Analysis: ‘Action will be taken’ – UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron warns Houthi rebels

Analysis: ‘Action will be taken’ – UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron warns Houthi rebels

Our military analist Shan Bell joins us now for more on this Sean great to have you with us so just tell us what the the latest situation is in the Red Seas Lord ceron there is saying actually will be taken yeah the Red Sea Although our headline Banner talks about the Israeli

Um Hamas War it’s actually all directly linked as we’ll get on to um ever since the um the ship the Galaxy leader was hijacked by the houthi Rebels on the 19th of November the houthis have been tacking shipping uh using a ra just onto the Red Sea the range of missiles small

Boats uh and even on this occasion obviously hijacking The Vessel now it’s worth looking at the bigger map here because 15% of the global trade runs through the Red Sea and of course the key Point here is the babal mandad Straits here which only 20 kilometers wide directly next to Yemen and all

These blobs just show the incidents that have happened since the 19th November and lots of colors are draw your attention really to the uh physical damage only about a quarter of them were resulted in physical damage but of course all of this means the insurance Market gets very upset and if the

Insurance Market isn’t happy then they um then the shipping can’t flow now over the last 10 days over 1,200 Merchant shipping vessels have passed through that without any attacks that sounds like good news the bad news is there were two anti-shipping missiles fired they just didn’t hit the ships the

Alternative route is going the long route round past the Cape of Good Hope down the South that adds about 10 days to the shipping therefore adds time adds cost and adds disruption and that’s one of the reasons why they need to sort out this issue in the Red Sea now why do we

Think the hooers are doing this now as you said it all relates to the fighting in in Gaza yeah the key link here is you know why the H’s involved in any sort of conflict with Hamas well Hamas fighting the Israelis Hezbollah are up in the north fighting as well and the houthis

The common strand of all these is Iran Iran funds them it provides weapons for them it provides military training and Ali ham here the supreme leader is therefore got a vested interest now it’s worth remembering here Hamas is not a match militarily for the Israeli Defense Forces so nobody else was involved they

Would gradually lose the conflict so what he’s trying to do is trying to escalate the whole thing and get America uh involved the International Community to stop it you remember the UN Security Council the Americans vetoed that because that was due to stop uh the conflict so what they’re trying to do is

Put more pressure uh on America fortunately the Iranian supplied anti-shipping missiles aren’t that effective but worth remembering Merchant shipping has no protection at all and that’s why the five warships are currently in the Red Sea providing that umbrella of capability under op Prosperity guardian and and how does

That umbrella of sort of protection work are those ships shooting down these missiles and drones well two things really one of which because it’s over the sea it’s flat so you get plenty of warning of this stuff coming in the difficult thing is the ballistic missiles they need expensive missiles to

Take them out because it’s difficult if you’re looking at drones they generally are pretty slow and you can use something like a fallinks gun which puts 50 rounds of uh ammunition into the air every second literally a wall of lead and takes them out uh the difficulty is

When the British um ship shot down a a drone it had to use one of its rather expensive missiles but the whole point of having a whole range of shipping in there is to try and provide safety for the merchant ships there and we’ve got Lord Cameron here because he said

Something is going to happen what could the response look like to try and stop this well unfortunately the umbrella they’re currently providing doesn’t stop the attacks and and bluntly um the US say we’re at an inflection point now un the diplomacy doesn’t seem to be working un Security Council said houthis must

Stop the houthis aren’t members of the United Nations that’s not going to work the UK and the Coalition of the which Lord Cameron deferred to put out a strongly worded statement about the houthis if they didn’t stop they’d reap the consequences again I suspect words are not going to stop the houthis doing

The attack bluntly the only option here is a military option either you take out the houthis themselves very unlikely that’ll happen because they’re already involved in a war with with Saudi Arabia or you actually Target uh Iran who are providing the the missiles in the first place of course that carries a grave

Risk of escalation but the more this goes on the warships can only do the defending bit unless you actually stop the attacks happening then you the there’ll be a global disruption to the trade routes and that’s what the US are really Keen to avoid okay Sean appreciate the analysis thank you very much

Foreign Secretary David Cameron has warned Houthi rebels that attacks on ships in the Red Sea must stop – or action will be taken.

The statement comes after Britain, the US and 10 other countries warned the Iranian-backed militant group that they will bear responsibility for “the consequences”.

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  1. With a recent and continuing history of 2 years of failed predictions and biased analysis, in on and about ucraine, just the man to blow chaff on events in the Red Sea.

  2. 1200 ships passed through because the Houthis don't target ships not headed to or coming from Israel. Call this what it is, the UK and the US, using tax payer money, without the public evert asking them to, have decided to protect a foreign nation's supply route. I wonder why this nation receives so much protection, and is worth the money and possibly lives that the UK/US spends on them. A nation who are btw enacting a genocide. This is a mark of shame on the British.

  3. All INDEPENDENT western and US analysts have determined that Iran and the neighboring countries in the region are trying to stop this conflict to spread. It is in Israel that is trying hard to expand it so that US gets involved directly.

  4. Well attacking the Houthis is a sure fire way to ensure that any British cargo ships get attacked in tje future.

    Why do UK politicians continually act in the opposite direction to the interests of the UK people.

  5. UK likes to pretend it has power to project its will . Bit in truth it relies heavily on USA to even fight rag tag armies like in Iraq and Afghanistan. No wonder they are using Ukraine to fight for their geopolitical goals. Every one should watch :
    Ukraine on Fire by Oliver Stone. Made in 2016 and now there is a follow up. Cuts through the lies and propaganda shown on our to every day.

  6. I'm sure they are quaking in their boots, that our underarmed under equipped and undermanned military will do anything against the Houthi's and whose fault is this? David Cameron, when he was Prime Minister he cut funding to the military, he helped cause the Arab Spring which led to the Houthi's taking Yemen and generally destabilised the Middle East and North Africa.

  7. Weapons of mass destruction playbook all over again,just itching for another pointless war – “War is a Racket” and the US and UK are the biggest players. Don’t fall for the bullshit yet again!

  8. The exclusive economic zone of the Red Sea is owned by
    1  Saudi Arabia 186,392
    2  Sudan 92,513
    3  Egypt 91,279
    4  Eritrea 78,383
    5  Yemen 35,861
    6  Djibouti 7,037
    The numbers are representing the square km controlled. Government-related bodies with responsibility to police the Red Sea area include the Port Said Port Authority, Suez Canal Authority and Red Sea Ports Authority of Egypt, Jordan Maritime Authority, Israel Port Authority, Saudi Ports Authority and Sea Ports Corporation of Sudan. None of which include the Houthi rebels. They aren't the gov't of Yemen. The Red Sea is a major trade route for travel through the Suez. Any threat to that route is in the interest of any country of any power.

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