Sky News at Ten: Eurostar to resume services tomorrow after thousands left stranded due to flooding

Sky News at Ten: Eurostar to resume services tomorrow after thousands left stranded due to flooding

It’s 10:00 this is Sky News at 10 our top story Eurostar says all services will resume tomorrow but warns of delays after a day of cancellations left thousands stranded and New Year travel plans in tatters operators say the water level in a flooded tunnel near EPS Fleet International in Kent which caused the

Cancellations has now been brought under control well across the country there are more than a 100 flood alerts in place with the risk of tornadoes for some parts of the UK also tonight Moscow says 18 people have been killed and more than 100 injured after a missile attack on the

Russian Border City of belgaro as a child I used to ask my parents what what are them initials at the end of people’s names and they used to say don’t worry about it it’s for famous people a railway worker amongst those to receive a new year honor after saving the lives of several

Passengers and Oscar nominated actor Tom Wilkinson best known for his roles in the full Monte and Shakespeare in Love has died at the age of 75 and we’ll take a first look at tomorrow’s front pages that’s coming up in our press preview at 10:30 Hello there good evening Eurostar says it will resume all its services tomorrow after thousands of Travelers were left stranded today during a day of cancellations EUR star scrapped all trains in and out of London because of flooding in the temp’s tunnel in Kent with passengers scrambling to sort alternative travel Arrangements ahead of

The New Year where services are now expected to resume tomorrow after the flooding was brought under control but Travelers have been warned to expect further delays it comes as more than 100 flood alerts are in place across the UK Sky Thomas mo reports festive travel plans have once

Again been thrown into disarray dozens of Eurostar trains from London to the continent have been cancelled after severe flooding in a tunnel under the river temps water was seen gushing from a pipe thousands of Travelers hoping for a New Year getaway have been marooned it’s getting more and more expensive uh

Every minute that passes so we’re trying anything from buses trains other countries and going around a different route all the a stars are booked today and tomorrow so you can’t get another one we looked at flights they all fully booked so we can’t get there now we even

Looked at the Euro tunnel and driveing but yeah it’s just impossible I think a lot of people that are stranded are worried where they’re going to sleep tonight that’s that’s what our the the deal is with us we don’t really care we stay another night London it’s where

We’re going to get to put our head cuz it’s booked up for the holiday for the New Year’s meanwhile on the other side of the Channel people couldn’t get to the UK the main worry was that um I’m not from Paris so I was hoping they could at least cover some accommodation

Costs and none of that was very clear I still don’t know if I would have gotten anything covered so I’ve Lally had to call up my friends my family to find a solution to stay over because no trains running today the weather has also caused disruption with yellow warnings for wind

Along the southern coasts of England and Wales gusts of up to 75 M hour of forecast there have also been yellow warnings for rain or snow in Wales and Scotland a wet end to a wet year latest figures from the Met Office show is been one of the top 10 wetest years for

England and Northern Ireland in records going back to 1836 rainfall Maps show that compared to the long-term average the southern half of England and parts of the rest of the UK have had 200% more rain just Western Scotland has had less rain than normal in an otherwise stormy year according to

The Met Office this is the fastest start to the storm naming season with seven names so far from Agnes in September to Garrett early this week but that may not be that unusual just by naming a storm makes us more aware of it forecasters blame the High Altitude

Winds of the jet stream for the storms tracking over the UK usually the jet stream stays a little further north over us so Scotland and Ireland yes they do see some rough weather but England and Wales get away remarkably lightly and particularly down in the Southeast you

See you sit there going oh it’s lovely down here but the North and the West don’t and that’s just because of the usual placing of the jet stream which this year has been a lot further south allowing these storms to make more of a Countrywide blow but the Run of bad

Weather is coming to an end with early indications of much colder conditions later in January another twist in Britain’s variable climate Thomas M Sky News on the south coast B asag joins me now from some panras in central London and resumption Ashner of services good news for those

Delayed but presumably the backlog could take days to clear and for so many it has been a day of disastrous disruption for people here at St panras but across the continent too but as you say all services to and from London will resume uh tomorrow which will be such welcome news after

Hours of misery that saw 41 trains canceled from here in St panas which meant Journeys to Brussels to Amsterdam to France were completely disrupted halted altogether it meant that demand for other modes of Transport increased drastically the port of Dover saw no more foot passenger places being

Available and services uh to France but also flights prices of flights soared incredibly with one ticket from Paris to London selling for 7700 that was just a one-way uh ticket but over here the focus really will now turn to what caused this flooding within that tunnel the network rail Engineers that were

Working on it this afternoon said that the levels of water were unprecedented they have managed though to pump out much of it it means that one of those tunnels will reopen tomorrow which Eurostar say which will mean that their services will be able to resume as normal but that passengers should expect

Mammoth delays well not necessarily mouth but likely to be considering a lot of the people that have been told uh to go away today will need to come back tomorrow and we’ll try to get rebooked elsewhere they will also be running at quite restricted uh speed quite restricted speed restrictions which

