Press Preview: Saturday’s papers

Press Preview: Saturday’s papers

Time night for the Press preview our first look at what’s on the front pages as they arrive over the remainder of the hour we’ll be taking a look at the headlines with the sun’s Deputy political editor Ryan saev and the guardian columnist at Zoe Williams plenty for us to discuss but let’s run

You through the front pages first and we start with the mirror it leads with the New Year’s honors list in a story that reports that more deserving candidates were snubbed in favor of Tori donors and supporters more positive story on the New Year’s honors at headlines the mail

The focus on parents who’ve been recognized for turning the anguish of losing their children into campaigns for social justice uh here’s the I uh concerned with possible rail disruption in the New Year many staff refusing to do overtime as the prospect of renewed strikes looms Guardian choosing to go with a

Report from a progressive Think Tank which says that public services including the courts and the NHS simply won’t recover from excessive backlogs until at least the 2030s at the sun says that man city manager Pep Guardiola has warned his players not to flaunt their wealth on social media after England star Jack

Gish’s home was burgled whilst he was playing and the star continuing a fine run this week uh carrying the story about the benefits of beavers uh and a reminder that by scanning the QR code you can see on screen during the program you can check out the front

Pages of tomorrow’s papers whilst you watch us and we are joined uh tonight uh by Ryan and Zoe and look there is there is only one way to one place to start because of course while we’ have had the New Year’s honors we’ve also had Liz truss’s resignation honors announced

Front page of the mirror um sums up well one perspective uh on all of this Heroes and zeros and as we were discussing discussing in the break I suppose there are two things to say one there’ll be plenty of people surprised that Liz trust was given the opportunity to give

These give these honors out and to that she took it Ryan yeah I think most people will look at this when they see these headlines and just look at the sort of the sheer cheek that she’s um actually you know got a set of honors to give out three Peres in there eight

Lesser honors and she was only in Downing Street for for 49 days and they’ll be asking questions why have these people got got the honors and got the peages especially at a time where they blame her for that mini budget and also their mortgage costs going up so I

Think there’d be sort of big questions um asked about this um the government will come back and say well every prime minister is entitled to um you know their their resignation Hors and they’ll they’ll point to people like Tom Watson or Shamy Shakra barti for for for

Getting them so there there is argument in in both sides but I think on just on the surface of this I think people be people be agreed I I mean so I mean they can they can make that argument it doesn’t mean that any of us have to

Believe it because of course while she she was entitled to them I me she could have said no she could have just pointed out you know what I wasn’t doing the job for particularly long didn’t exactly end as i’ wanted it you know some people might feel this is

Cronyism there are basically three things going on the first is that none of the rights she got on leaving h on leaving office feel right to anybody right so that you know she got that pay that 115,000 a year to run her personal office which is for exiting Prime

Ministers and everybody was like are you kidding me you were a prime minister for under 50 days now this again she’s kind of really milking it for everything it was worth when she wasn’t worth anything like the office was worth so there’s that problem the second problem is the

Actual nature of the people she’s ennobled you know the mark littlewood who was the head of the Ia did get was on the original list and didn’t make the cut but the other three are absolutely clear political allies there’s no attempt to kind of balance there’s no

Attempt to reflect the needs of the House of Lords the obviously electoral reform has suggested for a long time that there should be a two out one in policy just to bring that chamber down a little bit it’s now over 800 people so to see her you know essentially um

Ennobling people who parts parts of the leave Campaign which a lot of people just think should be put behind us is again really problematic but you know if you’re expecting those trust to have some kind of class and say no no thanks but no thanks I don’t I don’t think

That’s going to happen well there’s Trust on on the front page there um alongside a photo of John Griffin uh awarded a Gong after also awarding the conservative party 44 million I mean before we actually go through the list of who’s who’s who’s been honored let’s

Just hear from Liz truss herself and she said this I am delighted these champions for the conservative causes of Freedom limited government and proud and Sovereign Britain have been suitably honored let’s go inside the mail and and find out exactly who it is I mean who is

Who has left out to you I mean the first the first that the first guy that that I’m spotting there is weather spoon boss Tim Martin receiving a nud the funny thing about this is that he didn’t actually donate that much to the Tory party so it made me think he was it’s

Actually a little bit cheaper than you’d think because there are people here who’ve donated in the millions but Tim Martin’s donation was something more like 50,000 which you know he could easily have lost in a card game presumably it was it was brexit as much as anything else when it came to Mr

Martin sorry stim I should say Martin he’s on the main the the New Year’s honors list but then you’ve got the the other three the vote leave um there’s a couple of vote leave Matthew Elliot um John Mo in hand who also gave 202,000 to um Liz truss’s leadership campaign so

Again that ra that raises questions and there’s also a deputy chief of staff who also be going to to the the House of Lords but it does bring into question you know if you are um donating to um political leaders you know should that does that tarnish any kind of award

