Weather latest: Hundreds of householders face a winter of misery

Weather latest: Hundreds of householders face a winter of misery

Across large parts of the country Riverside communities have been inundated weeks of heavy rain left the ground saturated and rivers full the water had nowhere else to go in Nottinghamshire where a major incident was declared nothing could stop the rising Rivers came to the main house overnight basic Erica showed us inside

Her home one of several that are flooded in the village of collingham gosh it’s almost over our Wellies isn’t it she didn’t have chance to say very much the entire downstairs now filled with water was expecting a bit but not as high as this and I’m I am concerned about how

High it’s now going to get um and I wondered if I ought to move some more stuff upstairs really so you didn’t get all the furniture up in time well there’s nowhere for it to go no it’s only small cottage so the upstairs is full these floods are exceptional this house

Hasn’t flooded for 24 years it means people who wouldn’t expect their homes to fill with water have suddenly had to deal with situations like this and here at least the river levels are still rising down the road you can’t tell where Jack’s Garden ends and the river

Begins the tenant he rents the house to got out before the water got in it’s just uh horrendous how are you feeling uh upset and angry and scared to know what we’ve got to find and to what we’ve got to do to put everything right again this Village is one of many

Affected as across the country hundreds of homes have now flooded I spoke to people in the East Midlands yesterday who had been affected and talking to them about how devastating the impact of flooding is just want people to be reassured that the environment agency has got people on the ground in all the

Affected areas in shopshire flood defenses protected parts of the village of Ironbridge from the swollen River 7 but others couldn’t keep the water out with people doing what they could to try to stay safe while up in York parts of the city center were flooded as the river ooze burst its

Banks in ox V water ran down the High Street in chalgrove as Fields across the county resembled lakes in places like Worcester they’ll only know the full extent of the damage as the water begins to recede as it does so there’s a warning of ice and Frost with a health

Alert issued for England as the weather continues to make life miserable for thousands of people across the country

Hundreds of homes have now been flooded by days of relentless heavy rain.

Across the country, properties on flood plains and along riverbanks have been deluged by dirty, muddy water.

Now weather forecasters are warning temperatures are set to drop with hints that even colder weather could arrive in a couple of weeks.

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  1. Many of these areas are conservative voting areas, so this is absolutely great to see lack of investments in drainage and in flood management over the last 13 years has been dreadful

  2. As people 'believe' the BBC/IPCC narrative of a CO2 fueled 'warming planet' rather than the truthful reality of a current Sun-driven Grand Solar Minimum climate change with a somewhat embarrassingly-few sun-spot-fact that will result in a long-term cooling of the biosphere, so miscalculations and failed Governmental membership decisions change the lives of every individual — I have in mind the on-coming country elections along with the misconstrued resignation of today's Tory MP. This failure is a consequence of scientific funding only for an imaginary 'boiling' World that we supposedly inhabit. Look back to an identical occurrence 350 to 400 years past when 'Frost Fairs' were cyclically held on a frozen River Thames and religious governance, at the time, tortured around 200,000 women and girls, in the northern hemisphere, burnt at the stake because the powers of the day were ignorant of the influence of the Sun, our star, on the solar system at large. Are we so dumb as to 'believe' in the claptrap of the misguided funders of science-stories of such fantastical nonsense? Let us, instead, burn the 'global warmers' deleting their gossip…

  3. "House hasn't flooded for 24 years" equals Climate change narrative.

    Guys, Climate always change.

    Ps: If we got rid of EU legislation regarding dredging our own waterways then the likelihood is we would vastly reduce flooding in these areas as water would pass easier.

  4. Nearly every year we have floods and not much done about it. Our politicians are more involved in external affairs rather than looking after their own people and I am afraid I cannot see how the situation will change if a different political party wins, they are all the same.

  5. Live are not ruined … They have insurance and they knew that where they live it floods … Caldicot levels flood every 16 or so years and Monmouthshire councils won’t give planning permission because of constant flooding , Solution Stop building on Flood plains . And don’t forget the Illegal Immigrants are ok because they got Dinghies ⛵️

  6. So the government is cloud seeding and calling it climate change ( UK Government) same in Australia we can see Chemtrails and a couple of days later severe storms and flooding, bring in 15 minute cities we the people are a wake up

  7. Do u see this every year it never changes, mps and royals visit the floods, nothing really gets done and the cycle goes on and on, yet this country has the money proof is priority to pay migrants 58 million a week, or send 50 million to China, and India, this must be addressed to if right or wrong, it takes one home after flood up to over one year to dry out, plus the stress of dealing in insurance claims ect, some do not ever get over this, been there done that, let's see this goverment, royals really show they care by getting a massive effort to solve this ongoing problem.

  8. Im sure most people have insurance, and my sympathies go out to these people as I’ve been flooded myself, but certainly not as much long term damage as this government has done to the whole country !!! I think we should be more angry about that .

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