Wild environment: hotter planet causing ‘chaos’ to UK wildlife

Wild environment: hotter planet causing ‘chaos’ to UK wildlife

A tidal island off the coast of Essex an experiment to manage climate breakdown and reverse habitat loss by rejuvenating ancient salt marshes Nature’s Miracle that traps huge amounts of carbon and as the daily tide floods and recedes deposits vital nutrients for fragile plants insects and migrating birds climate change is impacting this island

And the whole Ester and and that’s your your measuring that you’re you you are seeing that it’s already happening it’s already happening yeah absolutely and and part of our plan for North the Ireland is looking 100 years into the future so it’s a 100-year defense plan effectively to help adapt and protect

The important habitats that we find on this island The National Trust annual weather and Wildlife review makes Grim reading for the UK over the last 20 years temperature records have soared 2022 was Britain’s hottest ever the Mercury’s predicted to keep rising and our green and pleasant land lands are

Struggling of 39 globally recognized biodiversity measures 10 are flatlining 13 are getting better but 14 are getting worse Nature’s out of sync for example take the UK’s salt marshes like those found in Essex 85% have gone our hotter climate means pests Thrive and spread disease like the oak processionary moth

Which is migrating North and in Exmore Red Deer are giving birth later which means carves don’t have time to build fat for winter back on the Essex Coast how to tackle the Dual challenge of climate breakdown and nature loss so what we’ve done here is actually we’ve

Moved the entire ditch line in about 10 m and reile the seaw wall The National Trust engineered a hole in the seaw wall and invited nature back in to do its best we’re already seeing those salt loving plants those halites in and amongst this field um that have come in

Naturally we haven’t seeded anything we’ve just allowed the water to do its thing and it’s only taken 7 months for you to notice a significant difference oh absolutely less than that even we did a fish survey through this Creek System just here uh at the beginning of September so we were seeing Nursery

Stocks of fish um things like bass uh were coming right the way up far more than we thought they were going to be far more a really good sign good for wildlife good for carbon right so this is some of the golden sandfire just down

Here and the more of this kind of thick verdant layered vegetation the better this environment is at Carbon capture absolutely yeah um and better as a habitat overall as well from Salt marshes to reintroduction of beavers there are solutions Following last year’s Global biodiversity conference the UK agreed to Halt the decline in

Wildlife by 2030 to make your species at 10% more abundant by 2042 the causes of nature loss not just climate breakdown but urban sprawl industrialized Agriculture and pollution the government’s been warned by its own nature advisor it won’t meet its own targets the UK recovery strategies are detailed in the recent environment act

And Improvement plans in some ways the UK actually leads the world with the environment act so now are we using it properly well you know it’s it’s early days essentially you know government’s job is to create that framework of incentive and regulation but actually it is also the responsibility of businesses um

Individuals and communities then to work within that framework so biodiversity restoration actually a responsibility lies with all of us and at the heart of this commitments to protect 30% of land in England by the end of the decade and the search for innovative nature-based Solutions the Glorious mud of northy

Island May well be teaching us a lesson or two

The disappearance of reliable seasonal weather patterns is causing chaos for the flora and fauna of the UK, according to the National Trust.
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Plants and wildlife are more susceptible to disease with the seasons disrupted, the trust says. There have been a series of temperature records this year, with the warmest June and highest UK sea temperatures ever recorded – as Keme Nzerem reports.
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  1. We've been cooling down for the last 9 years, the same as the other planets in our solar system, it's controlled by our sun. We enter and exit ice ages naturally. Our poor weather is created by our government's. 75 years Weather modification and Geo-engineering, all documents are on the UK Governments website. Channel 4 news is lying to you, we're not warming up and humans are not the cause of any CO2 issues, in fact our CO2 levels today are dangerously too low. Do your own research and question everything the so-called government's tell you.

  2. Anyone else noticed the radical decline in insects, for all this year ?. This leads to a radical decline in birds and other animals. As a life long biker, I have not had to wash off splattered insects from the motorcycle for the last five years., even riding in very hot weather. Could the moron's feel free to comment that this is all a normal earth cycle, eat your heart out.

  3. Once the establishment get you in smart cities they will unleash a carbon tax on your digital money..welcome to your new dystopian future.
    Mother nature is more than capable of looking after herself and us..don't listen to climate doom nonsense

  4. No birds. It's like the sky is dead. Same in the summer.
    I wondered whether too many radio waves were harming the lower atmospheres ability to harbour life.

    I'm 46. I remember the skies full of birds… now nothing. It's like a baron desert.

    Breaks my heart. And no one around me seems to notice or care… just indifference/ignorance.

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