New York City’s Times Square hosts ‘Good Riddance’ day

New York City’s Times Square hosts ‘Good Riddance’ day

Rid of you’re saying goodbye to the four pounds you can’t get rid of I hear you and I understand that Devonte work your magic and make that disappear ready Anna ready to watch it disappear Here We Go uhoh There It Is wow all right give

It up for Anna Anna thank you so much for joining us who’s next who wants to say goodbye hello come right here Center Stage this is your moment what’s your name where you from um I’m Dave I’m originally from South Carolina but I currently live in Far Rockaway all

Right Dave from South Carolina what are you saying goodbye to all my fear doubt and anger oh we like saying goodbye to fear doubt and anger don’t we Dante you’re up here we go say goodbye to it and just like that your fear doubt and anger is gone Dave thank you so much

Have a great day who’s next TJ can you turn my volume on because I feel like I’m screaming up a little yeah all right what’s your name where you from Randon originally from Michigan but now in Hell’s Kitchen okay from Michigan to Hell’s Kitchen living the dream oh and

How much are you excited for New Year’s Eve I can’t wait for the new year I want a fresh slate and just new Energy new energy and before we go any further I want to let everyone know Dante is a professional so kids do not go around

Your house trying to set your papers on fire okay this is a magic trick and he is a trained do you go to magic school how do you become a magician I don’t even know Hogwarts oh you went to Hogwarts that totally makes sense kids

Do not try this at home we have to say that legally all right this is a trained professional all right Brandon what are you saying goodbye to stressing over the small stuff and overthinking don’t sweat the small stuff and it’s all small stuff right most of it you’re supposed to say

Yes yes yes all right let’s say goodbye to it go ahead you ready Devonte here we go Goodbye Oh that was a doozy give it up for Brandon who’s next hello gorgeous come right up here what’s your oh I’m not going to bite come over there we go what’s your name

Where you from AA from Harlem and what are you saying goodbye to bills negative energy Unemployment uh health issues and I can keep going but just trying to get rid of everything oh I mean hey that those are good things to get rid of Devonte you’re

Up let’s get rid of this Devonte you think this is going to go up really well I can already feel that I in your future you have you’re taking care of your bills your health is getting better I can already feel it God’s ears from your

Lips to God’s ears and from those magic hands to that piece of paper let’s go boom it’s gone thank you so much for joining us who’s next oh hello get right over here what’s your name where you from Gorgeous Cody I’m from Georgia oh welcome to

Times Square how’s it feel to me here at the center of the world great and what are you saying goodbye to um I’m saying goodbye to singleness extratic th and anger I mean I’m not mad at any of those things except the anger but let’s get

Rid of it anyway okay I’m not mad at those Devonte she wants to get rid of her singleness her extra thick Di and anger what do you say about burning those well I mean there’s a lot of maybe look you’ll probably leave here not single look at all me everybody’s

Listening let’s say goodbye to this wow all right if anyone wants to she is single and she’s available for dates okay so hit her up after the show thank you so much thanks for joining us uh you go that way hello welcome hi come on over here what’s your name where

You from Sophia I’m from Argentina from where Argentina oh wow sopia from Argentina you’ve come a long way to Time Square is this your first time in the Square he no no no is this your first New Year’s in the Square no okay well we’ll just keep going Devonte you’re up

What do you saying goodbye to I want to wish something for my country that the inflation stops being there and vanish inflation all right getting rid of inflation in Argentina Devonte I think that’s a good thing to get rid of let’s say goodbye to it wow and just like that

It’s gone thank you so much for joining us you can go right that way thank you so much who’s up hi come on over here what’s your name where you from I’m atina I’m from Argentina oh you’re from Argentina too and you you probably want to get rid of

The inflation as well yeah of course obviously so what do you what do you what do you think about to H to my fears and insecurities and inflation okay fears and insecurities and inflation okay so that’s the theme today Devonte get rid of it get rid of

It you want to watch them disappear ready wow just like that they’re gone thank you so much for joining us who’s up hey Johnson Jason from Brooklyn oh Jason you’re back nice to see you and what are you saying bye to so I won for

The New Year peace peace for the for the world let’s get our contract at Amazon Stand Out facility and no more Wars I mean those are fantastic things Devonte what do you think I think everybody everybody can agree no more war no more war let’s say goodbye to it here we go 3

