Russia bombs maternity ward in biggest blitz of 2023 | Ukraine: The Latest | Podcast

Russia bombs maternity ward in biggest blitz of 2023 | Ukraine: The Latest | Podcast

I’m Dom Nichols and this is Ukraine the latest today we bring you the news of the biggest air strike on Ukraine since day one of the fullscale invasion and later we have an interview with yaroslava pareri doctoral researcher at the University of Birmingham who will explain how the illegal deportation of

Children from Ukraine is rooted in complex processes that started in 2014 bravery takes you through the most unimaginable hardships to finally reward you with Victory if we give president zilinski the tools the ukrainians will finish the job Slava ukraini nobody’s going to break us we’re strong we’re ukrainians every weekday we sit down

With leading journalists from the telegraph’s London Newsroom and our teams reporting on the ground to bring you the latest news and analysis on the war in Ukraine it’s Friday the 29th of December one year year and 308 days since the fullscale invasion began I started with the updates from

Ukraine any one one real story today it’s it’s the biggest arguably the biggest of the year Russia has launched a wave of overnight drone and missile strikes on at least seven Ukrainian cities it’s the biggest strike biggest attack of its kind this year second only in numbers we think from the first day

Of the fulls scale Invasion a nationwide air alert was put in place as drones and Hypersonic ballistic and cruise missiles targeted keev zapia dipro harke Odessa Lviv and Conor top that last being about 200ks Northeast of ke all through the early hours of this morning a Maternity Ward educational facilities shopping

Mall residential buildings commercial storage facilities and a car park were all hit images on social media you’ll find them they show the maternity hospital on fire reports there are no no deaths injuries and women in labor being having to be moved in an emergency fashion Air Raids are going off right

Now in keev just in the last few minutes they’ve started going off it shows all this talk you might see around the bizar shows how much Putin is quietly signaling that he wants negotiations I think that’s a load of old rubbish he’s very loudly saying he just wants to kill

Everyone in Ukraine so let’s have no more of that please so last night the um these strikes there were more than 20 missiles hit har that’s according to local officials there authorities in Lviv that’s RAR attacks over in the west said one person died eight were injured

After 10 Shahed drones attacked the city four killed at least 20 others wounded in dipro in zapia one was killed 10 injured and adessa two dead 15 injured three injured in kop in total so far across the country we think 20 people confirmed dead 118 others injured we

Think 110 Munitions were fired at Ukraine and as say for comparison we think an estimated 160 were fired on the first day of the fullscale invasion something entered polish airspace near the border about 100ks Northeast of ROV the Airfield one of the the main airfields where military hardware is

Flown into Poland so right up on the border polish Armed Forces raised the Threat Level we don’t know for how long I don’t think it Donald Tusk the president has been informed I don’t know if that Threat Level has been reduced Yuri inat Ukraine’s Air Force spokesperson said we haven’t seen so

Much red on our monitors for a very long time in all areas in all directions president zalinski said today Russia used nearly every type of weapon in his Arsenal kall’s s300 cruise missiles and drones strategic bombers launched x101 and x55 missiles a total of around 110 missiles were fired against Ukraine with

The majority of them being shot down we will surely respond to terrorist strikes and we will continue to fight for the security of our entire country every city and every citizen Russian Terror must and will lose later leftenant General Mao UK who’s the commander of the Ukrainian Air Force said 114 of 158

Air targets were destroyed and that was made up of 87 missiles and 27 drones Moscow came out with all the usual clap trap which I’m not going to bother I’m going to waste your time which only those with porridge between their ears will believe anyway although

We’ve got the usual bunch in here coming up with all their crap feel free Lads but tell me why you needed to B bomb a Maternity Ward first and then I might actually look at you Bridget a Brink the US ambassador to Ukraine posted an image of air raid alert notifications on her

Phone and said this is what ukrainians see on their phones this morning and as a result millions of men women and children are in bomb shelters as Russia fires missiles across the country Ukraine needs funding now to continue to fight for freedom from such Horror in 2024 then Rishi sunak Britain’s prime

Minister he said these widespread attacks on Ukraine’s cities show Putin will stop at nothing to achieve his aim of eradicating freedom and democracy we will not let him win we must continue to stand with Ukraine for as long as it takes that phrase again for as long as

