Iran: At least 100 dead in bomb blasts near general Qasem Soleimani’s tomb | BBC News

Iran: At least 100 dead in bomb blasts near general Qasem Soleimani’s tomb | BBC News

W more than a hundred people have been killed and scores of others injured in two explosions in Southeastern Iran near the grave of a top revolutionary guards Commander State television says the blast occurred in quick succession in the city of keran during a ceremony to Mark the anniversary of the killing of

Kasum solomani he was Iran’s most powerful military commander and was killed in 2020 by US air strike in Iraq local officials say two bags containing explosives were detonated by remote control at the entrance to the burial site well with more on this I’m joined now by the BBC Persians Pam goard who’s

In our Newsroom and pal good to talk to you just bring us up today on what more we know so as you mentioned this is one of the deadliest attacks in Iran in the past 40 years it’s been unprecedented the number of the death toll is rising

Every few minutes so far they say that the some of those who are injured are in critical conditions we know that at least one medic was among the casualties who was killed some of two others are at least in critical conditions they say that after the first explosion took

Place the second when people and Medics rushed to the scene the second explosion after 10 minutes uh took place now uh what we don’t know is that if all these people were killed in uh because of the as a result of the explosion or some of them were killed because of the Stampede

And the re and the reason I’m saying that is because 4 years ago uh this was this happened during uh a ceremony uh commemorating marking the 4th anniversary ofam sani’s death he was killed in a US drone strike in Iraq in 2020 now during his burial four years

Ago 56 people were killed in a stampede so what we don’t know at this stage is that those who were killed today some of them were killed in a in a stampede again because of the panic and the chaos of the scene or no know all of them were

Killed as a result of the explosion that took two explosions that took place there and B what reaction have we had to this so far so uh Iran has considered this as a terrorist act against Iran and they said that uh they would definitely retaliate to uh whoever is responsible

For this uh they know uh uh no group uh has claimed responsibility for this Iranian media has also rejected the claim claims by is Israeli media that a top Iran’s revolutionary guard Commander was killed they said that no Commander was killed during these attacks okay thank you very much baham

In our Newsroom with the latest on that

At least 103 people have been killed by two bomb explosions near the tomb of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani on the fourth anniversary of his assassination by the US, Iran’s state media report.

State broadcaster Irib said dozens more people were wounded when the blasts hit a procession near the Saheb al-Zaman mosque in the southern city of Kerman.

It cited Kerman’s deputy governor as saying it was a “terrorist attack”.

It was not clear who was behind the explosions and there were no immediate claims from any groups.

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  1. They export terrors around the world. Now, they have been visited by terror. They enjoy causing mayhem in other countries. They even forgot to shout "Allahu Akbar". Very strange.

  2. Many comments upset and annoy me as an Iranian. How can you so easily ignore the terrorist crime and even worse, make fun of it. How do you call yourself human when you add to our wounds? And how do you identify the people of a country as terrorists? The same country that invented the first, we created human rights for the first time, we created insurance for the middle class and many other things.

  3. Iran needs to take a few steps into modern age with their treatment to women and their hate speech against others. Someone needs to tell them that their behavior will be their demise…like too much capitalism will be the fall of the US, if they don't level up their class divide.

  4. Its a act of terrorism. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala forive our innocent brothers and sisters died in this horrific terrorist act and may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala give patience to their families.

  5. The bombing was against the Iranian government, and a message to them that they canโ€™t get away with their proxies. Those attacked were government supporters, not the ethnic minorities that the Iranian theocracy goverment is suppressing. May the Iranian people take back their country from the oppressive Iranian theocracy and dance in the streets.

  6. Everyone replying "Innocents?" to the people commenting "Rip for the innocent people" or like that. You realise propaganda is a thing its done by every country in the world, countries like Iran survive because of it. just because someone grew up in a different environment doesn't make them bad people. When bystanders are killed in a terrorist attack that's by definition an attack design to cause terror the bystanders are innocent. to there eyes he's a war hero.

  7. U.S and U.K really need to tell Israel to STFU. They told on you guys when they claimed a top Iranian official was killed, lol.
    The world knows that Mossad/CIA/MI6 is a circle jerk

  8. Quite obviously another Israeli terror attack intended to provoke a response. They want to drag the USA into a war with Iran because they can't do it themselves.

  9. Terror is cancer of modern world. Some people are doing evil things for their nation or their state. States that have duty to provide security to their people, yet they bring horror to their nation… Yet they bring war to their nation… Yet they bring suffering to their nation… When it is not ruled by the good…

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