IDF shows media ‘Hamas tunnel with railway track’ in Gaza | Israel-Hamas war

IDF shows media ‘Hamas tunnel with railway track’ in Gaza | Israel-Hamas war

A lifetime of Dreams lost in an instant nagam Abu Samra a university student and a Gaza karate champion on Christmas Eve an Israeli air strike in al- magazi Camp killed her younger sister and nagam seriously injured lost a leg she ised Bing and has trouble with

Her lungs she also has fractures in her left and right hand her right leg is cut off I plead to humanity to evacuate this Sports Champion from Gaza to any country where there are good medical services to bring nagan back tragedy and torment every gazen family has a story to tell

Nagan was her father’s Pride her mother didn’t live to see the war she died of cancer 4 months ago how much more can people take of this dozens killed today including people Sheltering in a hospital near Han yunus we’re about to walk into Gaza you can see the wall that surrounds the Gaza

Strip and on this side that is the arz border crossing terminal where with the Israeli Defense Forces it’s the only way media can enter Israel has blocked All Foreign Press from reporting on the war from inside Gaza on display a Hamas tunnel to keep its Fighters weapons and isra hostages

Out of sight what’s so extraordinary about this tunnel is simply the size of it and how sophisticated it is you can see pipes are running all the way through it that was apparently for air electricity cables and even a railway track ran for a couple of miles into the

Center of Gaza City when it comes to tunnels even the Israeli military was impressed no question Hamas are fantastic at creating Terr tunnels they are brilliant Builders you’re looking at an iron gted tunnel reinforced with electricity you have cables for communication equipment will Israel level Gaza to the ground if that’s what

It takes to destroy the tunnels the challenge is Hamas put so much of that ter infrastructure under so much so many homes and Institution is why we’re seeing so much destruction we’re going to do what we have to do in order so that the Israeli people can go to bed at

Night in Gaza 2 million people no longer have a bed and no one is sleeping worn out by a long brutal War

Hamas has always had a reputation for having some of the best underground tunnels of any militia.

In a media tour arranged by the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) into Gaza, one of the most impressive examples the Israeli military has discovered was on full display.

The entrance was just inside Gaza, only a few hundred metres from the Erez border crossing with Israel, where there was a gaping hole in the sand.

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  1. This tunnel was made to use for trade and business and every one knows about it since Arab spring .when the war started it used for the fighter to protect them from Air attacks by plan. When the ground operation started to target Hamas and other and to find the hostage they left the tunnel and some of the weapons . And Israel army started to target every thing in Gaza . More than one million became refuges and they still could not release the hostage . We hope in the 2024 the world leaders can stop the war in Ukraine and Israel to protect people’s life and start real peace with new leaders for both side Gaza and Israel .

  2. Are those the same ones built in the 80s by the occupiers according to their leaders' public declarations, or are they new ones paid with suitcases of money their prime minister admitted to providing- repeatedly through public media?

  3. Most of the tunnels the IDF will show us, will be built by Israel itself, just like Israel has built all the facilities underneath al-Shifa, Israel expanded the hospital complex, and in the 1980s, gave it a major overhaul, with Israeli architects. Along with the medical facilities, the project reportedly saw the construction of “a secure underground operating room and tunnel network” underneath the Hospital’s Building Number 2 in 1983, with a large “underground concrete floor” constructed underneath the facility during the same period. Other reports indicated that the hardened underground facilities were used to house the hospital’s laundry and “various administrative” offices. The Israeli architects had previous experience with underground military facilities. Hamas reportedly knew about the hospital complex’s hidden underground fortified areas. An Israeli contractor “hired Hamas as a security company” for the hospital (remember that Hamas was created by the Mossad). As for the potential use of the underground facilities by Hamas after Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, a 2009 report in Haaretz citing Palestinian sources indicated that the militant group’s leaders never hide in one place, but spread out and constantly change locations using an elaborate network of tunnels. None of the Israeli reporting on the hospital complex's construction shows photos of its reported fortified basement areas, and reporters covering Israeli attacks on or near the hospital during Israel’s wars with Hamas in 2008-2009, 2012, 2014 and 2023 have yet to present any direct proof of Hamas’ use of the underground facilities built by the Israelis.

  4. Gaza life is supporting bad ppl and crying for help – always, not only now. All inhabitants are guilty just like us Germans had to endure bombardments for hitlers deeds!

  5. Wonder of many of the Arab world countries give asylum or refugee status citizenship to the oppressed …even to their own kind ….and what countries are in the top of the list of such citizenship seekers …..leaders and media should do a lot of introspection

  6. So israel logic is now "oh look a tunnel with train track, yeap all those babies and women killed are now justify. We can rest easy now". Sickening how the IDF still view themself as heroes.

  7. I could have sworn I was watching Al jazeera.
    All those poor families in the Gaza strip. Of course none of that has got anything to do with the Hamas genocide of October 7th.

  8. This is what they asked for on oct 7 and they are getting it good measure. They cheered on oct 7 and now they want pitty. They must simply ask Hamas to surrender and hand themselves over.

  9. Why she’s so excited inside those tunnels.. it’s sad
    Why haven’t Palestinians denounced Hamas & helped Israel find their hiding places?
    Why have Palestinians demand kidnapped be returned? Because they’re housed in their homes?
    Here’s the problem, far too many Palestinians support what Hamas does. Hamas own charter says right in it their goal is to kill the “infidels”. They’re barbaric, that’s why they don’t have their own land. They’re not peaceful.

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