It takes you’ve heard me say this before it’s good but for as long as it takes to do what richy we need a bit more now these General Zusi he said let’s keep the sky let’s yeah let’s keep the sky sorry let’s keep the sky together to

Victory I think that in a nutshell is the point here as horrific as this is in the vast majority of cases air defense did its job now that will be little Comfort to the dead and injured and those who care for them but this is an

Existential war and if this is all that Russia can do and it seems that way then Ukraine has shown that it can deal with it continuous support in terms of air defense and other military material is needed but war is not about how hard you

Can hit it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep on functioning and Ukraine is functioning this morning so after Ukraine has shown the ability to use long range strikes with such Precision in recent weeks that it can syn ships and submarines hundreds of kilometers behind the lines Russia is bombing mat

Energy Wards and car Parks which either means Ukraine is just simply better at this Air Attack thing or Russia is directly targeting civilians a war crime obviously so any Putin Fanboys out there either on moscow’s payroll or not care to answer me that one are is Ukraine

Just better doing War than Russia or do you like bombing maternity Awards have a go at that then now then as I said it’s going to be short shorter today David’s still stuck up in the Wilds of Scotland we are off now until was it going to be

Tuesday until the new year so I’m not going to in terms of final thoughts and stuff there only me here so this is it I’m not going to do a big what’s going to happen in 2024 I think we talk enough about the issues the context the uh

Myriad moving parts of this war for us all to have a deep understanding of the building blocks to be able to make our own assessments on that one so I’ll leave it to those uh media Outlets who who now noway only dip in and out of Ukraine every now and again to provide

Their audiences with easy short attention span condens what’s going to happen I think you deserve to be treated better than that but I have got a I’ve got a couple of thoughts I mean people say why should we care about Ukraine when we’ve got our own problems at home

And I can answer that a hard way or a soft way first the soft I think if you have a correctly functioning moral compass you have to oppose this disgusting display of the worst that Humanity has to offer I think it’s just the right thing to do no matter what the

History revisionists might say if you want the hard version uh it’s this if Putin wins in Ukraine it will be our children and our children’s children that will have to sort out the consequences and they may have to spill their own blood to do it so what I will

Say about 2024 though is I think it is extraordinary and in many ways quite unnerving how the direction of this War at the moment seems to be in the hands of so few people handful of politicians in the US Victor Orban in the EU small number of German policy makers if you

Like come on let’s let’s make 2024 the EUR of Taurus leaders in China and India Putin is so isolated in many ways but is being thrown unnecessary lifelines individually small but together enough to keep his head above water so what do I hope for in 2024 okay for the sake of brevity I’ve

Just picked two two big things first an end to this idea that Putin would agree to a negotiated settlement that would endure for longer than it would take for him to rebuild his humiliated and broken Army he will see any calls for that kind

Of thing from the West as a sign that we really don’t care about Ukraine and don’t see this fight as setting the course for the 21st century both in Europe Southeast South China Sea elsewhere he will use any paws as a springboard for future action that’s what happened after 2014 that was in

Effect a ceas far if you like and guess what happened we we are now living through what happened next so it’s going to happen again so let’s have no more chat about Putin’s interested in negotiated ceasefire settlement blah blah blah he’s not second the external supporters of Ukraine need to get

Organized now the Ramstein process is great for get getting pledges of military support but we now need a coherent plan for International Industrial support for sanctions to be tightened and roots for non-compliance so the way Russia can get a hold of sophisticated parts for precision weapons and the like they need to be

Closed now if you want to be hard-nosed about it I want political leaders in the US in particular to make the point that most money spent on Military Support for ukra Ukraine will be spent inside the US and the same goes for other weapon producing countries we are completely in

Danger here of missing the winwin territory as we continue to try to take domestic lumps out of each other so that’s what I’m hoping for end the talk about any kind of Putin’s interest in negotiated settlement and uh and let’s move into this we’re in an industrial

Age of warfare so we need to need to ramp that up accordingly okay folks I’m that’s it that’s that’s all we got nice short and sharp thanks for sticking with us in 2023 thanks to our producers Louisa chares and Rachel thanks to all our contributors both homegrown Telegraph

