Liz Truss resignation honours revealed as Kwarteng & cabinet miss out

Liz Truss resignation honours revealed as Kwarteng & cabinet miss out

Prime minister for a matter of weeks but none of the people who briefly made up Liz truss’s cabinet feature in her resignation honors list Chancellor what are you going to do about the turmoil on the markets this morning sir nothing for one-time Ally and former Chancellor quasi quatang or for her Deputy Prime

Minister and health secretary theres coffee those that did make the list of 11 names include Matthew Elliot a political strategist and former chief executive of vote leave he’s given a peage businessman John moan another brexit supporter and Tory donor will also enter the Lords while Ruth Porter a

Senior official to Liz truss in number 10 is made a baroness Tory MP’s Alex shellbrook and Jackie Doyle price are given a Knighthood and damehood with honors also for five other political allies in a statement issued alongside her list Liz truss said I’m delighted these champions for the conservative

Causes of Freedom limited government and a proud and Sovereign Britain have been suitably honored but allies eyes of the former prime minister have questioned why it’s taken until Christmas for the list to be published given it was first submitted in March as we head into a likely election year Downing Street will

Be wary of anything that ties the current prime minister to Liz truss’s chaotic six weeks in office her resignation honors list risks doing that and that’s why it’s no surprise that number 10 has chosen to publish it alongside the regular New Year’s gongs and while MPS are on their Christmas

Break and not here in Westminster Labour says the honors should have been vetoed because of the economic turmoil that took place under Liz truss these are rewards for failure if Rishi sunak had anything about him if he was really a strong leader he would block it but of

Course he’s too weak to do that and I think people across the country will be staggered that this trust has been allowed to uh give these people uh B balls and honors for failure rishy sunak back home watching his football team while a government Source accused labor of hypocrisy saying it was convention

For prime ministers not to block the political peerages of others as Westminster prepares for the New Year celebrations and attention turns to who’ll be on top after the next election evidence again that the political past can often be dragged into the present Rob pal Sky News in Westminster

Kwasi Kwarteng, Therese Coffey and the rest of Liz Truss’s cabinet have missed out on getting gongs or places in the House of Lords as part of her resignation honours list.

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  1. It’s astonishing that there are so many incompetent narcissists with no shame at the top of British politics at the moment…the Conservative party no longer exists really we have some sort of weird tin pot Brexit Junta and have become a Banana republic with no bananas thanks to these parasites.

  2. Preposterous!! Liz served ONLY 49 days as PM, she muddles everything in those 49 days, fails to keep her job, then she resigns. Just the term 'resignation honours list' is absurd. Why is Liz a failed ex-PM being given this chance to nominate a resignation honours list? Has this country & UK politics gone to pots?

  3. The Honours system is in disarray. It is time it was completely overhauled for example anyone making donations should be banned they have bought the honour. The honours are for those who have done something for the country. Too many are just a joke!!!

  4. To be fair, the appointments are not that bad. I was expecting worse. These people like a debate, and that's what we need more of in the Lords

  5. I know there was no precedence for a PM to be so bad and only to cause damage and international embarrassment within 2 months but she should not have been allowed to do this. It was for actual serving PMs who were able to deliver something.

  6. Without doubt the most useless and nationally embarrasing "pm" ever, completely without shame, caused mayhem, quickly removed from office before she could cause more damage to UK economy and now, THIS !! Anyone else think the UK and its daft traditions need a very thorough overhaul….. ?

  7. Most of them highly paid for DOING a job.I have no issue with members of the public being awarded for their charity work or whatever,but Truss awarding her cronies is an insult

  8. Yet another example of how this outdated political system works in the UK. Privileged individuals who are mostly inept, but speak well make decisions that will improve their own wealth yet do little for the majority of hardworking Brits are allowed to fail in their role and then honour their inept, pompous friends who then in turn make more decisions to enhance their own wealth. These people should not feel safe in their homes.

  9. No politician should get peerages. The service is what they get paid for ! It should for ‘ normal ppl ‘ who go above and beyond for everyone else. Scrap this totally out of date system !

  10. Truss was not elected by the public, neither was bo-jo what kind of corrupt system allows these non elected grifters to pass on lucrative awards to un deserving gobshites.

  11. Why should her "people" be given anything? It's ridiculous that anyone could be given a peerage, be made a dame or even receive any public acknowledgement by this FAILURE of a Prime Minister who in just 6 short weeks ruined the recovering UK economy, reopened the wounds left by Brexit & Covid just as they were settling down & single handedly made her party, the position of Prime Minister& the political process in this country a complete & utter public debacle & a global laughing stock…. The whole lot of them who followed her deeper & deeper down the rabbit hole in those less than stellar 6 weeks should have all been handed their cardboard boxes full of stuff & slung out into the street's alongside this simpering, squeaky voiced Imbecile who honestly thought EVERYONE believed she had the political wit, Gaul & tenacity to run a country especially at such a traumatic time… How could someone who had been around as long as she had, NOT have realised she was being set up to take a fall & finally allow Sunak on his 3rd attempt to become PM, even a complete half wit like her should have seen it coming
    Sunak needs to "grow a pair" & cancel all her useless nominations & move on😮😮😮

  12. In effect we the public the people r these nobs employers Truss is a disgrace & should be removed from parliament & that dopey Yvette cooper, ed balls what does he do????? Good morning Britain fgs get lost, Olly missing her salary huh, hope her voice not so gruff the gruffalo

  13. The Liz Truss resignation Honours List should be more appropriately called the Liz Truss Resignation Dishonours List. She was
    The shortest and most embarrassing Prime Minister in history, may even have been the worst, despite that very short time in office. Nothing to be really honored about, really.

  14. The House of Lords needs to be dissolved and if we still feel the need for a second arm of Parliament then an elected, by the people, Senate should relace it. A country can not be a democracy when one of its two branches of government is appointed by crooked and failed politicians.

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