Scenes of war shown in foreign media ‘not shown’ in Israel | Israel-Hamas war

Scenes of war shown in foreign media ‘not shown’ in Israel | Israel-Hamas war

Welcome back Israel has rejected what it is calling baseless claims from South Africa after it launched a genocide case against the country at the international court of justice it comes as the Israeli military claims to have destroyed a tunnel Network which it says was a hideout belonging to hamas’s leader in

Gaza joining me now is Gideon Levy columnist for the Israeli newspaper haret um welcome to you Mr Levy could you give us a sense of public opinion within Israel of the way the government the military is Prosecuting this war we still face an overall support in Israel for continuing the war the scenes

That you are exposed in the UK and elsewhere are not shown here in Israel systematically not by the media voluntarily not by the media but most of the Israelis are not exposed to what you are exposed and therefore it’s much easier to support this war without having any moral doubts about the

Outcomes and what you can see in the international networks or in networks like your yours is so horrifying that you you really ask yourself for how long and and how long will this support go on because the support no critic about this war no question marks no no resistance no

Opposition nothing Israel supports this war from wall to wall should the Israeli public uh have access to reports like those to which you refer shown here uh in the UK in other countries and are they aware of the uh the figures that are put forward orbe it from the G Gaza

Health Ministry about the number of casualties in this war so far in Gaza yes sure the figures are are published but figures are only Figures it’s you know it’s all about the framing you can give figures they might shock you but Israel is really concentrated it’s in

Own sacrifice its own Mo it’s its own care about the hostages and all this is very understandable and human but as long as you don’t see the scenes you cannot understand what is Israel doing to Gaza right now and therefore there is this apathy and More Than This you know

That even to pay some kind of empathy with Gaza with the pain of Gaza solidarity with Gaza is almost criminal now in Israel and you might be taking to to court and to Justice when we speak to spokespeople from the IDF as we do regularly on this channel uh

They’re always Keen to underscore that with the figures of the number of people killed in Gaza um they say but how do we know how many of those are terrorists is is that sort of explanation and logic something that the Israeli public are comfortable with I I would answer you in

A question a 9,000 children killed is there any chance that they were a terrorists there was one day last week in which 162 babies were killed where they suspected as terrorist every eight minutes there is a child killed in Gaza can we really justify everything and ignore everything

I mean the seventh was a turning point the 7th of October it was a barbaric attack over Israel but this does not mean that now Israel has the right to do whatever it wants and you know no there are terrorist k no doubt about it and there was a need to do something

Obviously every country has its own right to protect itself but there should be also some limits and I don’t see those limits implemented in Israel it sounds I mean your the position that that you’re taking is is is much more nuanced um than the position taken by many of the spokes

People that we speak to from either the government in Israel or indeed from from the military um has there been pressure on on the lines that you take in your reporting no I must say that there’s a privilege Jew in Israel I gain all the freedom that I can expect the street

Doesn’t like me the social media obviously doesn’t like me you wouldn’t like to see my my my social media what I get there the garbage that I get but I feel totally free and above all totally safe I’m not the the story really not but what I must say in this context is

That many of my friends the leftists changed in this war even then so you become more and more lonely that’s unprecedented I don’t remember a war in which so little critics was heard so little critics was legitimate and and Mr Ley what about the stated position from some Representatives um in I’m thinking

Particularly here the UK ambassador to uh the Israeli Ambassador here in in the UK that Israel is not looking for a two-state solution what is the public support for that it’s off the table totally off the table Israel avoided under netan any discussion about the future any discussion netan himself doesn’t believe

In any kind of settlement with the Palestinians and public opinion lost interest I mean our lives is very good in Israel why would we bother about what’s going on in the West Bank anyhow we hardly go there they don’t bother us we don’t bother them so we think and and

The issue is not on the table at all and above all I am afraid to tell you that the two State solution is really only in the minds of all kind of European and American politicians it is so farfetched to talk about it now when there is neither an Israeli partner

And hardly a Palestinian partner and above all there is no room for Palestinian state with 700,000 settlers what kind of Palestinian state will it be exactly yeah it doesn’t uh it paints a very dire picture doesn’t it for the future of people in Gaza and I just

Wanted to ask you as well about a story in uh is Israel’s newspapers about a teenager 18 years old who’s conscientiously objected to going to fight for the IDF because of what’s happened on October the 7th he’s being sent to prison what is the public reaction to that first of all it’s a