Journal and uh and friends from outside Castle graell it’s not about us and we couldn’t do it without your voices your stories and all your your help thank you especially to you for listening and for refusing to turn away from this your good people and no matter how hard it

Gets we are all stronger for being together so let’s get back together in 2024 if it’s your thing have a great New Year’s Eve be safe but don’t be sensible dance like a dly and neck like a NOS from the telegraph in London I wish you a very good New Year Chin Chin recently David nolles interviewed yava Barbieri on the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children from Ukraine to the Russian Federation and the longer term deeper rooted processes that started in 2014 here’s their conversation thank you so much for your time yava would you just introduce yourself and your research yeah hello

Everyone my name is yaroslava barier I’m a doctoral researcher at the University of Birmingham and I’m currently in the process of propping up my PhD where I focused on the involvement of Russian State and non-state actors in The occupied areas of eastern Ukraine and uh transnistria which is the facto state in

Eastern mova since 2014 well let’s look specifically at Eastern Ukraine I’ve got in front of me your paper raising citizen soldiers in dbass Russia’s role in promoting patriotic education programs could you just explain why you wanted to look at this subject in particular of course so

This is actually taken from part of my PhD so for me it was important to explain that many of those processes that currently are receiving media attention such as the kidnapping the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children from Ukraine to the Russian Federation actually is rooted in much more complex processes that had started

Uh since 2014 so the legal deputation of children in my view is The Logical consequence of these processes that have sometimes Fallen under the Raider of international media as scholarly attention so that is something that I wanted to emphasize specifically because when you look more broadly at the

Processes of integration that Russia has promoted since 2014 actually we can notice that russan both state and non-state actors have acted in quite an ARD do manner rather than following some Grand strategic plan but the one thing that they did systematically from the very beginning was a systematic indoctrination program

And like the Russian terms for it you just vasp um is actually a network of policies that were derived from Russia so there is a number of policy documents that have been Revisited since Putin’s coming to power in 2000 and what it’s what’s very interesting to observe when

You look at the so-called State documents produced by the self-proclaimed republics is that it’s pretty much a copy and paste process from the Russian documents and that is sort of a direct indicator of the heavy involv m m of Russian State actors let’s get into it you call it patriotic

Education and there’s three strands that you look at in your paper military historical and civil could you just take us through all those three different terms uh and explain what they are why they’re being done and I guess it’d be very interesting to hear what this means

On the ground what are children being taught yes so these are not categories I came up with these are some of the categories that I’ve identified as core in the documents that are coming out from the self-proclaim republics and I have to say that one challenge as a

Researcher is that many of the websites where these documents had been uploaded since 2014 at some point were shut down as part of counter disinformation efforts so I made sure to save these documents so that I could return to these texts over time and so there are

Some of the cor strategic documents that outline the overarching objectives for these policies since 2014 and as I mentioned the text between the two self-proclaimed republics and Russian State documents it’s pretty much um almost the same they just say replace Don with Lans and they identify these different strands that I think

Analytically it’s useful to examine separately but then when you look at them in parallel you see the complementary functions that these different strands have so I think the first one that it would be worth examining in more detail is the historical one because it allows us to

Look at the broader discourse uh that has been uh promoted by uh Russia since 2014 and it has been injected directly in the history School curricula in the occupied territories so of course the overarching narrative is that this has been a civil war since 2014 and that there is a very consistent

Effort to frame the 2 14 events as a Act of National Liberation against an aggressive Ukraine and so Russia inserted itself in this conflict on the side to support the separatist forces and so this is the overarching framing that allows the local de facto authorities to promote parallels also

With the Great Patriotic War which is how in Russia World War II is being uh described and it’s very important to understand the distinct interpretation of World War II in Russia where for example the chronology is not between 1939 and 1945 but starting from 1941 and that’s important to sort of Overlook the

Rebon TRU molive packed with the secret protocols that essentially showed how the two totalitarian states of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union had intended to split Europe into two spheres of influence and so you know overlooking this fact allow Russia to promote that consistent Narrative of Russia stuck in this eternal battle with