Means those trains will be running much slower so yes Services back to normal tomorrow but there will be a knock and effect from today Ashner live Ins at pancreas thank thank you Moscow says 18 people have been killed and more than a 100 injured in a missile attack on the

Russian Border Town of belgrod Russia has accused keev of carrying out the attack the day after a series of Russian air strikes across Ukraine killed at least 39 people and tonight authorities say further missile strikes on the Ukrainian city of HEV have injured more than 20 Sky Europe correspondent Shon Robbins has this

Report in the Russian city of Bel G Rod is this what payback looks like explosions Rock a residential area shocked onlookers watch as a car Burns as smoke billows into the skies above this Border City Russian officials say this is the aftermath of Ukrainian strikes the KE regime is trying to

Distract attention from defeats at the front line and to provoke to similar actions we emphasize that the Russian Armed Forces work only on Military targets and the infrastructure directly associated with them we will continue to do so this crime will not go unpunished no one has claimed responsibility for

This attack but it comes a day after this the biggest Air Assault on Ukraine since Russia invaded last year a brutal attack on cities which killed and maimed indiscriminately it’s pretty understandable Ukraine wants to fight back the one way it can do that is through drone attacks we’ve seen a load

Of those reported by Russia Today and artillery and drone attacks against belgrad which is a a military Target there are military logistics hubs there and it’s a good way of uh Ukraine being able to demonstrate that Russia can’t have it all its own way as the war ticks

Into another year Ukraine is under increasing pressure Russia has seized territory in keep locations on the Eastern Front yesterday’s assault a reminder to ke’s allies that the danger has far from past as 2023 draws to a bloody close the casualties keep on piling up Russia has vowed to punish those responsible for

This strike fresh Revenge to fuel This Bitter War sioban Robbins Sky News well it appears that Russia’s attacks on Ukraine tonight are not limited to the harke region just hearing that Ukraine’s air defense systems are currently actively engaged also in the area around the capital keev so we’ll keep an eye on

That for you now a 23-year-old man has been remanded in custody after appearing in court charged with the murder of Chris Marriot in Sheffield the father of two died after being hit by a car while trying to help a stranger on Wednesday Hassan Jango who’s from Sheffield appeared at the city magistrates court

This morning charged with murder and five counts of attempted murder three men have died and another is in a life-threatening condition after a house fire in South London police were called to the address in Cen shortly before 11:00 p.m. last night and a working to inform the victims next of kin the

London fire brigade are investigating the cause Israeli air strikes have hit two refugee camps in central Gaza residents in the camps of nerat and bz reported the strikes overnight these latest strikes come as the health Ministry in Gaza says 165 Palestinians have been killed and 250 injured in Israeli

Strikes over the past 24 hours tributes have been paid to the British actor Tom Wilkinson who has died at the age of 75 he was best known for his role in the full Monte and received the bafter award for best actor in a supporting role for his part in the film

A statement shared by his agent agent on behalf of his family said he died suddenly at home a station assistant who has saved 29 people from taking their own lives on the railway has been honored with an MBE the New Year’s honors list also includes a 9-year-old boy who’s become the

Youngest ever recipient for his campaign Against Child Abuse and they join a star studded lineup of the likes of Dame Shelly Bassie Rachel venables has more never in his Wildest Dreams did rzan Javid think this letter would ever be sent to him as a child I used to ask my

Parents what what are them initials at the end of people’s names and they used to say don’t worry about it it’s for famous people um and on Thursday um I went and got I saw the MB at the end of my name and it was it was a feeling I

Can’t really describe honestly the duty station manager has been given an MBE for saving 29 people by stopping them from taking their own lives while he was at work they were at a similar age to myself um and I spotted them a few weeks later after we had the intervention and

She just came over and just hugged me and she said thank you so much for being there that day if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be here today and I just felt like crying for me that person was family he’s one of more than a thousand people recognized in the king’s New

Year’s honors among them Tony hudgel who at just 9 years old has been awarded a British Empire medal for campaigning Against Child Abuse I was shocked because apparently I was the youngest person to get it how special do you think that is really special this list always C celebrates a

Mixture of Local Heroes charity workers campaigners and much more famous faces people recognized for their work in their various Fields this year after conducting the king’s coronation Justin wellby Archbishop of Canterbury has been made a night Grand Cross of the royal Victorian order while the novelist Jilly

Cooper Queen of the British Bonk Buster and friend of the queen is made a Dame there are also honors four sporting Legends a CBE for cricketer Stuart broad an MBE for England goalkeeper Mary ups and CBE as well for the former rugby players Rob burrow and Kevin sinfield

For services to mten your own disease awareness all Europe is uniting forces against me and from the pitch to the big screen director sidley Scott behind Napoleon also had his Knighthood upgraded to a night Grand Cross hello and she’s the golden voice behind some of the most iconic songs in cinema

