Israel warning to Hezbollah as it keeps up heavy Gaza attacks

Israel warning to Hezbollah as it keeps up heavy Gaza attacks

The motorway brought to a standstill today as yet more rocket warning sirens rang out in Northern Israel here the Israeli military say they intercepted an armed drone from Lebanon trading fire and threats is on the rise Israeli war planes struck alleged Hezbollah sites over the border

And a new Daily Record was set by the milit group an ally of Hamas the highest number of crossborder attacks on Israel since October 7th and a new warning from Israel that patience for that is running out the situation on Israel’s northern border demands change the stopwatch for

A diplomatic solution is running out if the world and the Lebanese government don’t act in order to prevent the firing on Israel’s Northern residents and to distance Hezbollah from the border the IDF will do it but Lebanon has no government and with every Hezbollah death Defiance grows anger is passed through the

Generations the dead Fighter’s brother drapes himself across his Coffin Israel’s warning is also for these streets where hundreds attended another funeral today in Iran’s Capital the supreme leader LED prayers for a senior revolutionary guards officer killed in an alleged Israeli air strike in Syria Iran is vowing Revenge I am your opponent is printed on the flags in Hebrew and Persian the

Iran-backed Shiite group Hezbollah is Tan’s most lethal export and the Israelis believed the general killed was involved in supplying weapons to the Lebanese group another sign the conflict in Gaza is starting to spread does the isi military have the capacity for a wider operation in the north right

Now right now no Israel should as soon as possible uh must create a real threat against the kisala and the northern front that’s the isra really in my point that should be the Israeli uh Target right now so I would say that within two or three weeks we supposed to see on the

Northern front um a few Israeli division that actually we maneuver them from Gaza also today a rare apology from the Israeli military that this strike on December 24th was a mistake over 80 people were killed in the magazi refugee camp in central Gaza the idea DF say they could have avoided the extensive

Collateral damage here with a different munition residents say they found their families in pieces Israel has stepped up its ground war in Gaza and don’t its people know it over 200 Palestinians killed in just the past 24 hours according to the Hamas run Health Ministry many of them women and

Children when the October th attacks happened Israeli forces were already overstretched by violence in the occupied West Bank an escalation in the north would come with tough choices

A key member of Israel’s war cabinet has warned the country could intensify military action along the border with Lebanon, if Hezbollah attacks on Israeli territory continue.

At the same time, Israel has kept up its heavy bombardment across Gaza. The Hamas run health ministry says 210 people have been killed in the last 24 hours.

Emily Wither reports.
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  1. Isreal your god Moloch demands more of your children. Revelation 3:9 – Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you.

  2. Its been reported that 52,000 Christans been k1llled in Nigeria for the past 8 years, last dec 160 christans k1lled mulim fulani tribes but this new hardly made into mainstream media they all must with Fakestin propaganda, when a Palestine farts that would make headlines in every media sadly other don't have that luxurious Palestin have.

  3. 'benny gantz', lol. He is, without doubt, the mustachio man reincarnated. With his vile, genocidal rhetoric against Palestinians he needed, as well as all of his 'peers' in government, locking up decades ago.

  4. With the U.S war on terror failures. Israel is between a rock and a hard place , with it's current Governments actions , yet how many lives will be lost before the U.S pulls the plug on another failed consequence of its foreign policies ? How many more Nationalists and Religious nut jobs will get to forward their dreams of murdering those they don't get along with ? As faith in Islam is being as force for peace fades , the jackboots of the fascists stomp on to create more hate? Lots of false lies and people are being killed in large amounts . Gods of sheep and goats , does it matter which when the nukes fall ? Or just God's will again ?

  5. Poland, Ukraine and NATO helped America in the war in Iraq. an illegal criminal war. Ukraine and Israel also helped Azerbaijan army to fight against Armenia.
    So, now these fascists been attacked.

  6. So, the Western civilized democratic nations support genocides and endless wars.All these wars around the world are caused by the Europeans and Americans, The so called civilized Nations.

  7. Israel was founded through Rothschild colonization project. It was originally called, the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association which was established in 1924. It played a major role in building Jewish settlement in Palestine and later the State of Israel until the association disbanded in 1957.

    The Jewish Colonization Association (JCA or ICA) was founded by Bavarian philanthropist Baron Maurice de Hirsch in 1891 to help Jews from Russia and Romania to settle in Argentina. Baron de Hirsch died in 1896 and thereafter the JCA began to also assist the Jewish settlement in Palestine. At the end of 1899 Edmond James de Rothschild transferred title to his colonies in Palestine, plus fifteen million francs to the JCA. In 1924, the JCA branch dealing with colonies in Palestine was reorganized by BARON De ROTHSCHILD as the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association, under the direction of his son James Armand De ROTHSCHILD.