Fascism over time and so they draw this parallel between the war in dbass 2014 and World War II of the Great Patriotic War and that a mechanism to glorify Russia’s military history and draw parallel between the Feats the podvig of separatist Warlords and militias and Russian soldiers that then intervene the

Side of separatists very quickly what what are the ages of the students being taught this and does does what they’re being told change as they get older like how does this work in the classroom so this is actually systematic from kindergarten so of course the curricula will adjust depending on age but it’s

Important to stress that the militaristic values and symbolism is actually injected in the school system from kindergarten so you see for example and that leads me directly to the second strand of military patriotic education where you see Russian uh Military Officers local um officials from the de facto security or military structures

Members of Veteran organizations that come in the classroom starting from kindergarten and again it’s about stressing this idea that the self-proclaimed republics are States this is presented as Fair complete and they are inevitably on a path to Future integration with the Russian Federation and so this is an interesting aspect

Sort of analyzing this discourse targeting domestic audiences and how it was at odds at least until uh 2022 with Russia’s State um narrative in the context of international conflict resolution negotiations in which the original uh objective was to reintegrate these back into Ukraine to create a sort of

State within a state Arrangement that would have allowed Russia to influence Ukraine from within both in terms of domestic reforms and foreign policy orientation so this heav involvement of both Russian State and non-state actors in in in Local Schools is important but it’s we also need to stress the phenomenon of so-called patriotic

Support youth clubs and so this is the more explicitly militaristic expression of these patriotic education programs in which local youth goes through military training you know they are taught how to assemble disassemble rifles they are taught firstage training they also have summer camps again where you have Military Officers both Russian and local

That organize the training sessions the overarching objective of this more explicitly military strand is to to create reliable mechanisms for training and recruiting the future officers both of local military and security structure but also those of the Russian armed forces and that is very explicit both at

The level of local documents for example consistently there’s this emphasis on the need to increase The Prestige of military and security types of professions and there is the listing of certain actors that should be the implementers of particular public commemoration events such as that would coincide with certain Russian festivities and also paramilitary

Movements such as the young Army movement which was established under the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defense around 20156 and if you go on the website of the yaria young Army movement you see that the goal of this movement that targets and enrolls students from 9

Years old until 1 18 is ultimately for them to uh join the Russian armed forces and when you look at different coordination agreements that the de facto leaders of the self-proclaimed republics and Russian State officials including you know some individuals that tend to speak less of but there are

Protagonists such as Andre kenko who is the director of the Russia bass integration committee and that was an institution that was set up in 2017 right in the middle of the process where Ukraine decided to impose an economic blockades on the self-proclaimed republics to essentially promote systematic integration processes

With the Russian Federation and what’s interesting is that even the deao leaders explicitly called patriotic education as a instrument of State Management or governance and that is one of the most important elements of integration with the Russian Federation and then finally sorry there’s the Civic strand that you mentioned and that is about

Exposing the local youth to state symbol both of the self-proclaimed republics and the Russian Federation so it’s about crafting creating a sense of civic identity making them sing the Russian national anthem so again as I mentioned we can analyze them as distinct strands but when you take them together you see the

Complementarity of these functions and so it’s about training the local military reserves and local Security offices it’s about creating a reliable mechanism of training and recruitment it’s about creating mechanisms of mass indoctrination that are about promoting gradual alienation of the local population from the rest of Ukrainian

Society and it’s about imposing a sense of Civic hood that is incompatible with the rest of Ukraine do we know whether this is working do we have any sense of whether people believe it what are your thoughts here well I would say of course a caveat that it’s very difficult to

Conduct reliable sociological research in the occupied territories but of course this process the potential impact of of these processes since 2014 you know will have a very different impact on a generation where people were children in 2014 compared to people that might have been teenagers or young

Adults so of course this is something to keep in mind I was actually a part of a research group where we conducted online focus groups with respondents in the occupied territories and we were meant to present our findings on the 24th of February 2022 and it was a comprehensive study on

Media consumption pattern and political attitudes in the occupied territories and it was interesting to observe that many have expressed a sense of Abandonment from all sides from Russia because even people that might have at the beginning been ideologically convinced by the whole Narrative of nov Ria and a promise of future accession to

