Passengers describe escape from burning Japan Airlines plane that could have been fatal

あれと思ってるとこで え木があの多分こうカロから避けて横に 入ったような衝撃があってでCさんや なんかがみんなあの降りてくださいてあ 落ち着いてくださいみたいな感じでたと 順次誘導されて降りたの でえちょっと煙臭いぐらいで乗客の人も そんなにパニックにはなってなくてま みんな降りたというような格好ですね その間多分5分ぐらいだと思うんですけど 特まで来たのにそん時はこのエンジンしか 火を見えてなかったのであの落ち着いて みんな降りてちょっと離れて見ていて火が 回ったのは多分10分か15分ぐらいだと 思うんです けどそんな感じですあのあのそんなには 思わなかったですもう地面についてますし ねまあ今時爆発はしないだろうと思ったん で ただま順調にみんな降りてたんで大丈夫か なと思ってまし自分たちがみんな降りた 10分後ぐらいに爆発を上がってたんで あと少し遅かったら危なかったなぐらい ですね ユニコまそうですね本当に奇跡しか言いよ がないですねもう少しでもタイミング遅れ てたらる死んでたかもしれないん でうんまなんでこうなっちゃったのかって いうのはまず1番最初に知りたいですよね まあとまとりあえずは飛行機乗りたくない なって感じですか ね

A passenger who escaped a burning Japan Airlines plane at Tokyo’s Haneda airport on Tuesday (January 2) told Reuters how passengers evacuated calmly.

Telecommunication company worker, Satoshi Yamake told the media he smelled smoke but there was no panic among the passengers, who left the plane in about five minutes.

All 379 people aboard the Japan Airlines (JAL) plane escaped after a collision with a Coast Guard aircraft that killed five of six crew on the smaller craft on Tuesday.

Another passenger, Tsubasa Sawada said the plane exploded about 10 minutes after the passengers and crew had evacuated.

The Coast Guard said its plane was headed to Niigata on Japan’s west coast to deliver aid to those caught up in a powerful earthquake that struck on New Year’s Day, killing at least 55 people.

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  1. If this happed with an American plane:
    1) Karens would’ve been complaining to the stewardess and asking for a refund, “LET ME TALK TO THE AIRPLANE MANAGER RIGHT NOW!”
    2) Douggie would’ve clogged the aisle since he was already wedged into his seat and he’s also 358 pounds overweight
    3) Kevin would’ve been grabbing his overhead luggage because he’s got his special edition Cabella’s camo hunting gear and can’t leave it behind
    4) instead of an orderly fashion, Karen would be screaming “how dare you, do you know who I am?”

    It would’ve set an aviation record: full plane emergency evacuation in 47:38 minutes

  2. Jung Ho Lee is going to be a well below average player in the Major Leagues. I predict a batting avg of .230 with less than 10SB/less than 10HR It was a major mistake by the San Francisco Giants to overpay so much for him

  3. "We got off the plane in about 5 minutes". Wait, what? I dont know the size of plane and number of passengers, but in a calm, orderly fashion, it takes us about 15-20 minutes to leave a plane at the gate. Some time is due to luggage and bags, but 5 min is very good. This should be part of future training for air crew, fire kills fast, learn from this disaster.

  4. If you've ever been to Japan, you'll have experienced the Shinkansen and the subway, and you'll be able to experience how packed passengers can change trains in an orderly manner. Disciplined group behavior is an established part of the Japanese lifestyle.

  5. I swear Karen is the first thing to enter my mind. The % of Karen parents, Karen people etc is growing exponentially here . I really admire the Japanese "respect" culture . Many Americans have lost or were never taught respect and manners and it shows

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