Inside one of Hamas’ ‘largest tunnels’ in Gaza

Inside one of Hamas’ ‘largest tunnels’ in Gaza

We are in a tunnel just inside gazer on the other side of the Ares border crossing and you can see how large this tunnel is uh it’s quite a meter or so above me it’s wide enough to fit a vehicle through here it’s been built in an incredibly sophisticated fashion it

Has cement uh reinforced on the sides there are electricity cables a pipe running through all the way even a railway track small one from the top end of this tunnel apparently ran for a couple of miles into the center of Gaza City now Israel says that its war

Against Hamas will continue until the group is defeated and the tunnel Network infrastructure is utterly destroyed but there have been numerous wars in the past before with the stated aim of destroying the tunnels and it hasn’t happened but it is an incredibly difficult thing to do as well these

Tunnels run all over Gaza the Gaza Strip is ridden with them it’s estimated there could be up to 300 uh kilometers or 150 miles of tunnels and Hamas has dug in they have been building and preparing these Tunnels for years so the Israeli forces say they’re still in the early

Stages of uncovering just how complex the tunnel network is and many of them actually run for more than one level so there’ll be an up level and then dozens of meters deeper underground a second level they also Branch off into various areas and different rooms and headquarters so a lot of the

Infrastructure is still being discovered

Sky’s correspondent Nicole Johnston has been shown what the Israel Defence Forces says is the largest Hamas tunnel it has discovered in Gaza.

The IDF has given a media tour of the tunnel which is just a few hundred metres from the Erez border crossing with Israel. It says it runs 2 miles into the city.

The tunnel has electricity and is large enough to fit a car through with a railway track at its entrance.

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  1. The IDF are intent on reporting about Hamas' tunnels. So what, they have been known about for years. Ross Kemp Extreme World for Sky TV was in the tunnels FOURTEEN YEARS AGO in November 2009. The programme was transmitted in Jan 2010 and can be found here on YouTube.

    Egypt flooded the smuggling tunnels to Gaza in 2013, 2015 and 2017.

  2. This is not the largest Hamas tunnel, but rather just a tunnel that is out of service, because the most important tunnels contain weapons and commanders, and they reach a depth of 500 meters.

  3. This is not the largest Hamas tunnel, but rather just a tunnel that is out of service, because the most important tunnels contain weapons and commanders, and they reach a depth of 500 meters.

  4. The Jesuit Order, Skull & Bones Society and The Knights of Malta

    three supervillain teams controlling the world through the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organisation, the Tavistock Institute and BlackRock.

  5. An Israeli military official, Col. Nof Erez, has stated that “the Hannibal directive was apparently applied”. He called the Israeli air strikes on October 7th “A MASS HANNIBAL”.

    October 7th resulted in the deaths of an alleged "1,400" Israelis, so far only 683 confirmed and verified Israelis died that day. The IDF is clearly responsible for a lot of those deaths.

    Haaretz has reported that police investigators concluded that “an IDF combat helicopter that arrived at the scene and fired at terrorists there apparently also hit some festival participants”.

    In a video released by the Israeli military, Apache helicopters are shown randomly firing missiles at cars leaving the area, presumably on the assumption that they contained Hamas fighters trying to smuggle hostages back into Gaza.

    The Ynet news website cited an Israeli air force assessment of its two dozen attack helicopters in the skies above the Nova festival:

    “It was very difficult to distinguish between terrorists and Israeli soldiers or civilians.” Nonetheless, pilots were instructed “to shoot at everything they see in the area of the fence” with Gaza.
    “Only at a certain point did the pilots begin to slow their attacks and carefully choose the targets,” the outlet reported.

    Another Israeli publication, Mako, noted that

    “there was almost no intelligence to assist in making fateful decisions”, adding that the pilots “emptied the ‘belly of the helicopter’ in minutes, flew to re-arm and returned to the air, again and again”.

    In another Mako report, the commander of an Apache unit is quoted stating:

    “Shooting at people in our territory – this is something I never thought I would do.” Another pilot recalled of the attack: “I find myself in a dilemma as to what to shoot at.” 

    The Hannibal-protocol, no negotiations needed, dead men tell no tales…

  6. I don’t think anything wrong with gazans building tunnels for their own military purpose. They are not allowed to have mass destruction weapons, like every other country, so why not built a tunnels.
    Very sophisticated of them.

  7. Inilah mengapa Teroris Hamas harus di bersihkan oleh Israel karena Teroris Hamas memang telah merencanakan jaringan terowongan untuk melakuk teror perang terhadap Israel, karena itu saat ini momentum terbalik Israel melakukan tindakan cepat dalam memutuskan dan menghancurkan semua rencana besar teroris Hamas di Gasa.

  8. Meanwhile in Ukraine.
    Satellite images confirmed that 2 Russian ships was sunk.
    After their visit from storm shadow.

    Anyone example of why it’s beneficial to use alternative media 😊

  9. this is a joke, they are always happy when they find a Hamas tunnel even though there are no Hamas members there 😛
    They were never able to find the location of the hostages and the real Hamas tunnels. this is sad 🤣

  10. It's just a shame that the Palestinians feel the need to build these tunnels in their own Country. But that's what happens when your cage in and persecute an entire population. Shame on Israel and shame on their sponsors. Namely, America and Britain.

  11. This idf approved reporting is really ridiculous. It is pure propaganda. How do we know that is even a tunnel? Or that it is where they say it it? Or that the israelis didn't build it themselves? We cannot trust the israelis they have been proven to have been lying repeatedly and none of their "evidence" is reliable since it cannot be corroborated by any reliable and trustworthy sources because the Israeli's won't allow it to be confirmed. Which proves they are lying again.

  12. Under international law and UN charter Gazan have the right to resist evil uccupation, blockage and genocide with all measures neccessary and the right to build tunnel in their land …leve leve palestina

  13. It is good to see where all the money being directed, basically infrastructure projects while the general population suffer. If only they directed that effort into peace and improving the lives of normal people above the tunnels, but they were never going to do that. Seems like a lot of wasted effort, money and resources now they have been discovered that could have done so much good.

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