The Russian Federation on the precedent of of Crimea was of course betrayed there was a sense of Abandonment from Ukraine there was not integrating the region s and there was a sense of disillusionment with the de facto authorities that were associated with racketeering practices and authoritarian practices so that grand sense of

Disillusionment is just symptomatic of a population that has been stuck in a war that we should always remember did not start in 2022 but in 2014 so I’d say that the Orit arching objective is still to make sure that this indoctrination is systematic and actually there are documents that were produced by the

Self-proclaimed republics in which they have admitted to themselves some of the mistakes that they did so they were admitting that the impact of the indoctrination was not proceeding with the speed and impact that they had expected but nonetheless you see really systematic efforts to make sure that

They are in this bubble in which they’re really stuck in time it’s really a instrument to present Ukraine as the aggressive Force Russia as the Liberator and this idea that there was a whole history of a nation that had been forgotten and that the events of 2014 instead of being an aggression were

Actually an act of National Liberation and of course there will have an impact especially on the youngest traiter of the population that had not had the lived experience as part of the Ukrainian State you’ve sort of touched on this before in your ansers but what’s your reading on the level of involvement

Of the Russian State the Russian Federation in this it’s local officials within the self-proclaimed republics but what’s their level of cooperation are they imitating what they see in Russia itself or is there active cooperation sort of how do you see it working so we know that you know there are high level

Curators of the occupied territories that in 2014 it was vladislav surov which is one of the kremlin’s most famous SP doctors and he was the idol behind the idea of nov Rosia but of course very soon that was sideline because it contradicting the mechanism of subversion that Russia had

Tried to impose through the Minsk agreement and so later on he was replaced by Dmitri kak who had more of aerial role in managing the two self-proclaimed republics but as I mentioned for example before Andre kosenko who is a ethnic Russian from Crimea and he was appointed as the

Director of this Russia dumbass integration committee and that has been an agency that had coordinated alongside another similar institution these processes of integration with the Russian Federation and in these documents that are related to this group of policies you see recurrently the list of say veteran organizations also you see interviews

With some local representatives of the educational system that will tell you about the involvement say of individuals that have been responsible for patriotic education in Russia were associated with the United Russia party which is Putin’s party and had close eyes with some of the first leaders of the self-proclaimed

Republics that then were a sideline because they were perceived as to recul citran and independent whereas the Kremlin wanted to impose control over these Warlords and put on someone more obedient so you see here and there explicit mentions of both both Russian State and non-state actors that have in

Some way found their own niche of activity in the field of education so I think it’s important to stress both Russian State and non-state actors because it goes back to that point I was making that Russia did not necessarily implemented this activity as part of a grand strategy so for example

It’s interesting to note the timing of some of these activities so as I mentioned many of these documents related to patriotic education program policies started being published on the So-Cal website of the so-called Ministries from the beginning in late 2014 but the establishment of Institutions that would systematically oversee this process of integration

Including in the field of Education started appeared in early 2017 there is a mention is that turning point where Ukraine decided to impose an economic block and that was meant and as an instrument of coercion to suppress you know the succession aspiration of the self-proclaimed republics but it was an

Instrument of Russia also Visa Russia to send the signal that they would not cave into moscow’s demands the objectives of which were pretty transparent it was really to create this Troy John horse inside the body of the Ukrainian state so but I want to emphasize that this coordination between Russia and State

And non-state actors is interesting because because it also allows us to look at the involvement of individuals that were ideologically committed to these ideological projects and the Russian State exploited their activism for its geopolitical objectives if we could go as far as possible quite granular and say if we

Opened up a textbook that might be used in the schools what what would we see I mean do we have any examples of that are we able to see things like that so so you know if someone is ready to get their hands dirty on these website you

Can actually even find some Google Drives that they have not closed access to and the textbooks so there are two categories there are Russian textbooks that have been directly moved across the border in these so-called humanitarian convoys that we were reading about around 2015 especially but then over

Time they started also publishing local textbooks and the narratives thater emerge from these textbooks really fall neatly under that strance that we call historical patriotic education so these are the textbooks that uh local school children would open during lessons in patriotisms uh lessons in Courage as they’re called and so the core narrative