Dame Shirley Bassie becomes companion of Honor a title that can only be held by 65 people at a time the Welsh singer said she was truly humbled Rachel veniales Sky News the UK’s shortest serving prime minister Liz truss has been accused of cronyism as her long-awaited resignation

Honors list was revealed in it 11 people were rewarded despite mistrust only holding office for 49 days our political correspondent Rob Powell has more who gets a seat in here how people are appointed to scrutinize laws and influence policy in the House of Lords is a constant source of disagreement Liz

Trust’s decision to hand peerages to the political strategist Matthew Elliot government Aid Ruth Porter and Tory donor John moan has renewed that row with those campaigning for an elected Lords saying it’s time for change we have more unelected politicians in Parliament now than we have elected ones

But of course it’s the systemo rule the idea that prime ministers have this ability to choose who sits in the upper house with no accountability to the public at all have become allies of Liz trust disagree with sir Jacob Reese MOG telling Sky News honors are a reasonable

Way for Prime Ministers to thank colleagues that Do no harm except for upsetting paced Puritans but do they upset the public the marginal seat of jewsbury in West Yorkshire had its own famous baroness so what do voters make of a prime minister giving out honors after being in office

For a matter of weeks that’s ridiculous isn’t it yeah no I don’t think she should I think at least a year I suppose so yeah she was still prime minister won’t she I don’t believe in the out of Ls it be fair I don’t I’m they get paid

Per day they’re all part of the same gravy train tourists replace MPS in Westminster at this time of year and with some big names overlooked by Liz truss the political reaction has been fairly mild opposition voices have made up much of the criticism with the Scottish first Minister calling the list

Naked political cronyism Labour said rishy sunak should have blocked the honors but a government Source said it was convention for Prime Ministers to approve the peerages of others including as they put it the dubious nominations made by labor leaders in recent years labor has vowed to eventually abolish

The Lords if it gets into government but for now the party is less clear on whether it would scrap resignation on his lists you’ve got to look at the way in which you bring back a sense of uh dignity and integrity to the running of government Affairs and I think in kir

Dharma you would have a prime minister of decency of strength he certainly Steely as the country counts down to the new year and the general election all parties know the messages they transmit in the months to come will matter more than ever rob pal Sky News in Westminster while staying in Westminster

And the former Downing Street adviser Dominic Cummings has claimed that Rishi sunak asked him to agree to a secret deal to help him win next year’s election tonight a number 10 Source confirmed there was a meeting between the to but it was only a broad discussion about politics and

Campaigning so let’s find out more we go to Rob pal who’s in Downing Street for us now and Rob no hint then of a cumings comeback yeah that doesn’t look to be on the cards but what uh has been revealed in this story first reported by the

Sunday Times is that rishy sunak um and Dominick Cummings have spoken since rishy sunak became prime minister the story or the Dominick cumming’s account of the story um was confirmed by him online after the paper published um their story what he says is that the offer from richy sunak was the same at

Both meetings that he wanted him to come back and work um in number 10 albeit secretly on politics and Communications to help him grip government more effectively and ultimately to win the next um general election now Dominick Cummings says Richie sunak insisted it would need to be secret because news of

His comeback would drive the media and MP’s mad and cause him serious political problems now Dominick says he refused this he says he didn’t want to work in secret and he wanted to focus on some of his domestic priorities things like defense procurement National Security and how broader government is

Organized now tonight a number 10 Source has said that these talks did take place albeit they said they were broad discussions about politics and campaigning and that no job offer um was made I think there could be a couple of political ramifications from this for the Prime Minister though the first is

For those on the right of his party who are closer to Boris Johnson they may see it as more evidence of Rishi sunak coing up to someone that was instrumental in bringing Boris Johnson down indeed Nadine dor a Johnson Ally has already posted online today that this is proof

Of a plot that she’s written about um in a book in in a recent book to bring down Boris Johnson those on the more moderate wing of the party May question his judgment uh going to someone like Dominick Cummings who many had deep reservations about his style of um

Operating um in politics laborers also already attacked Rishi sunak um this evening saying that this is more proof that the prime minister is out ideas I I think this along with the reporting we’ve been doing this evening on Liz truss’s honors list is sort of more evidence of political aftershocks that

Are being felt here in Downing street from tumultuous periods that have taken place in the last few years coming back to haunt Rishi sunak and to potentially do him damage and I think the challenge for the Prime Minister as we head into an election year is to try and figure

Out how to stop those aftershocks or at the very least figure out how to stop voters no sing them Rob live there in Downing Street thank you now Sky News has taken a dive into the deep blue to find out why there’s a rise in reports of close encounters with sharks the

Waters of Florida are warmer than usual drawing more sharks towards beaches and climate change could be to blame our us correspondent Mark Stone dawned his wet suit bravely and traveled the length of the East Coast from Florida up to Nova Scotia in Canada to find out what’s going on

Developing right now a possible shark attack shark attack fresh shark fears off the coast of New York the headlines this past year would suggest that our encounters with sharks are on the rise in Florida it’s the shark bik capital of the world so what’s going on well this is a story about climate

