Israel says war in Gaza expected to continue throughout 2024| BBC News

Israel’s military says it has killed a senior Hamas Commander Adel mama in an overnight strike in central Gaza the BBC has not been able to verify the Israel Defense Force claim that he led an attack on a kibuts in southern Israel on the 7th of October in Israel the New

Year began with air raid sirens in Tel Aviv and other areas after Hamas launched more rockets and there was no letup in the air strikes hitting Gaza with at least 24 people killed but Israeli tanks have pulled out of some parts of Gaza City ahead of a planned troop ruction our Middle East

Correspondent Yulan Nell is in Jerusalem she gave us more details about last night’s Hamas rocket attacks so it was just after midnight local time people in Tel Aviv have been seeing in the new year and there were these Air Raid Sirens that went off as a barrage of rockets uh Hamas used its

Longer range M90 Rockets were fired towards Tel Aviv also were parts of Southern Israel um now Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system was quickly in action there with a thuds of uh interceptions bringing down those Rockets but really a very Grim start to the new year uh meanwhile in Gaza itself

In the dark we had scenes of Rescuers scrambling in the rubble of B buildings that had been newly flattened by Israeli air strikes um some 50 people killed in the latest air strikes in Gaza City about 20 of them people who are taking shelter of the alaka University we

Understand um also in the Center and in the south of the Gaza Strip fighting there remains extremely intense Julet tumer who’s director of communications for the United Nations relief and works agency known as unra and give us a little bit of an impression of What It’s Like on this first day of 2024

There thanks uh so much Happy New Year look not much difference um the the air strikes and the bombardment continues and with that uh crowds and crowds of people continue to head south in search of safety that sadly has not existed for almost three months now across the Gaza

Strip and in in your estimation when Israel says that it plans to well that the conflict could continue throughout the year what does that do to particularly children’s psyche perhaps I think to everybody psych um the the continuation of of the war and any int ification and expansion is going

To mean more suffering everywhere more loss and more grief it is time for a ceasefire what about shelter how how are you getting on with providing shelter for you have been forced to move from one place and then had to move again yeah well umra right now is

Hosting 1.4 million people across our shelters in the in the Gaza Strip people continue to come to these shelters and they are overcrowded mainly in the South so some of them have been just um forced to live wherever they can including out in in in the open and um they are

Um they’re very very um difficult conditions across um these um these shelters and there needs to be much more um supplies coming in to help uh people in in need and on that issue of supplies there are reports of negotiations going on behind the scenes to try to get to a

Point where more can can come in can you explain to us the logistical and the security concerns at the moment you have to overcome when you do bring material in look it’s a very complex humanitarian operation in in the Gaza Strip yes there isn’t much suppliers coming in so that’s for sure

There’s also the bombardment itself that stands in in the way uh there’s also um hits against uh humanitarian facilities and humanitarian workers including the recent shooting that we had against one of our convoys but there’s also high high levels of desperation of hunger among people in in in Gaza uh which

Means that every time we go and provide Aid especially in areas that we’re not able to reach as much as we should people just come to our trucks they take stuff uh and they start eating it then and there and so this is why it’s absolutely fundamental that there’s a

Humanitarian ceasefire we know from the shortlived pose from a few weeks ago that we managed to bring in more supplies that we managed to um get into other areas that were restricted previously and that people finally had some rest fite

The Israeli military has said it expects the conflict in Gaza to continue throughout 2024.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman said troop deployments were being adjusted to prepare for “prolonged fighting”.

The Hamas-run health ministry said some 21,978 people – mostly women and children – have been killed in Gaza since 7 October.

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  1. these people are Semitic not Greek you a liar you a cheat you keep calling them the minority when you call someone a phillistine you call them a Greek that is who they were but you keep using this name for that place you make them a minority we do not want the un or britain speaking for our people its Semitic land no Greek land that includes Ghaza Semitic people living there you throwing them out your own Semitic people

  2. Under International Law, Israel, as an occupying force, does not have the right to use military force in self-defense against its occupied territory.

  3. who the phillistines are they not living there today they living where the Greeks so why you still call that place phillistine land you a fool that is not who your people are the idf is fighting their own people they working for agamemnon and his Greeks they the same people that enslaved the Levant you a fool

  4. the evangelicals say the Bible out of context honestly when ALLAH gathers the nations to that valley of dry bones nobody wins no side wins do not think GOD is going to favor Israel for doing that but the other side will learn a lesson to both will lose but ALLAH will restore the lands


    Little baby, I love you

    For you are a part of me.

    Each and every inch you’ll grow

    I want to be there to see.

    Someday you’ll chase fireflies

    Who ride the breath of the winds.

    Someday you'll be all grown up

    And out on the town with friends.