As I mentioned before is this idea that these are States this is a a self a complete any period before 2014 in which these regions were part of the Ukrainian state are interpreted and described as a process of forced ukrainization and essentially this is a period say uh since 19 between 1991

2014 where these regions were stolen from their bigger motherland Russia and the historical Evolution and Destiny of dbas as a nation as a state is described as an extr stably link to that of the Russian State and the Russian nation and so that is the overarching narrative that supports these indoctrination

Program because it’s the narrative you know the interpretation of the present that allows to draw parallels to the Great Patriotic War which is a narr extremely influential in the Russian educational system and the broader media discourse and also allows to then create within or attach to the more conventional roling system more

Explicitly military mechanisms of training the future recruits of military and security structures so these textbooks are meant to raise citizen soldiers that’s the title of the article but they are meant to essentially indoctrinate a new generation of ukrainians that will be loyal to the Russian Federation and not to

Ukraine taking all of this together then what do you think this means for any potenti potential future reintegration of these territories if Ukraine did Prevail militarily I mean this is a very delicate question even the KOB budanov the chief of Ukraine’s Military Intelligence has emphasized this in in a

Number of interviews that this will pose the security challenge because of course the situation which people found themselves in occupied territories in 2022 it’s very different from the situ situation of people that found themselves under occupation since 2014 also because uh very often you know we even go back to these processes in

2014 but there’s a even more complex history of subversive activities both media projects and separatist local activities that push these narratives that the rest of Ukraine hates people residing in donet and luhans that they should both politic Ally economically culturally be oriented towards the Russian Federation and so these were all

It was a whole set of media mechanism educational mechanisms that were about laying the ground workor for more repressive mechan indoctrination mechanism that would become more explicit since 2014 so the overarching objectives is to restore Ukraine’s territorial borders of 1991 and it’s interesting looking at the evolution of Ukraine’s diplomatic

Position because if we remember the round of negotiations in Istanbul in March 2022 actually the question of Crimea as an occupied territory had been postponed until for a decade in the future the issue of dbas would have remained vague because the point was to restore the status quo before the 24th of February

2022 but after mounting evidence of war crimes from the side of the Russian army there became a point of no return that pushed the Ukrainian government and Ukrainian Society at large to this more non-negotiable position of restoring control over all of the territories and so hopefully when Ukraine wins

Militarily or gets to a point where we can open negotiation for the return of some of these territories through diplomatic means it will become a challenge both in terms of security but also of reconciliation how can we restore the fabric of society that has been torn apart through years of indoctrination J

Laava is there anything we haven’t spoken about that you think is important to say for our listeners I think what I would like to stress is the important of retracing reconstructing some of these processes that have started since 2014 if not earlier simply to draw attention

To the fact that the things that we’ve seen since 2022 have a longer history and that some of these mechanism that we’ve discussed today were sort of repeated then in the newly occupied territory since 2022 but of course the objectives have evolved and it wasn’t just a matter of indoctrinating the local population

Where the political objective at least until late 2021 was to ultimately reintegrate these re to essentially um destabilize Ukrainian Society in the long term and politically paralyze its Westwood integration but of course with uh the kremlin’s decision to formally Annex the self-proclaimed onet andan people’s republics and later on

Hon and zapia regions these same mechanisms acquired more radical repressive functions such as identifying rooting out disloyal potentially disloyal citizens and it’s explicitly now about cutting out carving out these regions and the local population from the rest of Ukraine breaking Ukraine piece by piece both in terms as a

Society as a nation and what is interesting when you look at the structure of these indoctrination patriotic indoctrination programs you see that it’s pretty much about stealing both Ukraine’s past and Ukraine’s future by targeting its next Generations essentially yis laava thank you so much for your

Time thank you very much for your kind invitation Ukraine the latest is an original podcast from the telegraph to stay on top of all our Ukraine news analysis and dispatches from the ground subscribe to the telegraph you can get your first three months for just one at

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Find our Twitter Handles in the description for this episode as ever we’re especially interested to hear where you are listening from around the world Ukraine the latest was today produced by Rachel Porter and jles gear executive producers are David noes and Louisa Wells

Day 672.