Change that will take us the length of North America we have our first bull shark just showed up right now and it begins 4 miles off the coast of Florida bull sharks have a terrible reputation they are Territorial and with little tolerance for provocation intentional or otherwise and so they are responsible

For many of the attacks around the world our guides instructions are simple remain calm no sudden moves and remember we are not their intended prey extraordinary far from being the the pillar that Hollywood set about to me they’re shy they’re Majestic it’s remarkable these Floridian Waters have

This past summer been hotter than any other year on record that is Shifting the fish population and with them the Sharks follow and of course with warm water and hot days more of us are in the sea from Florida to Nova Scotia 1500 miles to the north this is

Where the scientist’s focus now is Dr Neil hamerslag is a leading Marine ecologist drawn North from Florida because the waters here too have been remarkably warm Sky News joined him here in the northern Atlantic on a new research project we got special permission to go to this location

We’ve been there now 3 days and he seeing great whites every day over several months he is attempting to tag the great white sharks and follow their movement you have a shark you reach over place it over his dorsal fin and then there’s a trigger which then

Closes and the snaps onto the shark’s fin and shark swims off and the the antenna is for every time it comes to the surface that will send a ping and and so you’re able over time to to be able to to track its movement yep not

Only does it give the location but also gives a temperature reading Dr Neil has permission here to use bait to draw in the great whites and his own footage from just a few days in the area is remarkable places that were historically too cold for them are are now becoming

Like suitable and so they’re going to go there in recent years just the number of sightings have increased I mean just 15 years ago if you told someone I saw great white they wouldn’t believe you now people are are seeing them all the time they’re spotting them and what’s

The reason for that is it increase in great white shark numbers is it increase in prey population is it from the drastically changes in Ocean warming unlike Florida here for Great Whites you do need a cage well you know they’re absolutely right I mean we’re in the northern Atlantic and the water really

Isn’t cold at all all on our day though no sharks Dr Neil thinks that they’ve gone deep because of a rare incoming hurricane and that is because these warmer waters are bringing more of them what you see here used to be have grass on it in light house just

10 years ago and now it’s barely any land visible isn’t that mine that’s sea level rising fast really fast there is more too these Northern waters are commercial fishing zones as more sharks are drawn here more are caught already a 100 million sharks are killed every year a numers set to rise

Far from being the danger to us we are to them in Canada in Florida and around the world we are encountering sharks more and more all this is showing how their habitat is Shifting the ocean’s apex predator keeps the ecosystem balanced and our seas healthy now they’re showing us how our

Climate is changing Mark Stone Sky News in the Atlantic let’s catch up with the Saturday sport now and head over to Jamie this Sky News sports bulletin is brought to you by Vitality getting more people more active live life with [Applause] Vitality take us back to June the 7th

The head of the game because you you had such an amazing run to the final were you quietly confident I was and I remember coming in and saying you know how did the other the other semi-final go and uh they said at the moment Bal was beating Fiorentina went oh good I

Think we might have a better chance against Bal than Fiorentina and uh next thing time we come out they said uh fantina have won the game I thought oh my goodness this is going to be much tougher so I went into it knowing that you know we record

In Europe would been pretty good we’ done okay but this was probably going to be one of our biggest tests and obviously Fiorentina I had played against them before with Everton and they had knocked me out in penalty kicks in the quarterfinal of the the Europa League so Fiorentina maybe you know I

Was worried that maybe is it one of these bogey teams i’ got when s Ben ramov scored the penalty there what was going through your mind at that point did you start to believe this could be your night I always believed that we we had a good chance of winning the game

When s went up to take the penalty kick he was he’s been so good with them I felt confident that we would get it but you know I never knew how the game was going to go after that and obviously they got back into it as well I was

Disappointed that we’d sort of lost a goal and I thought in the end it wasn’t a wasn’t a great goal to to give away so we had to go and do it again and I’m thinking to myself look this is probably going to go to penalty kicks or extra

Time and how’s this going to go I just felt that the game was going to be tight I didn’t think there was going to be enough a lot between the teams that was going to be small margins weight often which there is that moment when Jed

Burne gets that goal when he’s going for the goal it’s it must have taken forever to almost going what was I still remember the feeling of that I was walking walking down as if to say come on Jared was in good form scoring form I thought go on he someone who wants to

Score it’s a great moment it really was and and uh look one will remember I’ll remember greatly as as a as a manager for West Ham as a football club brilliant brilliant moment because let’s be fair I don’t think West Ham have been round too many Cup finals and then to

Get one in Europe you know even more special and more importantly to go and win it there’s a lovely moment as well when you put that medal around your dad’s neck what did he say to you you know my dad comes to games he’s been a

Great support went to most of the games in Europe you know my brother took him and it was great that he got to see them at his AG is and it was a bit like you know it seemed that everybody was down in the pitch and I saw my dad so I just

