Netanyahu vows ‘total victory’ as Israel says Hamas ‘dismantled’ in north Gaza

Netanyahu vows ‘total victory’ as Israel says Hamas ‘dismantled’ in north Gaza

Southern Gaza and while Dadu for many the voice of Gaza Mourns another son Hamza D’s car destroyed in an air strike both men well-known journalists with Al jazer whale story is that of so many Palestinians he’s now lost his wife three children and a grandson to his Ry bombs dropped following the Hamas

Atrocities of October 7th and Decades of to bring peace to these contested lands the world says W is blind to what’s happening in the Gaza Strip the IDF released footage of their ground troops in Gaza City as their top brass said they’d now finished dismantling hamas’s military infrastructure in the

North huge SES lie in utter ruin but but elsewhere the war continues fighting will continue during 2024 we are operating according to a plan to achieve the war’s goals to dismantle Hamas in the North and South the IDF have undoubtedly made strategic gains they’ve got control of the north

They have dismantled the command structure in the north they’ve taken control of about 65% physical control of hamas’s territory but the hardest thing to do is the thing they’ve now got to do which is to deal with the other 35% which contains 90% of the population of

Gaza including 2/3 of the Hamas Fighters and the fact is the IDF are very good militarily but they’re not good enough to do what they think they’ve got to do so do you fear that this means it will in terms of Bloodshed be even worse in

The South the fact is that the IDF are now moving from a conventional military operation into something that is going resemble in the South more like a counterinsurgency operation and then a counterterrorist operation and that certainly implies that there will be a lot more casualties before this is over

Until the IDF feel that they can withdraw if if there is some sort of political plan in place then which the International Community is prepared to support those are pretty big ifs the ifs don’t end there as the war intensifies in the South Israel Waits for news of its hostages over a hundred

Still missing or held by Hamas with the fear of wider escalation all too real from the West Bank where nine died in an Israeli drone strike to Israel’s border with Lebanon and the Red Sea with iran-backed hthy Rebels continuing to disrupt shipping America’s Secretary of State and the EU Foreign Affairs Chief both

Shuttling from Regional Capital to Capital this week see seeking long-term solutions to the Carnage that’s now killed nearly 23,000 Palestinians according to the Hamas run health authority a humanitarian catastrophe stretching all the way to gaza’s South where in Rafa Hashim Abu al-a weeps for what’s left of

His brother’s family home all 30 of them dead an old man’s tears that speak of more still to come Camy and zaram there well earlier I spoke to ham Mahana from the international Committee of the Red Cross who was in Rafa in southern Gaza and I began by asking him the simple

Fundamental question just how hard is it for people there to find food finding food is not uh is not only U difficult uh but also it’s very much expensive and the vast majority of the population cannot afford to buy any food item now um given also The Limited

Quantity of humanitarian Aid that is allowed to enter G St on daily basis it’s has become uh we we are becoming close to a famine situation in Gaza Strip give us an a sense it is winter what effect is that having hundreds of thousands of families are living

Actually in tents now or or makeshift houses and whenever it drains they are uh they drowned in water they are disconnected from any sewage system so it’s a hustle also to um to go to the bathroom or take a shower the hygiene situation is also catastrophic and people cannot afford to perase

Hygiene items uh for themselves for their children for the women people have become helpless whenever the war stops and doesn’t seem to be very soon people will start have to deal with the fact that they are homeless that they have nothing left to use or to live with and

Um there are basically no no future no clear future for their children now from hanun South to Rafa to the frontier that’s where Israel told people to go is it right or is it wrong to assume assume that that area is at least relatively safe from bombardment um there is no

Safe place in Gaza that we can tell uh because whenever we go we can find a pile of rubble a damaged vehicle or um a witness who could say that they have survived an air strike or survived um uh fire um even if this is a safe area to

Be announced it has to be enabled for the people to to live in to actually survive sometimes it takes us two to three hours to get past 300 MERS because it’s super crowded it this has to some level impeded uh our ability to uh to

Move to uh to deliver Aid or to visit a hospital uh uh or any other humanitarian Mission Hisham this is described in many quarters as a genocide perpetrated by Israel do you accept that characterization the international Committee of the Red Cross is um is a international humanitarian organization