Later on down the line I mean doesn’t it just give the opposition you know the opportunity to get a big old stick out and and and whack you whack the government with it you know John Ashworth labor this list is proof of rishy Sak’s weakness you know um libd

Deputy leader Daisy Cooper trust handing out gongs after blowing a hole in public finances caus this whole honor System into into disres disrepute I mean if ever there’s going to be a national conversation about whether or not this is a a proper thing for departing politicians to to have in their gift is

Certainly the case that very few things bring in relief just how many conservative Prime Ministers there have been in the past five years more than this you know it’s it’s like you you sort of accept it as the new reality they don’t last very long they’re

Constantly in crisis and then as soon as you see the departing honors you realize just how constitutionally unusual and destabilizing it is and labor were very keen to make the point early on that richy sunak could have blocked this now people in government are saying that

They you know this is just a matter of course that the former prime minister will have that chance to to put forth their resignation on us but they were making the point that this was a list of Shame and he he should have come in to

Step it step in step back you not do you know go forward with the the list what what what do we make then of the timing of all of this as we were Hearing in our report just a second ago you know this these these names were submitted back in

March so as you you mentioned yourself you know we knew some of them because they were they were they were leaked out at that point I I think didn’t mustn’t we have thought that they would probably mostly be knocked back they were but I think that in terms of the timing I

Think it’s very opportune you’ve got the New Year’s honors list you’ve got you know the end of the year people are thinking about New Year’s Eve in the middle of Christmas and all the all the celebrations and what goes on with that so it’s a very good opportunity for them

To do it if there was any point over the past nine months or over the next few weeks to do it this is the moment you can move on with the new year um come up next week um we we’ll bring in the Ft at the moment but you trust three allies to

The Lords after you know her her 49 day term but but but again it’s it’s it’s the idea that presumably conversations could have been had between Downing Street and Liz trust pointing out that perhaps now is not the time maybe even pushing it further into the long grass

But is is this just simply a political calculation about the fact we’re going to have a general election next year what that they that they basically thinking that what’s the point having a reputation when we’re well well that if you’re going to if you’re going to talk

About this if you’re going to talk about it do it this side of the new year and I don’t know the amount of whiskey that goes down on Hugman a few people might forget about it I mean I think that’s a that’s a kind of fine calculation I and

When I say fine I don’t mean good um it’s it’s the the the problem is they’re going to go depending on when the election lands people will either be associating the conservatives with their eye watering expensive mortgages and rents or if interest rates have come down they’re going to be associating them

With cronyism if it if you know the co inquiry is landing Landing some results they’re going to be associated with mismanagement on that score so they they really don’t have in their gift the perfect time to have an election when nobody will be talking about their problematic things these people could

Have turn turned them down I think there was one person who said they’re too embarrassed to be linked with the list so they actually walked away from it let’s they dwell on on the kind of the more positive aspect of that which is just come out had the Embargo lifted on

It this is um the front of the Daily Mail their headline I think you know pretty accurate actually the most poignant honors of all and and these of course for for for the parents of you know Molly Russell and Joanna Simpson who took who took their pain and did

Something positive with it did something incredibly positive with it I mean Ian Russell’s work on Internet safety was really what was so extraordinary about it was not just that he found all that kind of campaigning Vigor in such a distressing awful time but that he was actually quite um he was quite searching

He was quite challenging to massive massive companies you know like um Tik Tok like like Etsy like like people you do not expect to see challenge at this in in a kind of forum of Citizen campaigning and I think he has made an impact I think it’s I think it’s the

Right thing to do yeah I was with Ian Russell yesterday I was um in the cabinet office when we were sort preparing for the for the for the coverage today so so so impressive but he’s actually thinking about the next stage already in this campaign he’s also

Looking at the he’s looking at the regulator the now formal regulator ofcom and saying they’ve got to get have teeth to step in if social media platforms you know step step over the mark and talk about working with the tech firms so you know to take down that harmful content

So so he you know he he’s he’s not letting up just because he’s got this uh this honor and also what’s so interesting about that is that you know there’s a lot of lobbying goes on between Tech firms and MPS and you don’t see that kind of campaigning Zeal from

Elected elected MPS but you do see it from citizens sorry I said Etsy before and I didn’t mean Etsy I meant Pinterest so I don’t want to slur them de your friend thank you for that clarification I welcome back to the Press preview Ryan Zoe still here and Zoe will’ll give you

The honors given it’s your paper um the lead the lead for the guardian the courts and the NHS not just in fact actually but we start with those not in a position of not recovering you know for the the best part of a decade the

Best part of a decade for sure I mean they’re talking about the 2030s and and they don’t necessarily say the 20 the early 2030s now the thing is is that the courts in the NHS they’re quite easy backlogs to measure because they Count Their backlog but things like the number of councils

