‘Republic’ of Nagorno-Karabakh officially dissolved | DW News

‘Republic’ of Nagorno-Karabakh officially dissolved | DW News

Let’s take a look at the self-proclaimed Republic of negoro karabach it has ceased to exist as of January 1st now the Armenian majority territory was located in aeran which never recognized the Breakaway region and defeated its military in a one-day War last September about a 100,000 people fled and the

Self-styled Republic’s leader signed an agreement to dissolve ngoro kabak in 2024 but he’s recently backtracked on that decision yet aeran has absorbed the territory nonetheless a new era Begins for this Former self-styled Republic after Decades of conflict negoro carabat is now fully under the governance of aaban the mountainous Enclave in the

South caucuses lies within aeran it has long been internationally recognized as belonging to aaban but since 1991 much of it was governed by ethnic Armenian separatists who claimed it was a de facto independent state that they called the Republic of atak it took less than 24 hours for Baku

To seize nagoro carabat with a military offensive on September 19th 2023 the separatist leaders surrendered and agreed to a ceasefire which was brokered by Russia the Takeover caused the majority of Gorno Caraba’s largest population of ethnic Armenians to flee to the borders leaving their homes behind them and carrying as many possessions as

Possible most of them are now living as refugees with no immediate plans to return to their homes aabani President ilam aliev says that they will have equal security and rights if they choose to return but after Decades of violence there is little trust among the Armenians for promises from

Baku tensions between aaban and Armenia over negoro carabat date back over a century within the last 30 years they have fought two Wars over it in the first war which ended in 1994 The Armenian side took control of negoro carabat and seven other districts after a short war in 2020 aaban took

Back those districts and a third of nagoro kabach with the help of Turkish Weaponry turkey’s president ret ship type erdogan was quick to travel to aaban following its recent Victory last September to congratulate aliev while allies and descendants of the Armenians protested the Takeover in several countries

Nagoro caraba is now part of azabani territory it is largely devoid of people following the Takeover and aayan’s plans for the region are still unclear aaban says it sees no obstacles to a lasting peace treaty with its neighbor Armenia but this won’t be enough to dissolve the distrust and hatred felt by

The tens of thousands of negoro Caraba’s Armenians who is still displaced from a place they called home Let’s cross over to DW’s Moscow bureau chief Yuri reto he’s now based in the lvan capital Ria after the Russian government banned DWF from reporting in Russia Yuri good to see you the

Self-proclaimed Republic of nagoro kabak now officially dissolved but it feels significant that the former separatist leader is now saying that this dissolution is not valid why is he saying that and and what are the consequences of such a statement I think this announcement will probably have no consequences so far because of

The so-called ceasefire which had been obviously brokered by Russia after the short one day War uh the ceasefire was actually the surrender of the nagoro kabak army the army of nagoro kabak couldn’t offer any resistance to the much stronger Army of aeran which by the way was supported by turkey uh they had

No choice but to surrender and what should the former separatists do now uh Armenian refugees from nagoro kabak are living their new lives in Armenia we don’t know why the separatist leader said that I suspect that the pressure on him is great and the accusation is heavy

That he essentially gave nagoro kabak to the azer Banis perhaps that is the reason for this comment but it doesn’t change the fact that Armenian nagoro kabak no longer physically exists now tell us more about the refugees that had to flee uh to Armenia I understand that

You’ve been there and met with some of them yes I was in Armenia at the end of November and I spoke to several refugees and since then I’ve been in touch with them they all were not only shocked by their Forest Mass exitus but also completely disoriented and unsure what

The future would bring them um although for many of them it was not the first Escape most of them always came back in previous times and continued to live in nagoro kabak this time however uh the feeling of having finally lost one’s Homeland was very difficult home is also

Yeah culture roots and all family Graves now many people told me that they will never see any of this again but there are also economic aspects uh the 120,000 people cannot find a new job overnight and Armenia is not a rich industrial country many are in debt to Armenian

Banks because they built their houses in nagoro kabak they now don’t know how to pay this is all leads to his frustration and may have also motivated the separatist leader to take a step back and cancel the dissolution of the origion and you’re just taking a a step

Back to look at the bigger geopolitical situation here with aeran taking control of the area does this look like the end of the conflict and are there any real prospects for peace in the region well the peace agreement has been prepared and should has been signed by

