South Korean politician Lee Jae-myung attacked with knife and airlifted to hospital | DW News

South Korean politician Lee Jae-myung attacked with knife and airlifted to hospital | DW News

Now South Korean opposition leader ejang has been stabbed in the neck on a visit to the city of puan Lee was speaking to journalists when a men in the crowd lunged at him the politician collapsed and people rushed to his Aid before he was taken to hospital the attacker was quickly

Arrested yayan Shin is a journalist at arang news and soul I spoke to her earlier about EEG M’s condition he was transferred from pan to Soul National University hospital and he’s expected to go through a quick surgery now and the Democratic party has made it clear that eong is conscience uh emergency measures

Were taken within 45 minutes since he was stabbed in the neck Lee was transferred to a nearby hospital in the port city of pan during a Q&A session he was there with reporters after toing the construction site of a new airport he was quickly transferred where emergency

Measures could be maken and it was there where doctors suspected damage had been made to EJ Ma’s jugular vein and they said the wound wouldn’t risk the opposition party Leader’s life but as you know this vein is the largest vein in the neck that serves as the main

Source of blood flow down from the head so if left untreated for two long it could cause serious brain damage or additional bleeding which is exactly why he was transferred to Soul National University Hospital where he’s undergoing surgery okay so still a precarious situation there uh do we know

Anything about the attacker and already what his possible motives may have been exactly minutes ago police identified that the aactor is a man in his 60s he appeared to be a fan of EO asking him for an autograph while wearing a headband reading I’m EO then he suddenly lunched forward to stab the

Party leader and local news out withut reported that the weapon used at the site was around 18 cm long police also identified that he had bought the weapon online and they’re still investigating what his exact motives were and as you mentioned before the police arrested the

Man at the scene and is now charging him with attempted murder and just for our International viewers we’re not closely following um politics there can you tell us a little bit more about Lee J Mong as a political figure he’s he’s the leader of the main opposition party but uh what

What is he known for well EJ m is known as the close neck and neck candidate to the current president president yunong yor during the former presidential election he was the running up candidate to who could be the president of South Korea he’s also a very popular political figure here he’s

Been through a lot of scandals at the moment but most importantly he is the main opposition party leader which is now why a lot of people are paying attention to how his terror attack really shows how polarized public sentiment is when it comes to polit politicians and political parties here

In South Korea thank you so much for that update that is journalist yayin uh joining us from Soul

The head of South Korea’s main opposition party, Lee Jae-myung, was stabbed in the neck on Tuesday, officials said. Lee was attacked by an unidentified assailant while touring the site of a proposed airport in Busan. “He is conscious and receiving treatment at the hospital,” an official from Lee’s Democratic Party told Reuters. The party called the attack “an act of terror” that poses a threat to democracy in South Korea. Party spokesperson Kwon Chil-seung said Lee’s jugular vein was believed to have been damaged and there was concern over the large amount of bleeding. President Yoon Suk Yeol ordered a speedy investigation and offered his support to Lee, the president’s office said in a statement.


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  1. Chances of surviving something like this after reaching a US hospital is like 89% so I imagine it's like 95% or higher survival rate at the world class Korean hospitals.

  2. Not a great start to 2024…earthquake, plane crash, attack on opposition leader, someone entered Coloroda SC with gun…and it is just day 2. Hope he makes a full recovery.

  3. I'm a korean

    He is a corrupt politician. 1. All five top associates involved in Lee Jae-myeong’s crimes have died.

    2. Yoo Dong-gyu, a key witness in the Daejeon-dong development project crime, truck accident

    3. The disappearance of the owner of the laundromat where Lee Jae-myung always paid with a Gyeonggi-do corporate card.

    4. Lee Jae-myung threatened to stab his sister-in-law with a knife.

    5. The businessman who bribed Lee Jae-myeong and Song Young-gil with money envelopes and Lee Jeong-geun's husband both died.

    6. For the Democratic Party and Lee Jae-myung, an act of betrayal towards Kim Moon-ki and his bereaved family, who worked loyally for 8 years.

    7. Jae Myung Lee made his feminist statement, defending his niece for brutally murdering her daughter and mother and shielding her from dating violence.
    8. Seongnam FC illegal donations, Baekhyeon-dong preferential development, perjury teachers, etc. At the time of presidential candidate Lee Jae-myeong, an informant on suspicion of proxy payment of attorney fees died suddenly. Because he had a long-term illness, there were suspicions of murder, but it was treated as a death due to a chronic illness.
    9. Currently, Jae-myung Lee is preparing for trial and has performed several hunger strikes to avoid attending the trial. In fact, there is a joke that this attack was planned in advance by both parties in order to avoid attending the trial.
    10. He has a criminal record for drunk driving and made a sarcastic comment to the President of Ukraine, saying he is not good at politics. Lee Jae-myung's son even said to singer Karina of GOT the Beat, "I want to put chopsticks in my urethra," and Lee Jae-myung's eldest son is involved in gambling and prostitution. I did it.

  4. Jaemyung Lee is a poor man a good man but for 5200 days like the inquisition a 400times search and seizure warrrant has lived persecuted fales accusations

  5. Dear DW: Do you really think it was necessary to „censor“ the actual attack out of your report? I found no other news source that did so. Maybe a warning in advance but no cutting of the real event please. It was a terrible act but not very graphic.
    Journalism is about showing what happened. That simple.

  6. Knowing DW is a public left off center news center , still the honest question to ask is who could ever have benefitted by the killing of two Asian Conservative leaders of the most prosperous countries in that region , like Abe in Japan , who did get assassinated and now Lee in South Korea?.Uhm…

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