Said come down I’ll say hello because I was more worried that maybe I didn’t get to see him after the game or just the whole the whole thing get caught up we didn’t get a chance so I came down and I and I put the medal around his neck and

It seemed to hit a note with quite a lot of people oh it did and for you personally I think that game was your 1,000th and 97th this was a major trophy for you did you was there a part of you that thought I’m never going to

Experience that in this career well when you come to West Ham and you say I’m going to win a European trophy I think supporters of other football clubs would have probably laughed at that but we have done and we’ve gone on and done it so I’m I’m really pleased that we’ve

Been able to come and have some effect at West Ham the Sky News sports bulletin is brought to you by [Applause] Vitality Jamie thank you well that was Sky News at 10 coming up we’ll take a first look at tomorrow’s newspapers in the Press preview tonight we’re joined

By the broadcaster and commentator Ali Mirage and the writer and broadcaster Kate Bon welcome to both of you so among the stories we’ll be discussing this on the front of the Observer their headline starx a clear sense of purpose says ex policy chief that and plenty more after this Break I’m Mark Stone and I’m Sky correspondent based here in Washington DC stre well the plan seems to be to head to the police station where the policeman who fired the shots was based and everything you know his memories is all gone I’ve witnessed the remarkable passion for politics here but

The anger too we have to get Trump out of the White House on Playing devil’s advoca you got your political agenda it’s God love you and Beyond the United States I report from around the world this is a town that is effectively encircled by the Russians we take you to the heart of

Stories that shape our planet I can hear now quite a few explosions in the distance here in Jerusalem what do you think of Isis everybody here they know the truth of Isis [Applause] The five of us have made it out of the Car welcome to b day the film and TV Podcast Well this is Sky News in just a moment the Press preview a first look at what is on the front pages first though some breaking news and the New Year messages from some of the country’s top politicians have been released in his new year’s statement the Prime Minister

Hailed a momentous year and vowed to build a brighter future in 2024 Richi sunak said we’re going further to grow our economy by reducing debt cutting taxes and rewarding hard work building secure supplies of energy here at home backing British business and delivering worldclass education and we’re taking decisive action to stop the

Boats and break the business model of the criminal gangs from our incredible armed forces and NHS staff who take care of all of us to our Tech experts scientists and innovators who are putting our economy at the global Cutting Edge we should look forward full

Of Pride and optimism for what we can do together to build a brighter future for everyone well to the leader of the opposition now labor secur sta said I’m ready to renew our politics so it once again serves our country I know that politics isn’t held in particularly high

Regard in Britain but I have spent four years bringing the labor party back to service and in 2024 we can do the same for politics meanwhile the leader of the liberal Democrats s Davey also released his new year’s message saying it Falls to us to Liberal Democrats to be the

Agents of change once again and bring Millions with us to make it happen not just to beat the conservatives through though beat them we must not just to change who sits in power but to change where power sits we must do nothing less than transform the nature of British

Politics for good plenty uh more of those New Year messages over the next hour in our press Preview well hello there you are watching The Press preview a first look at what is on the front pages in the next half hour then we’ll see what’s making the headlines with the broadcaster and commentator Ali Mirage and the writer and broadcaster Kate bevon welcome and

Great to see both of you so let’s check out the front pages shall we starting with the Observer who’s been speaking to a former labor policy Chief who says that karma is lacking a clear sense of purpose after straying from traditional party values and may not make one of its

More successful prime ministers the Sunday Times has a poll which says 32% of people would prefer starma as PM against 22% for Rishi sunak but the number of undecided it says gives fresh hope to the Tories Daily Express reports that Rishi sunak is planning more tax cuts in advance of the next general

Election to build what he calls a brighter future for everyone the telegraph meanwhile says the conservatives are planning to use the next budget to force Kama to reveal his own spending plans hoping to show that he’d push the country deeper into debt mail on Sunday claims an exclusive with

News that hundreds of what it calls pampered whiteall civil servants are now on contracts which allow them to work from home full-time the miror says the government has commissioned a major poll to ask the public for their verdict on the future of the monarchy and says senior Royals will be given the results

Happy blue year that’s the people’s prediction for the New Year celebrations which it says are likely to be Mar by a tornado would you believe floods and freezing weather while the star also looks ahead to the celebrations and says wait for it that 50 million drinks will

Be downed for what it calls happy booze year the wildest one for a decade and finally the sun on Sunday tells us that in between a star Emily attack is expecting her first child congratulations to her of course now a reminder by scanning the QR code you’ll

See on screen during the program you can check out the front pages of tomorrow’s papers for yourself while you listen to our guests so let’s head straight to Ally uh and to Kate as well welcome to both of you um and we kick off don’t we

With the express which is part of the New Year’s messages we’ve had from our politicians and the Sunday Express Kate picking out the bit that suggests there might be more tax cuts to come yes I mean the express is basically sort of full of um possibly fulln hope given the

State of the polls it’s massively talking up what um the new year message says and what she is hoping to do I mean it’s you know talking in Grand terms about the uh the National Insurance cut which works out at something like £450 ahead um and then gungho about you know