2 1 and it’s gone you know what we should say goodbye to 2023 right thank you so much you know what Devonte we’re going to do this uh cameras here we go we’re going to say goodbye to 2023 no hold on hold on we’re doing a

Situation uh there we go oh we’re going to move the trash we’re going to leave it we’re going to do it guys it’s going great here we go we’re saying goodbye to 20 let’s do a nice sound bite we are saying goodbye to 2023 for good ridden day here in Time

Square Devonte make 2023 disappear wow and boom just like that it’s gone give it up for Devonte in 20123 is good ridd say remember kids don’t try this at home he is a professional who’s next hello come on right over here what’s your name where you from Allison from

New York ah what are you saying goodbye to medical bills oh who wants to say goodbye to medical bills I know I do those are expensive Devonte what do you think I think this is this is what’s going to happen to your medical bills that’s what’s or should we say what

Bills they just disappeared thank you so much for joining us come on over oh my gosh it’s so good to see me isn’t it yes we can take a selfie I’m a single I I mean not a single I’m an only child actor I love attention it’s on video me

What day it is what day is it I know that’s a whole thing you want me to do right what day is it it’s October 3rd I know and just like that dreams come true here in Time Square okay okay you’re ready what what do we say where first of

All what’s your name Samantha and where are you from Pittsfield P Massachusetts oh that’s the one word I can’t say Massachusetts it’s a hard word for me I had to say it in a movie with a Mana binds once and I couldn’t say it correctly what’s your name Kar where

Roma Italia how are are do you guys know each other you went to college oh you were roommates random random selection and six years later you know it you know it is this your first time in is this your first time in Time Square oh we’ve been around the block once or twice

Honey all right so what are you saying goodbye to um people pleasing and then self-doubt and grad school graduating congratulations we got grad school graduates Devonte can you help make these disappear please yeah okay there we go you stand back because this is Magic all right here we

Go the magic oh my gosh there we go there we go let’s say goodbye to the we said goodbye to the self out let’s say goodbye to whatever the grad school because we’re graduating you know what it’s going really well wow and just like that it’s

Gone thanks for joining us so much head off that way thank you so much who’s next come on up Hi how are you what’s your name Bernie from where TI wow we have people from all over the world joining us here in Time Square the center of the

Universe for good ridden day 2023 as we say goodbye and look forward to the biggest celebration on earth right here in Time Square on New Year’s Eve what are you saying goodbye to all my negative thoughts and problems at work say that one more time there was someone

Screaming and I couldn’t hear all my negative thoughts and insecurity aren’t negative thoughts just the worst like they come in our head and it’s your inner sabator you don’t need them you don’t need them so let’s say goodbye oh and your headband pull it back on for your photo you want it to

Look cute there we go all right Devonte let’s say goodbye to these negative thoughts and our insecurities inse byebye wow that was great thank you so much for joining us come on up oh look is that your friend yes oh I like Hi how are you yes you can take a selfie

I’m very famous it’s it’s very fun yes and that random day you went to Time Square and Aaron Samuels from Mean Girls burnt paper in the middle of the square with you what a random day what’s your name where you from I’m Tamara and I’m

From New York City okay we love New York City we love being here what are you saying goodbye to I’m saying goodbye to my sister’s battle with cancer this year it’s been a really hard year and she’s doing great and her baby she was pregnant at the time is doing great too

But we’re leaving it behind in 2023 and good health and happiness for all in 2024 that is what it’s all about let’s give it up let’s get rid of this of her sister’s battle with cancer let’s say goodbye to it let’s say Good Riddance Devonte so I see something positive in

Your future not only are we saying goodbye to your sisters cancer but I think something special is going to happen to you right after this you might something like a win you might win something after this I don’t know something’s coming in your future wow there it

Is there it is all right and we have Mom bring mom up here where’s mom mom come on up here look mom’s filming she’s do it she probably film The Ground half the time that’s what moms do you know what I mean come on up here gorgeous hello

Stand right over here oh yes hello do you want Oh you like Mean Girls okay cool do you watch Hallmark I’m in a lot of those movies too we’ll we’ll go over my whole IMDb after the show it’s going to be great um what’s your name my name

