Death toll rises to 198 in Nigeria as survivors begin to bury the dead • FRANCE 24 English

Death toll rises to 198 in Nigeria as survivors begin to bury the dead • FRANCE 24 English

Hello and welcome to ion Africa I’m Clarice forun our top stories a death toll on a rise in Nigeria nearly 200 villagers were killed last weekend in a series of attacks across Plateau State several people wounded in DRC in a ban protest five candidates are calling for rerun of last week’s national

Elections and what happened this year in the world of technology on the continent our special year in review for 2023 continues the death toll has now climbed to almost 200 people after a series of attack on villages in central Nigeria the majority was killed in BOS in Plateau State last weekend president

Boled ubu have condemned the killings meanwhile survivors have begun to bury the dead cloner it’s a community in morning on Tuesday the villagers of manga in central Nigeria held a mass funeral for their loved ones who were killed during attacks across the plateau State there are many people that were killed slauter like

Animals in a they cold blooded some are in their house some are even outside uh today we buried about 150 all over in the zone local officials say military gangs launched attacks in not fewer than 20 different communities across the region the death toll is likely to rise with more than 500 people

Injured and several missing according to the commander for the Nigerian Army in the plateau State security services were caught unawares I thought we had been able to understand each other and we have achieved peace on the plat we have started receiving commendations but the devil’s work that happened on the eve of

Christmas cannot be explained because it is unprovoked we were northwest and central Nigeria have long been the scenes of violence linked to Bandit militias and jihadist conflict tensions have also flared between nomadic herders and Farmers over competition for natural resources intensified by rapid population growth and climate pressures after the plateau State Governor

Condemned last weekend’s tragedy his office vowed to take proactive steps to curb attacks on civilians now to DRC one week after the elections took place clashes broke out today during a ban protest organized by the opposition Martin fulu and four other candidates are calling for the rerun of the general elections Maya

Yagen has more demonstrators throwing stones at police officers receiving tear gas and rubber bullets in return several people were wounded as authorities dispersed to protest held at the headquarters of Martin fulu one of the five opposition leaders who called on their supporters to March against last week’s election a vote they say

That was marred by several irregularities we said we protest to say no to this electoral robbery no to this sham of an election I’ve been telling you for a long time that Mr Kad expert in election monitoring Was preparing chaos here we are the initial plan was to March to the

Office of the national election commission but the government banned the protest on Tuesday saying it had no legal basis and was aimed at undermining the electoral process police claimed to have seen miners among the demonstrators and that the organizers of the March would be summoned for questioning some police officers were

Injured by Stone throwing and a few minors were injured by Stone throwing by Intruders which is exactly what we feared some RS groups and international observers have also questioned the vote saying it was illegally extended final results are expected before the turn of the year and in another news in brief at

Least 15 people died in a tank of truck accident the vehicle carrying gasoline exploded after a crash along a road in toota in bong County Police says at least 30 more people were injured as locals gathered at the scene at the moment of the explosion people were

Trying to get free gas from the tank still no sign of binas Faso for former foreign minister now opposition leader abl witho has been missing for 3 days after being taken away by people people who said they from the police his party F oton says he doesn’t know where

He is and he’s calling for his immediate release without conditions AAS wo has been critical of the military regime that’s been ruling Bina Faso since a coup late 2022 elections in Sagal are due to take place on February 2024 and 79 people have file their candidacy for the top

Job according to a local newspaper among the main favorites am current prime minister imprisoned opposition figure Usman sonko and former Dakar mayor khif pasal in inas current current president since 2012 makis is not seeking another term as we’re getting ready to say goodbye to 2023 we continue our year in

Review looking back at major events on the continent and Beyond today our focus is the world of science and technology I’m joined by now by Tony T he’s the CEO of Renewables in Africa Tony welcome and let’s start straight away with the latest big event cup 28 leaders agreed

On a transition away from fossil fuels so what does it mean for the continent especially for the countries producing fuels like Nigeria for example that’s a very good question uh and thank you for asking me the question and um cup 28 has just finished and one

Of the main issue was or the main actually outcome was this transition away from fossil fuel and this is actually quite interesting but also challenging for Africa and you mentioned about Nigeria because it’s one of the country that rely heavily on oil and gas Revenue right you need to know for