Conservatives insisting they can win the next election despite trailing in the polls uh which John Curtis in the column next door points out is 16 points the trailing Gap so it’s a big gap for them to close and there’s some speculation about what the date of the election’s

Going to be so yes it’s all very gung-ho in the express isn’t it look I I think uh sonak has given a direction of travel he has reduced National Insurance by 2% he is going to be under a lot of pressure now to reveal more tax cuts we know that Jeremy Hunt

The the the treasury announced that the the budget would now be on March the 6th there’s some speculation there’ll be a May election I don’t buy that quite frankly I think rishy sonak is going to hold on for for dear life to the very bitter end on this so I don’t see an

Election happening in May but certainly he’s going to be under a lot of pressure from wings of his party to cut taxes now now they’ve been kite flying what these tax cuts are going to be it may be National Insurance that might be a very aspirational thing that they’re trying

To do uh we don’t know but there will be definitely more to come but with the Tory 16 points behind in the polls with that Rwanda plan going absolutely nowhere we’ll see what happens on that a lot more problems to come he’s got another byelection coming up in Welling

Bro where they’re probably going to take another hammering quite frankly given what’s happened before it’s looking pretty dire for the Tories at the moment so I don’t envy rushi Sak’s job he’s trying to do his best in very difficult circumstances but on the day when you’ve

Just had an honors uh list where Liz trust the summer internship prime minister let put three of internship three of only 49 days come on I know I know the government believes in internships but there is a limit here um three three three people in the Lords I

Mean come on you know these people are going to be in the legislature for life so the problem with the Tores is at the moment is that they are a totally debased party and I say this as a formator Candidate For Heaven’s Sake I take no pleasure in saying it whatsoever

Ever we’re being governed badly Richie son’s trying to do a decent job he’s a hardworking credible sensible guy uh but he’s presiding over a complete and utter debacle yeah it feels like they’re flailing for ideas aren’t they well tax cuts is where they’ve landed possi but also the thing about saying that they’re

Going to do tax cuts it also highlights up actually just how enormous the tax burden is it’s the highest it’s been for decades is but then what did we expect there was covid where we had to spend you know billions on that 400 billion we

Had to spend on Co so people forget very quickly the public are very unforgiving to politicians it was only a couple of years ago when senet was being lorded as the chancellor for introducing the fur scheme very quickly and now he’s like you know the the the key figure to be

Poked fun at yeah before we move on to the sunnday telegraph just the bottom of this story down here star’s five big pledges for victory um listed in his new year’s message launching his bid they say to win power in 2024 um they are uh or include ending the cost of living

Crisis taking back our streets getting getting the NHS back on its feet cheaper energy bills and more opportunities for children they’re even more generic than Rishi sunx 5 or even the edstone you remember the Ed Stone if you put why do we need five why is it only five if you

Put them side by side from both of those Party leaders you wouldn’t know which was which really they’re so as you say they’re so generic well look I I think with starma uh he’s got two things going for him compared to 2019 one he’s not Jeremy Corbin and two brexits been done

However badly that has been done and it’s only a minority of the public about 6% that think brexit has actually yielded any benefits at all so starma yes look they’re wooly pledges they’re not very well fleshed out but if I was a starma adviser I would say don’t any

Cost flesh out anything at all keep it as vague as possible for as long as possible which takes us to the front of the Sunday Telegraph which is number 10’s plan to expose Labor’s debt risks the conservatives they say are planning to use the budget to wrong foot sakama

On borrowing to try to show that under labor Britain would go further into debt what made me tuckle about this though is that this almost basically says look we’re expecting to lose the election we’re stuffed we know we’re stuffed we’re just now we’re just setting bear

Traps um and by if by some utter Miracle um they do win that the Tores are also going to be completely hobbled by this anyway so you know it feels like um again an attempt just to throw things out in the hope that something sticks

But does the nation want us to get more into debt now in order not to have another period of austerity if we’re going to get tax cuts there’s got to be a squeeze at some point well there’s going to have to be a squeeze and there’s going to have to be a reckoning

And that’s why I personally was at a time when Public Services clearly need well exactly I wasn’t in favor of tax cuts although I’m a tax cutter at heart I do not believe that now is the time or place for tax cuts not when you’ve got doctors striking not when you’ve got the

Public sector uh r large asking for pay increases in very very difficult circumstances now what they’re doing here is that at the moment the way that the fiscal rules work is that debt has to fall as a percentage of national income as a share of national income

Over the next 5 years what they want to try and do is look at the debt service costs as a percentage of GDP and they want to impose a boundary on that too and they believe that labor is going to open the spending tax but to be fair to

Labor they’ve not said anything about spending at all in fact we’re streeting the shadow um heal Health secretary he’s been actually saying it’s all about reform he’s been going around uh the world that he was in Singapore the other week right talking about we’re not going