Is Barbara lit I’m her mom uhuh and so what’s what’s this last year been like for you it was a bad year trust me uh I my brother died her sister my daughter had cancer the baby almost died she almost died my brother-in-law died it would be a good

Year to get rid of I think that would be a beautiful year knes in the family we got you want me to keep going no I mean it’s only an hour show but we we we have so much to get rid of and what what better way to get rid of all that

Negativity and all those things that happened in 2023 than to say good riddance to them and use a little bit of magic to make it disappear let’s say goodbye to it Devonte do your magic let’s say goodbye ready say bye wave bye and just like that it’s gone and you

Know what I think Devonte was right we had he he what’ you predict there’s something like about 2024 is actually going to be a very important number um gifts I mean I I see gifts maybe like a gift card coming your way something with some money yeah yeah I think I think

Something oh my gosh and just like that magic actually comes true what do we have right here congratulations you are our 2003 good good ridden Day winners you have won a $224 gift card to Time Square congratulations thank you so much for sharing your story with us let’s and

I’ll keep shooting movies and you keep coming to Times Square and making all of your negativity disappear we come every year we come every year congratulations oh my gosh oh get rid of the bad thing just to see you oh my gosh that’s very kind but you know what you

Guys are the winners today have a great 2024 thank you so much for joining us who’s next come on up you guys can go this way or let’s go anywh you want wherever you want hi hello how are you what’s your name where you from I’m Hannah I’m from

England oh Hannah from England everyone say hi Hannah she came all the way from England to come to Time Square for New Year’s Eve and this is her big moment and that’s all you gave her let’s try that again everyone say hi Hannah there we go Hannah what are you

Saying goodbye to I’m saying goodbye to all of 2023 um I was really sick I lost someone so the year just sucked and you know what 2024 is going to be even better so let’s say goodbye to 2023 Hannah watch your 2023 disappear here we go yes and just like that it’s gone

Thank you so much for joining us thank you so much who’s next yes see you got a you have a bigger fan club than me and I love it what is your name and where are you from I’m Lynn from Ohio I’m from Ohio where are you

From I’m from Toledo I’m from Toledo let’s keep going where in Toledo Ottawa Hill I’m from no that ended at Ottawa it ended at Toledo I’m from Rossford oh my gosh amazing I went to Rossford High School what high school did you go to I well I actually we know it’s an hour

Show we don’t have a hold time for that Hanah I just needed a one word Hannah no I’m totally kidding I’m totally kidding all right what are you saying goodbye to negativity and anger because I let negative thought and who who are these people that’s my family from Ohio you’re from Ohio

Oh see it’s a thing it’s a thing yeah I played so many sports as a kid no I didn’t obviously oh yes I love that you’re from Ohio excellent you go to Tony Paco then of course obviously okay we’re going to say goodbye to all of your negativity and anger okay ready

Watch it disappear here it goes ready back up because we don’t want you to catch on fire how does that feel great thank you have a great Happy 2024 happy 2024 to you give it up give it up family right here you go that

Way I know see I mean those you can take the boy out of Ohio right but you can’t take the Ohio out of the boy that is Ohio State cheering right there that’s what that is that’s an Ohio State fan come on up oh my gosh are you so nervous

Don’t be nervous you’re gorgeous it’s going to be great come right here next to me what is your name m and where are you from England oh my gosh we have so many people come from across the pond that’s that’s terminology we use AC cross the pond you cross the pond to get

Devonte have you been to England I have I performed in England oh I’m sorry I didn’t realize we had an International Celebrity magician with us okay where where what you where did you perform in England the London School of Economics Devonte this isn’t about you this is

Their moment okay so let’s have them have it here we go what is your what is your name and where are you from well I know you’re from England what’s your name it’s Mel and Mel what are you guys saying goodbye to um she’s applying to

Un this year to perform in arts and she needs to get rid of the self-doubts honey you are going to do so good in the Performing Arts what do you want to do um like act and dancing as far okay tell me your name one more time Maddie let me

Tell you something hold my hand let me tell you something when I was a young boy I was a Performing Arts person too and I was in all the school place and I wanted to be on TV and I wanted to be in Broadway shows and right now I am standing on

Broadway in the center of Time Square because I sh and shooting movies as a profession if this little kid from Ohio from Ottawa Hills Ohio if they’re still there can do it and make it anybody can so I want to wish you the best luck

