Commercial ships avoiding Red Sea over attack fears | BBC News

We start with global trade and the news that one in five commercial ships are now avoiding the Red Sea because of the threat of attack that’s according to the international chamber of shipping it includes ships operated by two of the world’s biggest shipping firms meis and hapag Lloyd later today the UN Security

Council is expected to meet and produce a diplomatic response the Red Sea accounts for 15% of the world shipping and plays a crucial part in the global supply chain you UK companies have been telling the BBC that shipping delays could push up prices well let’s speak

Now to T fber who’s the CEO of freightos an online Marketplace for the international shipping industry base in Israel uh thank you very much for being with us today Mr shriber um one in five commercial ships avoiding the area now some might say it doesn’t sound that dramatic one in5 is

This well yes it’s hugely dramatic to put it in context there’s a about 4 and a half million 20ft containers equivalent going back and forth through the seers canal um and daily this is changing you know um there’s a couple of days of quiet and they start getting

Rooted through the SE Canal again and then there’s a a rocket or an attack and ships are either being told to stop and wait or they’re being sent back to go and circumvent all of Africa which takes an extra couple of weeks um so this is a

A huge um issue for for world trade and vast numbers of goods which are being delayed and um rerouted you know dayto day sure so there was a big attack over the weekend on a m MK ship which uh houie Rebels from Yemen tried to board

And it also provoked or brought about I would say probably the most dramatic response so far the US Navy defended The Vessel sank the boats of the attackers is there a chance that that dramatic response itself could uh stem the stem these tax I think not immediately uh in fact

Musk had just suspended um sailings through the Red Sea and then they just reinstated that and then this attack happened and so they’ve suspended them again uh and I’m sure they’ll be uh cautious before uh rerooting it so of course people are are watching uh the

News and the uh response of the American Le Coalition uh but but it won’t take you know it won’t take just one Counterattack to make the make the carriers feel confident they’re going to be watching this for several days or even weeks before they feel safe to send

Their Crews back through the SE Canal H clearly this is creating headaches for people like you in the industry but for ordinary consumers at home there are warnings of of of price Rises um what do you think Could Happen what could the consequence be for ordinary consumers so

That’s also evolving uh rapidly let’s talk about prices and let’s talk about supply shortages uh in terms of prices um our freightos terminal tracks the the prices and our fbx11 index before New Year had shown prices jump on the sewers route uh from $1,200 to $1,600 that’s a

30% increase which may sound like a lot but in our industry it’s a very volatile industry that’s not considered a very dramatic uh increase but over the New Year prices shut up to over $4,000 uh we’ll see if that will stick or not but that’s already a substantial

A price increase and you could see a little bit of that passed on to Consumers if the prices stay so High um in terms though of prices and Supply it’s worth pointing out that fortunately we’re after the holiday season so the peak season of shipping of course is is

The leadup to uh Christmas and Thanksgiving in the US uh that is passed and in general the network has got spare capacity now unlike during covid uh the last time the SE Canal was blocked in March 2021 uh there was a big shortage of of shipping capacity uh there is over

Shipping capacity right now sure so the network is able to better um cope so we will see some delays and some price increase but we’re not expecting okay anything nearly as dramatic as we saw during covid hopefully great stuff T fber from freightos thank you very much for joining us with us

One in five commercial ships are now avoiding the Red Sea because of the threat of attack, according to the International Chamber of Shipping.

Several firms – including two of the world’s biggest – have paused shipments through the route after vessels were attacked by Houthi rebels in Yemen.

The attacks are being carried out by the Houthi group, which has declared support for Hamas and has said it was targeting ships travelling to Israel.

The Red Sea accounts for 15% of the world’s shipping, and plays a crucial part in the global supply chain.

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  2. Why does anyone think this is being done? This is the Houthis stopping ships bound for Israel or from Israel as a form of sanction. They are letting other ships pass.How can the BBC lie by omission like this? Just google Houthi red sea and find out what is happening and why.

  3. Isreal plan worked nothing to do with Hamas from day one was to do with building new canal Gaza canal. Also just to let you know so called Houthi Yamna work for USA and Isreal .

  4. If these ships are carrying cargo for NATO countries, then they are a legitimate target for Russian anti-ship missiles and naval drones, which Russia has the right to transfer to the Houthis. Do you have a different opinion, gentlemen?

  5. Does the Word know that Saleh Al-Arawi, who was assassinated by Israel Zionist occupation in Beirut, was imprisoned in the occupation prisons for 15 years? He was expelled from his home in the village of Aroura in the West Bank, and his house was occupied and his property was taken there. If anyone in his place had been subjected to injustice and imprisonment, and his house and property were taken and expelled, would he have surrendered or not? He resists. The martyr Saleh Al-Gharuri is the one who resists to regain his home and land and stop the aggression against his family in the West Bank. Who gave the Israeli-Zionist occupation the right to kill people and commit crimes in Arab countries except the veto and the American coverage to cover up the crimes of the Israeli-Zionist occupation

  6. Why should USA protect the cargo boats ? Why China and India don't do it ? Most of the goods being transported and crossing the red sea are production of them… Its about time the west recovers the production to its land.

  7. Any chance of actually framing this narrative correctly? Yemen are the only nation who have stepped up to actively fight against this Israeli and US genocide. And the US have just killed Yemeni people for trying to stop a genocide.

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