The end of the year but this didn’t happen uh the two neighbors said in December they would move towards noriz normalizing relations and exchange prisoners for example but both countries have two big protecting powers in the region at least officially Russia is still considered the protector of

Armenia but Moscow and Yan belong to a military Alliance made up of Soviet Estates and there are uh still Russian peacekeepers stationed in Armenia uh Russia has long been on the side of aeran now rather which in turn operates closely with turkey for Moscow GE political cooperation with Nar country

Turkey seems more important than with Armenia well thank you so much for that that’s DW’s uh bureau chief Yuri retto we very much appreciate it

The self-proclaimed republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has ceased to exist as of January 1st and is now fully under Azerbaijani governance. The Armenian majority territory was located in Azerbaijan, which never recognized the breakaway region and defeated its military in a one-day war last September. The subsequent takeover caused about a hundred thousand people to flee the region and the self-styled republic’s leader signed an agreement to dissolve Nagorno-Karabakh. He recently backtracked on that decision, but Azerbaijan absorbed the territory nonetheless.

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#azerbaijan #armenia #nagornokarabakh

  1. It's a fault of the international community. We have had almost 30 years to recognize rights of the people of Artsakh to be a sovereign state. C'mon, we all had known that the alternative to this is expulsion and ethnic cleansing. Now it's clear. Is this what international law is? Shame

  2. Seems you forgot to mention that 1991 war resulted not simply by Armenians taking control of Karabakh region, but also them forcing out 700,000+ Azerbaijani civilians out if their homeland with violence and brutal killings.

  3. Арцах -это Армения. Азербайджан незаконное государство созданное большевиками на землях армян.


    What is actually happening is that the Genocidal Azerbaijani Dictatorship of Ilham Aliyev is being allowed to carry out the ETHNIC CLEANSING of 120.000 Armenians who have lived in this territory for MILLENNIA after ISOLATING and STARVING them for 10 months by blocking the Lachin Corridor and all of this in front of the hypocritical eyes of the Western world and media…

    The Armenian people of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabagh) are not separatists but NATIVES of a territory their ancestors have inhabited for the last 2000+ years!!! 🇦🇲 

    Azerbaijan only exists as a "national entity" since the beginning of the XX Century.


  5. If you mention Turkey as supporter in the current war , you should have also mentioned Russias support in the previous war . You are the main stream media you should try not to be biased!

  6. An Azerbaijani whose family is from Karabakh here. My family used to live there for centuries, and had to leave their homes because of use of violence by Armenia starting late 1980s. I was born after they become IDPs (internally displaced people). My grandfather's and other family members' graves are there and they were not visited for 30 years. Yet, the stones of the graves are all destroyed, besides the houses of my family. I'm not gonna mention about the fully destroyed cities as Aghdam and Fuzuli, and how the graves were dig even the bones are not found there. This was OCCUPATION and 1 million Azerbaijanis became IDPs. No one would do these kind of things to their home. Still, I am happy that Karabakh Armenians legally have the right to come back and live where they used to live. We didn't have that chance. Hopefully, we won't let the history repeat itself and peace will be the main noun for characterizing South Caucasus from now on.

  7. Armenians need to learn to live with other nations. Every time they ask for independence, they get kick out. First, Northeastern Turkiye, now Karabakh. Did it really worth it?

  8. The world is very much concerned and involved in providing self determination for statehood of Palestinians but no such backing for the republic of Artzakh.. it's the same situation.. isreal is taking over Palestine..the same way Azerbaijan is taking over Artzakh. The world is hypocrite.

  9. Artsakh is being occupied by the Azerbaijani Terrorist State and her historic, indigenous Armenian population was terrorized into learning by Azerbaijan's terrorist army.

  10. The TL;DR is that this conflict has not come to an end. Thr fascist Petrodollar terrorist state of Azerbaijan invaded Artsakh, a historically Armenian majority land, terrorized the indigenous Armenian population into leaving, aka. committed ethnic cleansing and now occupies the land, committing Cultural Genocide by destroying Armenian Church stones (khachkars), tombstones and Albanizing the region's historic Armenian Cathedrals and Monasteries, (erasing Artsakh's Armenian heritage, aka. Cultural Genocide).

  11. Непонятно, почему журналисты азербайджанский Карабах, произносят на русском, используя русское слово "нагорный?" До чего же всё извращено!

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