Very marginal story in Israel because the media always marginalized the refus n and they are also very small in in numbers we have to realize that most of the Israeli young people are very happy to go to serve the Army are very happy to serve in Gaza now you hear the

Soldiers they are all very convinced that they are doing the right thing there are almost no cases except of the case that you just mentioned no cases of refus of refusal which tells you also a story about Israeli society and Israel’s values and where does this

End not in a good place I mean I wish I could tell you it’s going to end up somehow in a better place but I cannot with I can really portray any kind of optimistic scenario in this reality when Israel turns so much to the rights po to the nationalistic and

Racist poll and militaristic pole like never before we are in a place that we have never been before in Israel when Hamas is not weaker now and politically Hamas is today stronger than it was military obviously not but politically look at the PO in the West Bank they are

The leading power right now in the polls so where can you go from here if the only language is the language of weapons and killings and War and and conquering how can you get out of it what will those generations of of Gaza children who are left now without

Parents Without homes without anything they will make peace with Israel I mean this will be their Heritage so I’m very worried about the the future and even for the long run it doesn’t seem very promising Gideon Levy uh thank you for taking the time to talk to us on Sky

News thank you for having me

Haaretz columnist Gideon Levy told Sky News that Israeli media “systematically and voluntarily does not show” the scenes of the war in Gaza that foreign media are showing.

He says that due to the lack of exposure in the country, it is “easier to support [the IDF] without any moral doubts” and that the majority are still in favour of continuing the war.

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  1. What can Israel do if Hamas has hiding tunnels under the whole Gaza? They are among civilians who are mostly their families and supporters. If Hamas comes out and fight like normal soldiers it would be a different war

  2. know your history and truth…..gaza was given back to the
    Palestinian Arabs ..who have built a terror fake state with 5oo kilometres of tunnels for terror purposes only……

  3. Why won’t Israel denounce Israeli settler terrorists?
    Haaretz – UN Report Deplores 'Rapid Deterioration' of Rights in West Bank
    According to the report, about 300 Palestinians have been killed in clashes with the Israeli army or extremist settlers since the October 7 Hamas attack. UN commissioner calls on Israel to ensure the 'effective protection of Palestinian communities'.
    If Hamas was hiding in tunnels then the bombs just killed civilians and made the rest homeless which is a war crime.
    It is just a far right Israeli party doing a land grab.

  4. The reason for the suffering in the Middle East for 75 years is the British who stole the land of Palestine from its Arab owners and gave it to the Zionists, and the land will return to its owners soon

  5. Netanyahu and his administration can spin truth as much as they want…but the world have computers and I-phones now, and those with eyes and ears can see that Israel has become an apartheid state….and the tragic consequences of trying to maintain it

  6. Surprised that sky would have someone like Gideon on, progress in the right direction. Want to see people like Norman Finkelstein on here now

  7. This is one of the best Sky interviews I have watched.

    So used to platforming smear merchants accusing Corbyn of anti-semitism or rehabilitating war criminals like Tony Blair, but seeing Sky allowing criticism of evil has improved my opinion of the network.

    Gideon Levy is an honourable and noble person. I pray that Palestine will go back to being a single state that accepts all good Jews again and the evil of Zionist supremacy and displacement ends.

    It is a shame to see how rotten the culture in Israel is, with all those TikTok soldiers saying sadistic things and dehumanising Palestinians across the land not just Gaza for many years. The regime will have caused that of course, but the selfishness and individualism isn't helping. Hamas seem nicer considering the stories of hostage treatment, while there has been plenty of allegations of rape and brutality with even proof of it shown with the released captives that Hamas traded the hostages to free who were arrested without trial.

    Hamas as a resistant group will never be pure and may lack the luxury but they don't seem to be going on a spree like Israel paints it, and the rockets launched are often retaliatory when the West Bank is violated, as well as Al Aqsa. It does lead to unfortunate collateral but they probably want to assert pressure to protect civilians they can't reach.

  8. Well done Haaretz and Gideon Levy, we need to know that not all Israelis support this war, telling the truth has always been the tradition of the Jewish people.

  9. Should Israelis not have access to global news footage? The Chinese have a Great Wall protecting their internet from the truth – does Israel have a Wailing Wall protecting its own? Should it? Why would it?

  10. Israel's media landscape is a propaganda bubble. Israelis don't understand how horrible the situation is and the right is particular don't understand how off-base they are from basic Western values.

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