Because I know you can do it okay do you think she can do it I think you can do it too let’s say goodbye to your self-doubt because that needs to go if you’re going to succeed Dante let’s get rid of her self-doubt are you ready here we

Go oh my God my agent just called you just got a movie oh my God how crazy is that congratulations thank you guys so much for joining us you can do it okay come on up what am I saying so sorry hi come on up what’s

What’s your oh you stand right here on the little on the little pad there you go what’s your name where you from my name is evet I’m from New York City and my name is Lisa I’m from New York City what are you saying goodbye to I am

Saying bye to fear as it keeps you from a lot of opportunities so we’re going to put fear in the trunk and we’re going to put Faith in the front seat fear in the trunk faith in the front seat I like that fear is a liar it it is a liar what

Are you saying goodbye to I’m saying uh goodbye to good readings to bad boyfriends bad boyfriends all right let’s set those things on fire and Say Goodbye Oh wow just like that poof it’s gone oh he gave you back Faith oh there we go thank you guys so

Much for joining us you’re awesome who’s next come on up here what’s your name where you from julisa and I’m visiting from Florida and what are you saying by to disrespect uh Injustice and followed by stalkers okay wow you have a long list and there are a lot of things that

Got to go these are the three most most important on okay there’s the three most most important things Devonte Europe up say goodbye to it yes just like that it’s gone congratulations have a great 2024 come on up if you’re just joining us we’re in the middle of good ridden

State 2023 where we here in Time Square say goodbye to the past and hello to the Future to a new 2024 oh okay first of all where are you from what’s your name um I’m Aaron I’m from Ireland you have a fear of flying yes yes how did you get

Here with a lot of anxiety tablets okay that’ll do it I was going to say because if you took a boat it was a long journey so we’re going to say goodbye to your fear of flying I love that and what what’s your name I’m Luke I’m also from

Ireland and getting rid of bad luck this year oh bad luck and a fear of flying Devonte let’s get rid of those and you know what it’s good if we put the bad luck and the fear of flying together together I think because those don’t go

Well together um we should just get rid of it all you know yep let’s do it here we go boom just like that it’s gone thank you guys so much for joining us have a great 2024 who’s next come on up oh wow we have so many

People all right what’s your name oh we have a whole group come on up come on up yall are so cute what’s your name Megan and you’re from Charlotte North Carolina Oh Charlotte North Carolina do you drink your iced tea sweet or nonset unsweet thank you thank you that’s how I drink

Mine as well where are you from what’s your name um my name is neoy and I’m also from Charlotte North Carolina let me guess you’re from Charlotte guess her name can you guess her name I will give you $100 if you can guess the name princess okay absolutely right this

Is Princess and she is also from Charlotte North Carolina what are you guys saying goodbye to UNC losing in football I don’t follow sports but yes we’ll we’ll go with that kind of a theater kid okay um I’m sing goodbye to high school senioritis High School senioritis you

Know I got diagnosed with that once it’s it’s it’s a hard cure but you can do it you can do it fake friends and bad makeup days oh my gosh you’re saying goodbye to the Mean Girls oh look at that look at that he did a Mean Girls

Joke what what say goodbye to it Devonte get rid of it there you go get rid of all of them go ahead look at that say let’s burn the Plastics gr fetch we did it all here we go let’s go here we go three two boom and it’s

Gone thank you guys so much for joining us have a happy 2024 who’s next oh after this one okay after this one we’re going to burn the sign again so get those cameras ready can you take a selfie yes you can take a selfie oh oh

My gosh my hair does look sexy push back there we go let’s do it okay what’s your name where you from I’m Sammy from Westchester and what are you saying by to I’m saying bye to stress of next year I’m graduating so I’m kind of figuring

My life out but I’ll be fine okay Sammy Sammy is it okay let me show you how this works we’re saying goodbye to stress of next year for 2023 we’re kind of like jumping the gun here a little with like already saying we’re stressed in 2024 let’s we can say

Goodbye to that but is there something in 2023 you want to say goodbye to before we even bring it into 2024 um just I guess overall negativity okay we love that we’ll get rid of negativity and are you you guys look very similar are we sisters yes okay my

Name is Lizzy and I’m also from Mester and I’m saying goodbye to just stress overall over like work in school to be young and be like School the stress of school it’s a still a real stress I totally get it but then once you are out of school and you look back