We are not um entitled to prescribe the situation as if it’s unide or not however uh what we have witnessed in Gaza is absolutely unprecedented over the decades that our delegation Israel and the occupied territories has been uh since the start of this conflict in 1967 uh by all means this has been

Absolutely unprecedent the level of um blood the level of civilians killed or injured given what you’ve just said do you get a sense after all that’s been going on that the civilian population is turning against Hamas or even more minded to support Hamas given what’s happened I’m not I’m not here to speak

For the political views of the population in Gaza because I think they are more busy with surviving providing food on daily basis for their babies and trying to get uh their injured beloved ones out of gaza’s STP for medical treatment abroad that is not available in Gaza people don’t care about who to

Support who to blame rather than uh they just need a stop for the killing a stop for the firing and they need to spare the lives of whatever whoever left in their families thank you very much thank you

Three months into its invasion of Gaza, Israel says it has wrapped up major combat in the north. It claims to have dismantled the military infrastructure used by Hamas, which the UK has designated a terror group.

But there’s no let-up in the south, where most of the population is crammed and struggling for food. Two journalists were among those killed in Israel’s latest strikes today. More than 70 have been killed since October 7th.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has been in Jordan and Qatar on a mission to reduce civilian casualties and stop the war spreading, after a week of assassinations, bombings and ongoing threats to shipping in the region.

  1. Anything less than total victory will be unacceptable, especially since October 7th happened on Netanyahu's watch, despite him running on a ticket of "strongman keeping the country safe", which he utterly failed to do. He'll be out as soon as this latest war is over.

  2. Former Israeli religious affairs official Avner Cohen said in a 2009 interview with The Wall Street Journal: "Hamas, to my great regret, is a creation of Israel." From the very beginning, the Israeli security services began to sponsor the spiritual leader of Hamas, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, who had been confined to a wheelchair since childhood. Later, a former expert on interaction with the Arab population in Palestine, Colonel David Hakam, said: "Israel's support for extremists like Yassin is an original sin, but then no one thought about the consequences."

  3. Not Michael Clarke again…didnt we see enough of hin on SKY..? Having got everything wrong about the Ukraine war he will now probobaly get everything wrong about the war in Gaza.. The deep state looks after its own

  4. سورة الأنفال
    وَإِذْ يَمْكُرُ بِكَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لِيُثْبِتُوكَ أَوْ يَقْتُلُوكَ أَوْ يُخْرِجُوكَ ۚ وَيَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ اللَّهُ ۖ وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ ﴿٣٠﴾
    Surah al-Anfal
    30. As the unbelievers plotted against you, to imprison you, or to kill you, or to exile you. They planned, and Allah planned, but Allah is the Best of planners.

  5. So, tell me, why won't Egypt help and give refuge to these poor men, women and children from Gaza? Or, for that matter, why won't anyone on this planet. I look forward to your answers 😉

  6. The people on these comments who havnt the first clue about this history since 1948 but wave their flags behind israel are morons of the first order, and type of people who let hitler rise to power.

  7. Total Jewish population in USA


    Regions with significant populations

    New York City, New Jersey, New York metropolitan area, Greater Los Angeles, Baltimore–Washington, Chicagoland, Cleveland, Miami, Philadelphia area, San Francisco Bay Area, Atlanta Area, Greater Boston Area, Saint Louis Area

    United States 7,600,000[2]

    Israel 300,000[3]

  8. Well mabe they shouldn’t allow Hamas take the food and woter let face it palastine people can’t be trusted the stand by hamas what is wrong with the govermment that being the palistine govermment why are they not doing anything for the people of Gaza why have they not given safe haven for the people of gaza Israel have given warning after warning to avoid civilian casualties what is going on with the palastine govermment they surely have a responsibility for there people

  9. Yasrali leadership thought like previous 6 days war with Arab countries we will also win easily Gaza once we captured but after 2.5 months entered in Gaza 12500 disabled and severely injured Israeli soldiers and 185 soldiers killed by Hamas and Palestinian militants and no recovery of any captive clearly seems that Israeli forces loosing the battle and now they got trapped war with Hamas

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