europe trying to come up with some kind of solution to

Deal with the issues of immigration and Asylum all right let’s uh take a look if we can and my direct is going to shout to me here but I want to want to take a we’re not going to look at the sun we’re going to look at the Daily Mirror if we

Can yes we are and this yes exactly and these are some Ukrainian refugees I believe there we go let’s take a a quick look at that cuz this is ukrainians who have of course who are here uh as part of the relocation scheme who are now enjoying Christmas and they celebrate Christmas

On the 25th for the first time thank God there are some good people in the world is the is the headline on on that sort of side and they’re praising UK Ukrainian refugees appraising UK families for their support and part of my extended family some of my siblings

Have had ukrainians with them as well it’s been a very interesting exchange of views and welcome people in and I think until you can personify exactly when you’ve been uprooted from your home you don’t really appreciate just how much there is a strange going to back door

What you were saying is you’re looking in that sort of side so I think thank goodness you’ve got this as soon as you put some of these glorious pictures on here of the happier faces as out of what’s happening but without forgetting the horrible tragedy that they’re coming

From and it’s also a good reminder because we need to keep Ukraine on the front page we don’t need to keep it in the papers we need to keep it in people’s Consciousness because otherwise we risk that war fatigue creeping in people wondering why so much money to

Ukraine and things like this pictures like this that remind you why it’s so important it was a remarkable thing was it people open their homes oh I love it you said extended family had it yes absolutely so so part of my extended family have my siblings one of my

Siblings has taken on Ukrainian uh people which is lovely uh a lady and her two children I I won’t give further details um but a really they s going to absolutely so which is lovely so there are good stories there but behind all of that there is that tragedy I think

Especially at this time of year thank God there are people but it’s all also important the news cycle doesn’t move on because you’re right we tend to shine a spotlight on one thing and then something else happens we forget it let’s not forget it and it is

Interesting that they turn the nose up to the Russian because ordinarily in Ukraine you celebrate Christmas the first week of January this is the first year that the ukrainians are celebrating today indicating they want to celebrate with us rather than I think they’ve been making that point for quite a long time

After this side all right Andrew Amy thank you very much for that we’re going to have plenty more papers after the break do stay with us Hello there and welcome back you’re watching the Press preview with us are Andrew eborn and Amy Nel Turner let’s carry on talking through some of the front page we going to go to the guardian now for our final segment and there’s a there’s a brilliant picture Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Dip what I love at this time of the year is so you would think about that and and occasionally it is incredibly cold they don’t look very happy well some of them don’t many wet suit like Duck Fat to kind of protect the skin they seem to be

I mean cracking on but I have to say it’s a lot warmer today than it has been it’s supposed to be like the hottest Christmas on record don’t take it away from them though they’ve done a very brave thing there it still looks freezing doesn’t it I mean that’s the

Open Water as well some of people been swimming in the serpentine in in hide park I think people swim up in the pond as well up in um Open Water Swimming I guess at this time of year is is very popular I I grew up on the south coast near at a little

Place called bralan Bay that we had the sea and people would run into the sea on you as that so this looks cold I brave enough to do that because I can almost see the endorphin rush that she’ll get immediately afterwards but I just can’t quite bring myself to although they’re

Probably doing this every year this year the fact that it’s been so warm has been quite strange I mean the Met Office records have been broken it was a bizarrely warm day to incredible that’s what they’re saying is that one of the it is the hottest but there’s been snow

Apparently in Scotland yeah well do you know how it’s it’s decided that it’s a white Christmas has to fall near a Met Office weather station so you got one on top of a mountain in Scotland then you get white Christmas oh well that’s good that’s good to know for future bets that

You can have your white christm I’m going to bet the highest possible Mountain probably get it guaranteed I think it should be when you wake up in the morning in London if you can see snow then it’s a white Christmas it is lovely it I don’t don’t remember that

Happening in the last few years we’ve had a bit had one or two white Christmases in my life but I’ve definitely had more along the muggy lines of today yeah it was uncomfortably warm wasn’t it and I think it bodess not too well for future future Christmases

Are being super warm and since records be imagine what’s going to happen in the summer then if we’re hot already on December the 25th it’s the threat of climate change isn’t I think that’s the thing that people most concerned about yeah I think that was good because today

King Charles made that big focal part of his speech and again I thought he was throwing a little bit of shade at the government there in his own soft power way to say never complain never explain it’s we need to do something about this it’s also it’s I think it’s the second

Most um important thing to voters at the moment just after Healthcare and our government you would never imagine that was the case so I think it was good to be reminded of that and it’s it’s funny the way he reminded as well almost as if people have caught up because you’ll

Know Prince Charles has been talking about environmentalism his as he mentioned his entire career his entire life people thought in the ‘ 80s that he was a bit sort ofish and what I do love people should do about not just recycling their Christmas trees but looking at the idea of

Replanting them and there’s now a policy that you can rent Christmas trees if you want to so which is great so you can basically rent them different companies do this so you can rent them for the season then they go back and get planted in the ground and grow a bit further

Well they’re farmed so I don’t feel that bad about cutting them down you a real Christmas tree kind of person I’ve got four cats a so that means no don’t it me any Christmas tree just gets UT put them on thee they enjoy in it

Is I just have a new one every year because they just absolutely ruin anyone that is not good cular economy no exactly I I like the idea the first artificial Christmas trees some of them used to be made from goose feathers and they used to dye them green which

Endless I I know it all more amazing facts coming from thank Andre thank you very much

We take a first look at tomorrow’s front pages with barrister and futurist, Andrew Eborn and writer and broadcaster, Amy Nickell-Turner.

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  1. Whatever Charles might be (as a person) as KING he has to speak to values which in his own person in the past he might have failed to uphold, or exemplify. What might have served him better, in speaking of values as the King, is some acknowledgement of the personal failure to adhere to some.

  2. Charlie didn't go as far as calling for a ceasefire then? Just peace, any peace in particular? As head of the church of England and supposed Christian he should condemning Israeli government actions in Gaza.

  3. Since weeks ago , i , Miloลกeviฤ‡ S B , while listening a Music Poppihola , i saw on MTV Base in 2009 , i imadgine at those moments that i have the soupport of the Church of England . ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง

  4. For us prople from Eastern Europr , Russia , Serbia , etc … The church of england is something unknow , so powerfull . ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง

  5. ใ‚„ใฃใจ็ซๆ˜ŸใŒๅ†ทใˆใŸ๏ผใ‚ใจๆฐดใ ใ‘ใ ใ‹ใ‚‰ใ€ไบบ็จฎๅทฎๅˆฅใ‚„ใ„ใ˜ใ‚ใŒใ‚ใ‚‹ใ“ใ‚“ใชๆƒ‘ๆ˜Ÿ็ ดๆฃ„็”ณใ—่จณใชใ„

  6. Ha ha king of peace, what a joke it is with the wealthy taking from the poorest, letting governments lie, kill the old and create wars, not even a squeak when his mother sat alone while government party ? King – not of the poor but of the taker. I love the red bull advert -which shows his reindeer become unemployed much like AI ?? And we get the joke and laugh,,, BUT will not when it's our job lost ??

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