You’re like oh man I wish I was back in school right you’re like I got my meals I had a dorm and all I had to worry about was a football game and tests you’re going to get through this you are going to get through this Devonte let’s say goodbye to

It WAOW okay that was a big one so that means you are definitely saying goodbye to that oh that is gone let’s make it disappear fantastic congratulations have a great 2024 come on up who’s next oh no wait hold on we’re we’re burning the sign okay hold on here we go all

Right Time Square it is time to make your Time Square it is time to make the bad things in 2023 literally disappear and we are doing it right here at good ridden day with Deon Devonte our inhouse magician of Time Square Devonte are you ready let’s make

2023 disappear I’m going to close my eyes wow 2023 literally just disappeared so we can welcome 2024 right here in Time Square let’s have some more people come up and tell us what they want to get rid of in 2023 can I please have a selfie well

First of all let’s start with what’s your name okay my name is Carrie I’m from Rochester New York Carrie from Rochester New York let’s take a photo and then tell me what you’re saying goodbye to okay I’m saying goodbye to self-doubt and what ifs so stop thinking about what could have been

And continue to think about the present and my future and where I could be I love saying goodbye to the wha ifs what ifs will ruin your mind Devonte do you have any wh ifs that happened to you ever I was scared of what if I didn’t

Make it as a mentalist as a magician being on you know what if and look here you are literally making people’s dreams come true in Time Square let’s say goodbye to it let’s say goodbye to it and boom whoa just like that oh what if the paper went on devonte’s coat you

Know that was another what if but it was perfect thank you so much thanks for joining us come on up hello what’s your name where you from I am Mara from the Philippines welcome to Time Square yeah I’m so excited to be here what are you saying goodbye to I am

Saying goodbye to to um bad experiences and some being so anxious about a future oh anxiety needs to say Good Riddance Devonte will you help her get rid of the anxiety please for 2024 let’s go yes but watch this is your moment ready here it’s all going to

Happen wow and just like that it’s gone thank you so much sure we can take a selfie oh you want it from that angle no this is your moment whatever you want okay here do you have a better side I’m symmetrically perfect but we can shoot

It on I know it’s a blessing and a curse honey blessing and a curse thank you so much thank you so much for joining us we’ll see you soon who’s next let’s go come on upet you nice to meet you what’s your name where you from Jenny sto from p PA yay

Steelers yes Steelers don’t say that too loud here um all right what do you saying goodbye to I’m saying goodbye to my Italian husband in Naples Italy he won’t give me a divorce or separation I gave him the Harley the dog and so much money wow I mean that that’s deep we got

To get rid of that we got to Devonte get rid of that we got to say goodbye to it he got the dog uh beautiful German Shepherd there it goes and it’s gone boom just like that happened so fast you didn’t even see it thank you so much nice to meet you who’s

Up hello what’s your name where you from I am Cedric Jee Lewis as a Brooklyn resident all right what you saying bye to I saying goodbye to the death of my grandfather in 2023 from he died well he passed in March 2023 all right let’s say goodbye to the

Death of your grandfather that’s a great thing to get rid of here we go say goodbye 3 2 1 disa here back up just a little bit because it is fire remember don’t try this at home he is a professional professionally licensed and insured from Hogwarts University come on

Up come on up here we go what’s your name where you from Payton from California and CJ what are you saying goodbye to we both simultaneously wrote down self-doubt self-doubt let’s say goodbye to that self-doubt let’s get rid of it make it disappear come on over

Here to me oh yeah it’s going really well here it goes boom and it’s gone go ahead give it to him you’re up absolutely self-doubt is going up in Flames just like that congratulations have a great 24 come on up who’s next hello hello hello hello what’s your

Name I’m Kim from St Louis abiso California oh I love San Louis abiso I’m her husband Matt and what are we saying goodbye to bye-bye time spent in hospitals we love that let’s get rid of that we love getting rid of time spent in the hospitals Devonte will you work

Your magic please byee let’s say goodbye to it here we go 3 2 1 and watch this it’s gone doesn’t that feel good indeed happy 2024 have a great one you too thank you okay look at this I love it very subtle I love it I you know what

They say what’s your name Sean subtle Shawn that’s what they call him subtle sha is here again on what are you saying goodbye to I saying goodbye to people pleasing especially people who can’t be pleased oh if I had a nickel and what are you saying goodbye to I’m saying goodbye to