Example that Nigeria they taking 10% of the revenue from oil and gas and Al it represent Al 80% of the export which is $3 billion right Revenue so getting rid of that will not be easy yeah the same thing as well for Angola rely as well

Heavily on oil and gas so how could those countries manage the economic impact while accelerating the investment renewable is something that will be seen and I believe that’s one of the challenge that the country will be going for but definitely lots of opportunities so what about alternative we know that African

Countries are not the biggest Amer but some are making the biggest efforts so what countries can you give give us some some examples and what other Solutions have you found yeah that’s a very interesting question right because I can sing out a country like Kenya right so they’ve been

Making significant progress in terms of Renewables you need to know for example 90% of their electricity is coming from sources like geothermal solar wind and also Kenya interestingly so this year they organized the first Africa climate Summit right that was early I think was in September right where they brought

Together policy maker but also sustainability leaders to look at how can the the the continent Embrace energy transition and one of the key outcome that I can talk about is the Nairobi Declaration on on climate change which was signed by more than 30 countries in Africa which is really committing Africa

To pursue Renewables energy and also to commit as well to uh to to to energy transition and mobilizing more than $25 billion investment over the next five years so that is very interesting so yes so Kenya has been doing well but I can also mention Ethiopia doing a lot of

Effort but also Namibia pushing with green hydrogen so yes there’s some countes definitely making step forwards so what else happened in the world of innov on the continent we have some big brains on the continent thank you for asking me this question so I want to talk about free

Things if you allow me to to talk about it right so I want to talk about for example the growth of African startup so what is quite interesting that in 20121 we’ve seen a record investment of more than5 billion doll in African startup right and in 2022 just for the first

Nine months we already reached that figure so definitely the the total figure for 2022 is is higher and among those Investments so he actually gone through more than 12 uh 12 uh um startup that now are vary am more than1 billion do it means that there is a strong

Interest for Africa you know whether you talk about startup in fintech digital payment and also energy energy Tech you know like for example energy who uh bringing solar to uh to to businesses there’s a lot we can talk about and the second point I want to talk about here

It’s obviously the uh the launch of Africa green hydrogen alliances that was one of the key highlight of C cup 27 in Egypt if you remember so what it does very simple so take into account the uh the large resource of renewable energy that the country has and focusing that

Into producing green hydrogen in at scale so that’s the key that’s the key words here and you have country like Namibia South Africa Algeria joining that that was great and finally I want to talk about uh a startup that is based in France which is actually led by you

Know African diaspora which is called renew Tech which is actually showing that the continent can also be leading ping uh uh companies that actually moving towards uh hydrogen and what they doing they actually producing fuel cells with hydrogen that’s uh allowing the faster adoption by you know buses Maritime applications and those system

Are actually more effective they versatile but it also cost cost eff in so definitely want to look you want to look at Renew Tech that’s how they call but Tony we’ve also been talking a lot about artificial intelligence so is the continent also surfing on this trend well continent can’t be immune to

Artificial intelligent isn’t it right so everybody now is talking about that obviously you will you you you will see the same as well for Africa but it’s also fair to say that the maybe the the enthusiasm is a little bit more reduced because it’s also linked to how fast you

Have the coverage of internet in the continent having said that in banking for example you have some larger player that are utilizing our AI to have some automated credit uh credit risk that’s for that they they will look at for people that looking to borrow money so you have for example startup lenders

Like Fair money they are processing more than 1 million monthly loan applicationing using um intelligent algorithm and you also have other companies that are doing that for example in Rwanda you have Beil they using ai ai analytics to look at patient data to augment know doctor diagnostic so yes artificial intelligence is making

Good progress or B slightly slower compared to the rest of the world well to thank you from renewable energy thank you very much for your look around 2023 well that’s how we end this Edition thank you for watching Ion Africa more news to follow

In Nigeria, nearly 200 villagers were killed last week-end in a series of attacks across Plateau state. In DRC, several people were wounded in an opposition protest banned by the government: five candidates are calling for a re-run of last week’s national elections. And what happened this year in the world of technology, on the continent? Our special year in review for 2023 continues.

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