    You have your daddy's freckles

    You've got your mommy's eyes.

    We pray to God every day

    You survive war and life's lies.

    Little babies shoot up fast

    As they need to stretch and grow.

    They do such things as children do

    In a world they’ve yet to know.

    Someday you will understand

    How your parents feel inside

    Someday you’ll have your babies

    And raise them with great pride.

    Of all the gifts that life may bring

    A sweet baby is still the best.

    Your mom and I shall love you

    Till the day we're laid to rest.

    How many babies must be victims of war

    As the sins of man destroy all they love?

    How many babies will never be the same

    Because of combat on earth and above?

    By Tom Zart

  6. ALLAH will gather the nations nobody wins the evangelicals take it out of context they do not want hear that they support the zionist but ALLAH will not be in their favor because they yell for gold

  7. ALLAH will gather the nations and they get confounded that includes Israel they follow gold but that is not here yet it happens later we have not seen that yet the war in Asia minor that is not caused by Islam its due to people in power wanting more power

  8. the churches today preach more about gold than GOD why they do this for the love of the dunya and their ornaments of gold will be their undoing

  9. Israel is going to Confined and limiting the decision making powers and rights of judiciary (judges) in Israel to prove itself a Dictatorship. There is no hope for israeli good governance bcz they have all their wealth is in foreigners allies it would not affect any rich but indirectly they are trying to shattered and battered each every nest of weak human living there.

  10. they preach against Persia yeah Persia will make some mistakes they did in the past but ALLAH will redeem them for example one of their kings it might have been khosrow had so much plunder that 250,000 camels had to carry that but ALLAH destroyed his empire and redeemed that people

  11. Persia let the magian corrupt them they have double minded folly but ALLAH rebuked them and showed them the Truth today Israel is also double minded they allow the magian to corrupt them

  12. the Quran has a Surah about ornaments of gold and it tells you not to be misled by luxury but Rome does not listen Israel does not listen Persia does not listen they ask for a sign but its not in their favor because they deny the favors of their LORD

  13. they become bitter with their wealth but ALLAH sends the thunder and the clouds change color and the cities become sand many nations have been destroyed due to their own lack of faith and today they have lost their way but follow many paths

  14. the fitna comes out of that area far east be careful about who you fight for that figure is like macedon most likely it is doctor zelensky somehow he comes from there he is very close to that figure

  15. At all costs, Netanyahu clandestinely STARTED his personal war to ANIHILATE PALESTINE and her people. Netanyahu: "Our Three Prerequisites for Peace"
    We must destroy Hamas, demilitarize Gaza and deradicalize the whole of Palestinian society."
    Netanyahu is the longest-tenured prime minister in the country's history, having served for a total of over 16 years giving him ample time to acrue immense political power–near authoritarian rule. The U.S. gives Israel $3.8 billion annually–with nothing in return (as Israel claims). Since its founding in 1948, the United States has provided Israel with over $130 billion. In 2016 Israel was [GIVEN] an overall package of $38bn (26.8bn) in military aid. President Biden requested at least $14.3 billion in additional assistance to Israel,Inarguably, leaders with this much greed and power POCKET the majority of U.S. taxpayer [stipened] to Israel.
    October 2019, and on 21 November, Netanyahu was indicted in cases 1000, 2000, and 4000 for charges including breach of trust, accepting bribes, and fraud.
    Netanyahu's governing coalition passed a law in March that limits removing a prime minister from office to cases of medical and mental incapacitation. It would protect Netanyahu from being deemed unfit for office because of his ongoing corruption trial and claims of a conflict of interest.Aug 3, 2023
    Netanyahu was charged with fraud, breach of trust and accepting bribes in three separate scandals involving — powerful media moguls and wealthy associates. —He denies wrongdoing.
    Critics say that Netanyahu is driven to weaken the courts and change the judicial system as a way to open an escape route from his trial.

  16. She didn’t mention the convoys of aid trucks stolen by Hamas, there is so much footage of it from Palestinians, I just can’t understand how it’s not reported.

  17. You are out of time Bibi. Zionists have gone too far. I was always rooting for a two-state solution, but every day of this massacre seals the fate of a one state solution, and its not the one you attempted for these 75 years. A free Palestine with a huge jewish minority, as it has been for centuries. Israel has sealed its fate. The current generation is not so easily fooled by Hasbara. Sorry Bibi…

  18. This particular battle wil end one day but the war of religious, ethnic and political hatreds will continue into perpetuity well beyond the lifetimes of those babies saved from the levelled apartments. Whether its Gaza, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen or Israel, the Middle East is a cauldron of hatred and a cycle of violence that spins independently on its own axis, interrupted only by brief reprieves of peace before rearming.

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