Codependence and you know what usually the codependents can’t be pleased so see how this works great together let’s say goodbye to it for 2024 ready here it goes up in Flames three 2 and just like that it’s gone thank you so much for joining us thank you guys so much for

Having us or for having me thank you for having me and what you know whatever come on what’s your name where you from I’m Carol I’m from Peru but I live here now this is my mom I’m from Peru now live in Virginia oh my gosh and what are

You saying bye to I’m saying bye to eating un unhealthy food because my doctor says that my cholesterol is too high so I really need to work on that no more sickness no more pain no more stress no more B bad peoples those are things to get rid of and I’m so glad

You’re getting rid of it eating healthy foods is my resolution every year and I never keep it so maybe this will help here we go there it is oh my gosh and just like that it’s gone let’s give it up here we go ready one yes it’s gone thank you guys so much

For joining us have yes do you want to well we’ll do a whole photo who’s taking the photo oh we have the we have okay and you’re coming in for the photo perfect ah make sure you tag me okay thank you so much watch good to see you

Who’s up all right come on up let’s go how are you what’s your name Angel what you say goodbye to Angel I’m saying goodbye to negative energy bad experiences and bad relationships I have been in all of those and It’s Time to Say Goodbye Devonte please do your magic sir bad relationship bad

Relationships uh the worst and boom your relationship is gone have a great yeah you feel better right have a great 2024 thank you so much come on up Hi how are you what’s your name Barbara from Rockway Beach all right what are you saying goodbye to bad vibes

From 2023 okay let’s get rid of those bad vibes Devonte make them disappear all goodes All Good Vibes here we go oh wow thank you for watching Hallmark I appreciate it christas to order Christmas made to order yes that was an oldy but a goodie just like me

Uhuh just self hi everyone how’s it going Time Square how are you hello what’s your name where you from Richie from Rockway Beach New York all right what are you saying goodbye to negativity and bad anxiety oh I hate anxiety let’s get rid of it Devonte can

Make that disappear for you ready no anxiety and just like that it’s Up in Flames anxiety gone thank you so much Happy New Year buddy come on up who’s next hi there Jennifer from Brooklyn Jennifer from Brooklyn what you uh negativity and distrust of others oh that’s a hard

Thing that’s a hard thing to get rid of but I think you can do it because Devonte is going to help it happen right now ready watch this that is beautiful thank you so much great to see you who’s next hi there bud what’s your name where

You from Maine from where Maine Maine did you drive or fly here uh took the bus took the bus so you drove perfect you’re here you are well you I mean who’s driving the bus is the question everyone asks what are you saying goodbye to uh health problems all right

Let’s get rid of those health problems bill that sounds like a great thing set back cuz you know what we don’t need any more health problems if you know catch us on fire you know what I mean wow look at that your health problems have disappeared thank you so much happy 2024

All right who’s up hello oh my gosh hello look at you what’s your name paa from Argentina just say it again Argentina H one more time Argentina I’ll never get over that it’s just so good I can’t not as good as you I just the Ohio really comes out in that

Moment uh what do you H what are you saying goodbye to um the feeling of um unworthiness oh okay right yeah I like that let’s get rid of it burn it Devon mom too but she doesn’t want to come or show so can we burn both

Yes we can burn them all honey you can do a whole stack catch the whole thing on fire it’s great let’s go here we go watch out you look too pretty and have such good hair we don’t want that to go off mother made this oh okay well let’s say

Goodbye wow that was a big one thank you so much for joining us happy 2024 um you can go that way hi there who’s next get up here look at that what smell of this hand sanitizer what scent oh yes I love that one all right what’s your name

Erica from Minnesota Minnesota Deborah from from Ohio where Cleveland OH Cleveland Rock and Roll Hall of Fame yeah do you know where Mentor is yes okay I used to go there in high school and do plays um what’s your name Susan from Minneapolis Minneapolis the car from Ohio all right we got Minneapolis

And Ohio represented up here what are we saying goodbye to I am saying goodbye to all the foolishness in the world the foolishness the Tom Foolery that’s happening in the world I think we need to get rid of it fear self-doubt and hate and racism fear self-doubt hate and