To have lots of money he wants to make it more patient centered he wants to make it more prevent ative but he’s saying you can’t solve these issues by simply splashing cash so the unions and the labor party better wise up because there’s not going to be lots of spending

Tax being opened up I mean what is fascinating about these New Year’s Eve newspapers is how political they are political which makes you realize what a big political year it’s going to be out so we continue I’m afraid uh the Sunday Times coming on to matters too as well

It’s just a sort of a cheery time of year but anyway starma Beat sunak head-to Head uh 32% prefer the labor leader while 22% B back the Prime Minister re I mean this is difficult isn’t it when the PM’s been constantly clobbered and secure Stam is doing that

Thing in politics where they say just going small don’t they you know this idea of just you know keep keep a low profile yeah I mean even in um this this polling is actually pretty disastrous for starm because even in his own constituency of Richmond North Yorkshire

Which is Tory territory you know they’re saying they prefer starma as leader so I mean I think that you know barring all sorts barring upsets that we can’t possibly foresee starm is going to be out at some point next year um might be well you never know do you

Noak is going to be out next year goodness me it is late isn’t it at the end of the year but you know again there’s a 10-point gap there uh just in who people prefer you know Kate it’s interesting because no one is infused by labor whatsoever every time I do a show

Every time I do a phone in on my on my show about Labor no one no one wants to call in it’s the most boring offer to voters well look stop stop there because you’re leading me into everything that’s the observer’s front page right starma lacks a clear sense of purpose which is

Fascinating from a a left leading politician to a left-wing Publications what’s going on here what’s the story first of all well what’s the the story is that John crus has written a book to uh uh commemorate 100 Years of the labor movement uh and he’s uh basically

Pointing out that starmer is a decent guy he’s a credible person he’s a lawyer uh he’s um he’s he’s not some sort of uh you know person who he can’t be trusted or or believed in but there’s nothing particularly to hang your hat on was s

He says he’s a very difficult leader to reach no one knows what he really truly stands for and in terms of the he also points out inequality has he really talked about inequality has he talked about Economic Policy the philosophy of the labor party when it comes to

Starmer’s plan so crus very much on the left of the party is really not buying the starma Elixir but the problem problem is the problem is I me the labor party has got a great tendency uh like like all parties do to try and lose elections at least certain parts of the

Party have but starma look he’s brought the party a long way since 2019 completely unelectable under Corbin so you’ve got to give starma credit for pulling the labor party getting rid of the anti-Semitism issue pulling it into a position where it could be electable yes and I suppose shaped by Tony Blair

And slightly Tony Blair light you might argue but under Tony Blair there was really you know strict parameters wasn’t there there was great part of unity and perhaps that that is what he’s now delivering yes and also you you kind of feel that there was an exasperation when

I was looking at x as we must now call Twitter earlier there was a lot of exasperation from labor people saying every time we’re ahead there are people you know shooting Us in the foot from our own side it’s a circular firing squad and I suspect starm and the labor

Leadership this evening is like can you guys just shut up and let us get let the Tories get on with messing it up rather than you know throwing up these flares I I will say that uh under Blair they had had a long time to actually get their

Policy planned together the first 100 days you remember Independence of the bank of England they had it underpinned by a social political philosophy called the Third Way Anthony giddens at the LSC he was director when I was there had fleshed out this policy which was basically capitalism of a human face and

They were going to open the spending TAPS in the second term they had done a lot of heavy lifting and hard thinking and you remember that pledge call that labor came out with in 19 did it have five pledges on it I think it had five pledges on it very easy to understand

But as Blair said the situation that starma faces now is a lot lot more difficult than the situation he faced in 9s when the economy was actually doing a lot better yeah absolutely so a fascinating year ahead has be said 24 or an time I there anyway loss was still to

Come including travel disruption for thousands of passengers after Euro St today canceled all trains because of unprecedented flooding in the temps tunnel take a look at that in more detail and what’s to come as well in a moment Oh [Applause] I’m Martin brunt and I’m Sky crime correspondent my most memorable story was and still is The Disappearance of Madeline mccan please please do not haar her please give our little girl back we aim to be the best and most trusted place for news for detectives

The First 48 hours after a murder are crucial in the search for Clues the public expects them to find Jill dando’s killer soon the British detectives are planning to meet forensic experts academics and even Witch Doctors I remember the Grimace case the SE murders of school girls Holly and Jessica

I felt I can’t undo what’s happened but I can help explain it Ian Huntley was arrested and charged within a fortnight of the murders I’ve never murdered anyone I’ve ever raped anyone what am I in jail for the parole board has to decide if Bronson needs to

Be kept locked up for the safety of the public my biggest challenge was to persuade a jail Diamond Thief to answer my letters Martin brunt Sky News at the Old Bailey Well welcome back you’re watching the Press preview with me once again the broadcaster and commentator Ali Mirage and the writer and broadcaster Kate bevon welcome back to both of you um so let’s head to the front page of the Sunday Telegraph now which talks about eurostar’s wo today what will happen