Falling over and going bankrupt that’s going to be massive as well that’s going to take years to recover and what I think this reflects is there is a lot of conversation in and around labor about the establishing some kind of Doomsday document which says we’ve popped the

Herd on all the things that went wrong in the last 13 years and it’s much worse than you think and this is how this is the mountain we’ve got to climb now they have to land that really really fast because otherwise they’re going to get stuck with a huge amount of chaos that

Was actually created by the austerity years and then later by the kind of distractions of brexit so they have to land it but they also have to not campaign on it because if they go into an election saying everything’s going to be terrible for ages that’s not a great

Look well isn’t isn’t isn’t isn’t isn’t the point I mean that’s in in paragraph three you when when har quilter pin of the IPP director said that you know if we’re going to sort this out reform and higher spending are going to be needed and that’s the stick that’s always used

To beat labor come election time and that’s the trouble there isn’t there isn’t much spending so every time we’ve had a financial statement where it’s been the the Autumn statement or it’s been a budget um Jeremy M hunt has had limited limited Headroom to play with so

And there’s going to be some traps set by the conservatives going into that next election that you know they’ve lowered um National Insurance they’re probably going to lower some sort of maybe income tax possibly um at the budget so as soon as labor gets in do

They raise them or do they not do they want to fall into that trap straight away of of raising taxes and I think actually when when you look at this because this is part of an IPP report called great government and they do have some ideas they’ve got ideas in the kind

Of tax um raising space they’ve got ideas in the spending reduction space and it’s quite kite flyy you know one of the one of the ideas is that they bring in chat GPT to run some public sector um L literature which would save 24 billion now I think 24 billion sounds toppy for

How for how much that would save and I also think that sounds like quite a longterm project so you know it’s quite easy when you you’re the IPP to say things which are a little bit more out there than the actual labor party let’s

Let’s so just I we just want we only got a couple minutes left so I do want to get our final story in in the front of the ey weekend um and a story quite close to my heart cuz I’m supposed to be heading off in a couple of days myself

Um the real chaos um because in part you’ve got the weather but you’ve also got these strengths as well the threat in some ideas yeah it’s it seems like every time you know you try and get on a train there’s you know I got the train

Training uh this morning and uh you know there was staff that not turning up to work there was Trains being cancelled left left right and Center you look along the board and you know there barely barely A train running um I don’t think people would mind if they pay you

Know when you’re paying you know good money for a service that you can actually get a seat you know if you’re going on that long journey you’re not standing in the aisle for hours upon hours you know the catering you know but there you have there you have the third

Kind of bullet point there ministers warn they will hold operators to account if they let passengers down where have they been where have they been for quite some time now it comes to the real Network in this country well the the basically the ministerial response to all industrial action and indeed all

Industrial relations has been if you ignore them they’ll go away I mean I remember speaking to the head of the roal College of nurses which who couldn’t get into a room with the relevant Minister for nearly nine months after she took the post so you know it

Is Testament I think to the sort of crumbling government and crumbling Spirit of government that ministers say these sa rattling things but they don’t really have any recourse if the if the strikes go ahead you think the passengers and those people who use the trains just want ministers to you know

Get the train operating companies to to grab everything you know by the neck asle is still you know threatening strike action well to to next year they said they’ll do it you know up until the election or so so you know it just needs you know people to get into the room and

Actually thres it out but just in general of course this is this is going to be exacerbated we only get 30 seconds but it’s going to be exacerbated by the weather and every year for for you know a handful of years that I can remember now there have been problems when it

Comes to so-called public transport but is this not quite unprecedented I mean it does look worse than normal between the sort of hurricanes in Blackpool and the amazingly Heavy Rain does you go to Scotland does r an awful lot over Christmas yeah sorry so I don’t I don’t know whether

We’re kind of looking at a climate change effect which actually is going to make the industrial action seem like relatively small fry if they if trains getting knocked off the rails but hey at least it gives us the opportunity to do that which the British love most talk about the weather

We take a look inside Saturday’s papers.

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  1. N. Patterson again…Giving the news and his guests another tongue-lashing. Why doesn't he just tone it down and keep his bl..dy opinions to himself? Deeply ironic that he's so fond of his own voice.

  2. Boris Johnson’s got a multimillion pounds mansion and a lifestyle to support that mansion.
    He’s not Bothered about Gong’s.
    The solution is to make the job’s of MPs a licensed occupation with the proviso that they pay 90 percent tax on income earned during their tenure.

  3. The fat cats sorry I mean lord pop into the Lords everyday for 30 seconds to sign a bit of paper to receive 300£ a day every day and 300£ x 800 Lords = 240,000£ a day we spend on these sleepy fat cat Lords

  4. Why carnt we get the energy sector and put it back into the public ownership hands but run it like a private company and the insane profits pumped back into the country ie the debt

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