Racism are great things to get rid of for a new year all of the attitude of people that feel entitled to treat others rude absolutely stress health problems depression and bad vibes do you want to watch it disappear literally all right you guys come over here because he’s got

To stand in front of the garbage can all right there we go yep I’m ready are you ready let’s go this is yours boom health problems gone hate gone and just like that disappeared Tom foery entitlement entitlement that’s what this was entitlement there we go and foolishness

Tom Foolery H good old Tom here we go let’s say goodbye boom just like that it’s gone thank you guys so much for joining us happy 2024 who’s next come on up we’ve got a little bit of time left so we’re going to have to go through these a little

Quicker here we go step right here what’s your name where are you from my name is name is Marcus I’m from Florida and what are you say my uh sir I wrote a book I can’t I can’t say everything on this list but uh I I know for one I want

To just get rid of anything that’s holding me back I got a lot of stuff to do so just hope that everything goes smooth same for everything else that’s watching you feel me anything holding you back and I hope no weapon formed against you shall prosper and yeah get

Out of your own way right that’s a big thing here we go let’s say goodbye to it 3 2 1 and wave goodbye and it’s disappeared thank you so much who’s next come on up yeah there you go hi there what’s your name where you from my name

Is Liam I’m from Oceanside um and um I want a good riddance to biased people let’s get rid of biased people let’s burn it right now Devonte you’re up do your magic this is where you shine are you ready to say goodbye here it is and

Boom it’s gone look at that just like that it disappeared we got a certified Hogwart magician right here come on up where what’s your name where you from hi Moren from Oceanside and I want to get rid of the fear of not doing what I want

To do get out of your own way get out of your own way here we go watch it disappear this is your moment and boom just like that it’s gone thank you so much come on up what’s your name where you from don’t be so scared you’re okay

I don’t bite and if I do they are bonded licensed and insured okay so you’re fine I’m an from Queens mark from Queens and you’re saying goodbye um pretty much overall to bad luck and stress that we have saying goodbye to bad luck and stress so you both are saying goodbye to

Bad luck and stress let’s do it together make it a real big one let’s do it together okay here we go ready watch your bad luck and stress disappear here it is back up okay ready wow oh my gosh just like that it’s gone here we go who’s

Next hello what’s your name where you from Triano from Florida saying goodbye to uh loneliness and being apart from friends and family loneliness and being apart from friends and family great things to get rid of let’s say goodbye to it Devonte will you do the honors yeah look at this look at this

Boom wishes come true I’m Jonathan I’m your new friend see see how that works it happens instantaneously when you do it here in Time Square thank you so much for joining us who’s up come on in what’s your name where you from what are you saying goodbye too Dante from

Philly and uh lack of confidence and fear fear is a liar that’s my favorite thing to say because it is go ahead ready watch your fear go up in Flames boom just like that it’s gone happy 2024 thank you so much come on up who’s

Next Hi how are you oh my gosh I’m so good how are you I’m good thank you where are you from new what’s your name kidan and what are you saying goodbye to a lot of things um diseases negative people there’s a really bad Mentor that

I had that I’m saying goodbye to this year I heard fears so I added fears um legal problems sadness anxiety depression any bad luck misunderstandings and anger any problems at all I mean you have a list and we have time so if you want to just keep

Going we have it’s only a 2-hour show like we’re good we’re good all right what about you the negativity anger sadness problems bad luck and misunderstandings like yeah I love those let’s put them together and make them go all at once cuz that’s a really fun

Flame wait ready make sure you film it this is your moment here we go boom just like that it’s all gone thank you guys so much for joining us have a great 2024 who’s up who’s next there’s a puppy oh my gosh I know don’t even get I shouldn’t have seen it

Because I’m going to be distracted what’s your name where you from what are you saying goodbye to I’m Ruth I’m from Columbia and I’m saying goodbye to bad relationships All My Exes my bad man in my life and bad habits well when you get rid of the bad

Habits we probably won’t have the bad men you know what I mean I mean that’s what I’m saying it’s kind of hand in hand it makes sense right I’m kind of tracking your whole life right here let’s say good I’m going to get fired I

Know It Go say goodbye to it here we go boom thank you so much Ruth thanks for joining us who’s up Devonte how are you feeling so far magical mag he’s always on brand and on point and it makes me annoyed because he’s so good all right what are you

