Inside Russia as war in Ukraine grinds into new year – BBC News

So I’ve driven about 60 miles east of Moscow to the town of OV zoa and I’ve come here because after nearly 2 years of war in Ukraine and after nearly two years of tough International sanctions I want to get a sense of what all new Russians are thinking not just about the

War but about life in general and about the future For foree For you know going around the town there are moments when life seems absolutely normal and then suddenly you see something something and you’re reminded that no it’s not normal at all that this is a country which is waging a war like when you see on the side of a an

Apartment block a giant mural of a Russian soldier who’s been killed in Ukraine there’s now a museum in the town dedicated to his memory and down at the large World War II Memorial in Thea his portrait has been added there too For So here I am in a supermarket in orov zua and as you can see even after 2 years of sanctions there’s still plenty on the shelves but inflation is a worry for Russians no doubt about it according to official statistics the price of tomatoes uh went up 50% in 2023 and the

Price of eggs by 59% I get the feeling that Russia is entering 2024 with two very contrasting worlds side by side there’s the the world of normality right next to the world of conflict here in the park you can write a letter and post it to the Russian

Santa Claus grandfather Frost and right next to it send a letter to a Russian soldier or you can enjoy yourself skating but skate past a poster recruiting for the Russian military it’s like War and Peace side by Side

As the world enters a new year, the war in Ukraine also grinds into another year.

Many Russians are still willing to believe the Kremlin’s narrative that the West is to blame for the war – but what are their thoughts on the future?

The BBC’s Russia editor Steve Rosenberg, one of the few remaining Western journalists in the country, reports.

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  1. Странно что Америка сама разжигала войну, а сейчас американское ТВ делает репортаж

  2. You lived abroad for too long… that is obsoletely normal for Russia… It was never any other way. Even during peace in Russia you are constantly reminded of war by memorials, posters , TV and conscripts walking around towns in uniforms.. 50% of all movies and TV shows in Russia are about war too.

  3. Crazy seeing residents of a country accept the fact they will never have freedom and nothing to look forward to, Putin is all about how he will looks years down line a bet thousands go to the streets when he is no more

  4. There will be a million memorials before long. Hope you tube censorship does not censor this comment. Lately they have been hitting hard anytime I say anything negative about their hero.

  5. What a disgusting Russian society. They are morally responsible for the atrocities being comitted in a neighbouring country. They are completely ZZombified by the Russian propaganda and many others keep silence and do not object about the bombing os maternity hospitals, schools , churches. Disgusting society 🤮

  6. Zelensky personally gave the order to the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine, Budanov, about a massive attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces on Belgorod on December 30.

    This was reported by RT's source in law enforcement agencies.

    The perpetrator of the terrorist attack was the personnel of the national battalion “Kraken” under the command of Sergei Velichko. The nationalists quickly moved into position and attacked the city with MLRS, after which they retreated to the rear areas of the Kharkov region.

    It was previously reported that Velichko was liquidated, but this information was not confirmed.

  7. Remember that before this war started, it was widely believed by military experts that in a conventional war, Russia would have steamrolled most of Europe in less than a year, with Ukraine being little more than an initial speed bump.

  8. Who cares what ordinary Russian people think! Putin started this war and he is targeting innocent civilians and murdering them, they need to throw his butt out of power! Which they are to weak to do! I lost a lot of respect for you Russians, I have!

  9. Англичане, я прошу Вас остановите своё правительство, хватит убивать наши народы. Фактически вы натравили братьев друг на друга, в итоге умирают и наши Русские и наши Украинцы. Разве вы не понимаете к чему всё идёт? Ваши и наши люди, дома, производства будут под огнём, мы не хотим этого. Но мы никогда не сдадимся! Мы бы с удовольствием дружили с Вами и шли бы за Вами, но как можно идти за лидером, который говорит всем, что смена пола у детей это нормально или бородатый мужчина, называющий себя женщиной. Для нас это не нормально, аморально и дико. Мы просто по религии, не можем следовать этому пути, да и не хотим. За Мир во все Мире!

  10. The land of the strong and the willing. The imperialists cant break russia and the world is firmly behind russia if yall stop listening to propaganda for a while. My hope is the American people retake there govt from the bureaucracy lol. Anyways GOD BLESS RUSSIA

  11. To President Putin, please end this war now. Swallow you pride, hate, & aggressive behaviour so that Russia can continue to prosper. You have the largest country goeographically & you have many strategic geographyic locations to the sea & massive airspace. Russian aslo has the most Nuclear weapons to deter enemies. I do not believe Europe or America is your enemies. Yes you have difference with them but you country was governing well. Many Russians came out of poverty & Russia was prospering. Leave Ukraine please & focuse on Russia & improve the lives of all Russians.
    Please end this WAR right now. You may get angry with me but you are selfish humanbeing & its all about your feelings & and what you want for you not the people of Russia. The people of Russia wants a country where they can live in peace, love❤, harmony & prosperity. They world has evolved & every country must accept l, allow, respect each others borders on land, air, & sea. Me must not be greedy and invade other people's land and kill innocent people. Borders were drawn with respect to international laws and we MUST accept & move on to maintain peace, love & harmony on this beautiful planet god have loan to us. President Putin, i hope and pray that you swiftly withdraw you troops/ military operations from the land of Ukranine you occupied & let peace, love & harmony prevail!!❤❤

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