Today, we bring you the news of the biggest airstrike on Ukraine since Day 1 of the full scale invasion and later have an interview with Yaroslava Barbieri, doctoral researcher at the University of Birmingham, delving into indoctrination in Russian occupied Donetsk and Luhansk


Dom Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter.

Yaroslava Barbieri (Researcher, Russia’s involvement in post-Soviet conflicts). @jarabarbieri on Twitter.

Charities: We have spoken to many charities this year – from Vans Without Borders, to GP Now, to KHARPP – and we receive many messages from listeners asking for recommendations of charities they can support. We include a link to the Ukrainian Institute of London’s list of charities and organisations they recommend:

Many of our listeners have raised concerns over the potential sale of Telegraph Media Group to the Abu Dhabi-linked Redbird IMI. We are inviting the submission of comments on the process. Email or to have your say.

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  1. India and China go down in history as supporting a nation that targets a maternity ward. Indians fear of karma on their souls. Chinese become more sympathetic to Taiwanese democracy.

  2. Meanwhile the Scumbags in the US Senate, The US Congress and all the hired help help in the CIA, et al. are doing their part to assist in the collapse of the Ukraine.

  3. Russia cannoy win the war its impossible l for them they cant destroy all building because whats the point if they want the land or if they want security. So hes littwlly fighting a loosing battle

  4. I will always support Ukraine. I don't care how much gas costs, economic impact or what the bots say. I will always support Ukraine! Slava Ukraini!

  5. The propaganda is funny, are they confusing this for Israel? West killing civilians in Palestine and Ukraine . Russia uses precise weapons minimises civilians unlike Zelensky and usa uk etc. Both Ukraine and Israel have lost the war

  6. yet the warmogers that back the same bombing of hospitals elsewhere will only blame russia for this bombing . duplicitous terrible foreign policy, but at least the military industrial complex is making money

  7. Russia has basically taken out all the USA UK EU tax payer funded weapons Zelensky had. Amazing glad China North korea Iran are helping Russia. While west carries on supporting Israel . Zelensky will get flattened. We need total ban on Ukranian migration. West and Zionism is biggest danger to humanity in the world

  8. Such an important point: most of the money the US spends on Ukraine is to dump our old stuff and overvalue it and use the supposed money spent on Ukraine to build new stuff for our coffers! As if we need most of that stuff…we’ll just send in air “stuff” that will blow the …out of any of our opponents. During out Iraq/Iran war everything was bombed from the skies before a US foot stepped in! Astonishes me that any US military had the nerve to expect Ukraine forces to go in w/o air support. Shows why most countries don’t trust us!

  9. Ohhk u can see humanity here what happened in GAZA … u hypocrites u can’t see humanity there … double standards attitude…. this is lies that Ru is isolated… so stop the propaganda here we know that truth … your west should feel ashamed that 30+ NATO failed to stop Russia in last 2 years …. This is reality

  10. The idea that disgusting propaganda like this passes for news in the West nowadays is genuinely unbelievable to me! This guy straight up called for more weapons, more mobilisation and more war as his new years’s wish!! HOW IS THIS NEWS 😂

  11. how come ukrainians officialy cant shoot down a single kh 22 missile bcs its hypesonic but they can shoot down kinzhal missiles which are much more modern

  12. Just the fact that we cannot all agree to call terrorism 'Terrorism!' sadly shows the cracks in our resolve.
    The last time we called out terrorism it only took a few days work before we called it out. We watch Ukraine subjected to it for years but cannot stand together and call it what it is!

  13. The two face commentary from this creature is unbearable. Not only does he have porridge between his ears, but it seems to be oozing out of that crevice on his face. There's is no attempt to even compare this conflict to the wave of murder happening in Israel in which this propaganda mouthpiece supports wholeheartedly.

  14. DOM…I am always welcomed to listen to your news and information..Putin is a bloody maniac.. we can't let this bully do this in this day and age of time. Putin is out of control. We really need to get us all together and get this situation completely under control.. there is no room to negotiate . The Russians only understand total force and destruction. I Even there people are like this.. Lets get some balls and stop this modern day Russian mobster removed from planet earth.

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