Saying goodbye to what’s your name where are you from uh my name is Ian I’m from Queens um I’m saying goodbye it’s bad habits pain loneliness struggle sadness and grief I think those are great things to say goodbye to Devonte do your magic let’s get rid of them here we go three 2

And it is gone just like that it’s gone happy 2024 who’s up hello hello what’s your name where you from what do you saying goodbye to I’m Elena I’m from New Jersey but live in Germany oh hello I’m Rona I’m from Taiwan and now and ab what say um 2023

Wasn’t terrible but I was kind of in a like Blobby phase in my life and I’m ready for the next thing and don’t even know what it should be so I’m saying to saying goodbye to stagnation and inhibition ready to step into the next phase love that um I feel confused that all

The time I don’t know I want to stay or I want to go and that makes me anxious and doing nothing so it’s all connected you get rid of one the others go away so let’s get rid of both of those together right now watch that watch it go up in

Flames here we go three two magic Abracadabra and it’s gone that’s it and you that’s it do you have a magic thank you guys so much for joining us do you have a magic word to use just come on up Devon’s the best magician this is

What I tell him that is what I was going to guess but it’s not come on sweet pee come here hi come on up oh no she’s afraid of me yeah she huge Mean Girls fan probably nervous um what’s your name where you from H my name is Philipa am

From Argentina what are you saying goodbye to you don’t want to write it okay let’s just burn it we can do whatever it is watch it go up and hey hey watch watch watch watch speak and it’s gone there you go thank you so much who’s next come on up hi

Hello what’s your name my name is Elizabeth I am from Queen and I Want to Say Goodbye h b staff for example insed and gentrification I love it Devonte let’s get rid of all that right now here we go ready it’s going to be gone ready abracadabra it’s gone thank you so

Much for joining us thank you for coming who’s next I thought they were going to push the stroller up here come on up oh we’re going to film it absolutely this is a big moment Let’s Do It come on up come on up right here oh right here on the

Pad yep there we go what’s your name where you from um Cliff Francis I’m from Brooklyn New York what are you saying bu to uh complacency debt um non-engagement stress hate clutter all all that stuff I know one way to get a rid of clutter right now watch this he’s

Going to get rid of that clutter ready this is your moment ready there it is watch it go away and boom clutter free that’s some Marie condo stuff right there you know that that works thank you so much anyone get that at all Mar condo

No let’s go okay up here come on this is your moment how are you darling I’m good hi hello yes uh I’m Leo and I’m from the phili phines Philippine represent Philippines represent let’s go what are you saying goodbye to um I’m saying goodbye to um toxicity bad habits and

People letting us feel unwanted I love that let’s get rid of that film it right now film the film The Fire turn it around there you go oh you fil me okay oh but I mean I people have said I’m flaming but this is ridiculous oh yes hello and then you

Thank you so much darling thanks for coming oh my God give me the dog right now give me the dog give me the dog what is this baby’s name oh my God oh my God hello hello what is your name I’m Yasmin this is pck Andrew all from Brooklyn saying bye too

H he’s saying goodbye to Serious separation anxiety that’s why he’s here I’m saying goodbye to family chaos and stress I just egregious work stress oh I know remember the work stuff that’s not real life here we go three two one back up that mean the dog is on made of hair

Um here we go boom just like that it’s gone oh my gosh thank you so much I need to come here no more aniet for I’m done like that’s it I oh there’s we’re really done okay great thank you guys no one oh we have one more oh come

On up here Jen Jen where you from oh I’m from New Jersey and what you say by uh this is actually for Brian so we had an online submission and Brian really wanted to make sure that this was get gotten rid of so we are saying goodbye to Brian’s anger

Issues get rid of those let’s go here we go we’re going to get rid of them ready Brian you did it we got rid of it Brian I hope you feel less angry thank you Jen thank you all for joining us here in Time Square for Time Square good

Ridden day 2023 as we say goodbye to 2023 and welcome a new 2024 don’t forget to join us live right here in Time Square at 600 p.m. Eastern at tsq dog I want to thank Devonte the the most amazing magician in the world how was your first good riddance day this was a

Dream come true amazing great we’ already start the 2024 feeling and energy give it up for Devonte everybody the magician making it all happen I’m Jonathan menet and we will see you right here on New Year’s Eve 2024 w

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