Tomorrow well we’re told that all services are running but there will be speed restrictions and presumably a backlog alley as well it’s going to be a very big backlog there are 30,000 people that have been affected by this uh it looks like this um water in the tunnel

It looks like some sort of fire coolant system uh burst over there and uh it’s created absolute Havoc so 30,000 people affected 41 uh different um services and this is clearly the time when people are trying to get back home after the Christmas period New Year is upon us

It’s going to put absolute things in Havoc people trying to potentially find accommodation in the capital overnight as well just before New Year’s Eve celebration very difficult where where things are very very busy in London anyway so really a very difficult time uncapping what has been quite a

Difficult week for people on the Travel FR I know you know these routes well don’t you so absolute International you know in Ken seems to be where the problem is and who who’s responsible for for for this well it seems like it’s hs1 which is the company that’s runy

Infrastructure and and then Southeastern trains run on top of that and the usar trains run on top of that down down to the channel tunnel and you know it’s this Patchwork of who’s responsible who’s who carries the can bucks being passed and the on the upshot it’s just

This chaos I mean I know that route well because I’ve got a family in East Sussex and it when it runs it’s fantastic but the whole Christmas period for travel has just been you know a mess of no trains on boxing day you know Trains being cancelled people not being able to

Get seats and also I saw earlier today that people were starting were booking flights to Paris and to Amsterdam and there were been were up to like 900 for a flight to Paris so it’s really a bit of a shambles this year and you talked ear about no Goodwill in the rotor as

Well because of all the strike action we’ve been having the the old sense of broken Britain you know hitting International tourism well definitely and it’s not just Paris but it’s also uh the trains are going to Brussels and Amsterdam as well yeah absolutely um so let’s go on to strike action elsewhere

Shall we which is the Observer down the bottom of their front page um the strike action will sync Sun’s NHS waiting list for now we’ve already seen that happening haven’t we well it is one of his things to reduce waiting list and there’s 7.7 million people on the

Waiting list at the moment and you’re going to have a Six-Day strike starting uh next week by Junior doctors now what they want is restorative pay by 35% uh pay increase which I think is just not um going to work right now I understand where they’re coming from I have full

Sympathy with Junior doctors and wanting to be paid a decent wage for the very difficult job that they do but 35% is not a serious base for negotiation I think what’s going to happen here is that they’re going to end up in a similar position to what the Royal

College of Nursing ended up with wasting a lot of time many many months this has been going on since February uh until a decision and an accommodation is reached but the the government should still be negotiating with them they didn’t take the 3% additional on top of the I think

It was 8% offer that they were given they want 35% they’re playing hard ball but the people that are going to suffer here are patients and a number of operations and schedule appointments have been cancelled yes and I see the top of the Sunday Times actually uh thousands of cancer patients had crucial

Crucial Hospital appointments canceled at least three times last year so we start to see the impact on that we only got a minute left Kate do apologize for moving on um which is um the number in the Daily Star 50 million drinks on Year’s Eve that’s quite a lot isn’t it

But if you know what you don’t know is what was it what’s it been in previous years numbers are no good unless you’ve got something to compare them to I used to work for the Ft in Co years the point is why they’re saying it’s the best no

Best wildest New Year’s Eve for for a decade well I should be going to Ministry of Sound tomorrow with my nieces and nephews my little nieces and nephews uh for a a daytime Rave anytime so you’ll be home in bed by midnight never too early to introd house you can

Get home and watch me do new not drinking I tell you anyway um see you both a little bit later on Ali Mirage Kate be thank you both very much indeed let’s take a look at the uh not such great weather Warm memories wherever you go the weather sponsored by Kata Airways well staying unsettled and Afraid into next year with prolonged rain strong winds and Hill snow tonight then showers until more General rain returns for us late on Monday so a windy start for most tomorrow Coastal Gales in

The South and the Northeast prolonged rain for the northern Isles showers for much of the West Eastern Britain looks mainly fine the morning will stay windy in the South with sunny spells and showers for most of us concentrated in the west but northern Mainland Scotland looks mostly okay the northern alses

Will see more General rain and Coastal Gales becoming largely confined to Shetland temperatures much like today’s then Eastern Britain will see showers developing more widely during the afternoon but there’ll be little change elsewhere The crucial midnight moment just to let you know in London and Edinburgh looks okay and there’s the

Picture picture for Monday the weather sponsored by katar Airways we’ll come up next on Sky News at 11,000 stranded head of the new year after Eurostar trains are cancelled due to flooding delays expected tomorrow but the service will resume you’ll be glad to Hear oh

Watch News at Ten as Eurostar has announced it will run all services to Paris, Brussels and London tomorrow after a flooded tunnel saw all trains cancelled today.

The company said in a statement that the flooding has been brought under control, meaning a full service can operate.

“There will be some speed restrictions in place in the morning which may lead to delays and stations are expected to be very busy,” Eurostar said.

From 10.30pm onwards, we’ll take a first look at tomorrow’s front pages with the Press Preview.

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