    After the 1929 Palestine riots, PICA helped to rehabilitate agricultural colonies that had been damaged. You just never learn you Illegal Settlers in this land you caused this decades ago and now you see this enough of killings and throwing people out of their houses in West bank and attacking with vigilante groups of Zionists your time is coming … Stop now and seek Peace ..

  8. Hamas was hiding in tunnels as Israel was bombing. All Israel managed to do was kill 20 000 civilians and made the rest homeless as tunnels remained intact. That would be a war crime. That was intent or Netanyahu and his party which is a war crime.
    What about Israeli settler massacres that have ramped up since Hamas attack. More than 300 Palestinians have been massacred since Hamas attack.

  9. IN THE BIBle In zephaniah2 it says seek yah and you may be hidden of his anger and says Gaza shall be forsaken and ashkelln a desolation they shall drive out Ashdod at noon and eqron shall be rooted up whoa to the inhabitants of the sea coast oh kenan the land of the Pelishitym I will even destroy you that there shall be NO inhabitant sea coast shall be dwellings for sheppards and flocks the sea coast shall be for the remnant of Judah ! Zephaniah chapter2 praise and pray for Isreal the beloved of God he will always protect them ! Pray for them as he blesses those nations who blesses them . Also read psalm 24-30 could they be about 2024-30

  10. The Zionazis turned Gaza into Auschwitz 2.0, Führer Netanyahu's "Endlösung der Palästinenserfrage". The Nazis did to Jews in death-camps, what the Zionazis are doing to Palestinians in extermination-camp Gaza. Palestinians are Semites, "Japhetite" Netanyahu is committing genocide on the Semitic Palestinians, tell me, who is the real Anti-Semite? Yet another Holocaust in the making, nobody should ever talk about the Holocaust inflicted by Nazi Germany on the Jews ever again…..

  11. Israel funded Hamas in the hope that by sustaining Hamas in Gaza it would widen the split between Gaza and the West Bank, undermine the Palestinian Authority (PA) and make the prospect of a unified Palestinian position impossible.

  12. I see the termed Israel'd has been added to the urban dictionary.

    When you help a mate out and they steal all your stuff.

    "I gave my mate a sofa and now he's kicked me out my own house.
    Ive been Israel'd"

  13. The West talks about democracy, Freedom and Human Rights. But their legacy in Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine shows their real face. People of the west. whether you like it or not , Israel speaks for you now and reveals how western leaders really feel. You will abandon your Christian bothers and sisters in Bethlem rather than stand up to Israel.

  14. What Benjamin Netanyahu & Joe Biden are doing in Gaza to the Palestinian civilian population are called ethnic cleansing, starvation, offensive biological warfare, torture, domicide and genocide which are all war crimes and crimes against humanity, committed by Israel and the United States. This brutal slaughtering of innocent people serves no military purpose whatsoever:

    1. Israel deliberately kills enormous numbers of innocent civilians: more than 20,424 Palestinians were killed and more than 54,036 others were wounded as a result of Israeli airstrikes of whom 50% are children and 20% women. Approximately an additional 8,000 corpses are still buried underneath the rubble.

    2. Israel is deliberately starving the desperate Palestinian population by severely limiting the amount of food, fuel, medicine and water that is allowed to be transported into Gaza. Famine and infectious diseases will eventually lead to many more victims than the Israeli carpet-bombings.

    3. Israeli leaders talk in  shocking terms about what they would like to do with the "human animals" in Gaza, especially considering that some of these leaders also talk incessantly about the horrors of the Holocaust, while at the same time turning Gaza into Auschwitz 2.0. 

    4. Israel is not only committing genocide by indiscriminately killing and starving the Palestinian people, it also commits domicide by systematically destroying their homes and critical infrastructure. Including mosques, schools, cultural heritage sites, libraries, key government buildings and hospitals, in order to turn Gaza into an uninhabitable piece of wasteland.

    5. Israel not only terrorizes, unlawful imprisons, tortures and kills vast numbers of Palestinians, it also publicly humiliates many innocent Palestinian men who have been captured by the IDF during routine house searches.

    6. Although the Israelis are carrying out the massacres, warcrimes, crimes against humanity, domicide, ethnic cleansing and genocide, they could never have done so without the full support of president Joe "The Zionist"  Biden.

    7. While most attention is now focused on Gaza, it is important not to lose sight of what is happening in the West Bank at the same time. Israeli settlers, working closely with the IDF, continue to murder innocent Palestinians, to steal even more Palestinian land in favor of the Yinon-plan.

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