Japan earthquake: At least 55 people killed

Japan earthquake: At least 55 people killed

This place is now hard to reach any other way than by air and it is by air that the worst of what’s happened here is revealed this is the Northern end of isikawa prefecture now smoldering smashed people’s lives uprooted and scattered this place has experienced

Over a 100 Quakes in just over a day the largest measuring 7.6 you can hear the sheer Terror that grip people as their world shook beneath them it hit a remote part of this country the journey to get there is long but it takes us along a coastline

The whole of which was affected tsunami warnings here sent residents fleeing most have not yet returned your house here mitsugu terasa is an exception he’s 90 this is the first time he’s had to evacuate this was the the biggest alert in my lifetime he says so I thought maybe it’s really

Coming even by Night the damage is dramatic in the city of kazawa whole houses toppled totaling the cars that once Stood Beside them and it is here we meet oiro a neighbor come to gaze at the damage and reflect on his own lucky Escape I couldn’t stand up inside my home I ducked under the table then sat and waited I was very very scared I’ve never felt that way I thought I would die I thought it’s the end Japan is used to earthquakes and its infrastructure its buildings are usually pretty good at

Withstanding them but have a look at this it shows you just how strong this Quake was whole houses leveled this road is just completely collapsed and here we’re still around 150 km away from where the epicenter was the priority now is reaching those who are stranded hard when major link roads

Are damaged and closed and a huge challenge for those trying to help Yoshi’s van is filled with water food and warm clothes he’s worried about the cold and a community hard hit by Quakes in the past why why IND yes they said the local people said

Why Us why us again yes so these people have suffered a lot already yes yeah yeah Japan’s infrastructure and Warning Systems are world class it’s why death tolls here often stay low but this level of damage is still a remarkable thing the pain here is not yet over Helen an

Smith Sky News inisha Kawa prefecture Western Japan

The confirmed number of dead from the Japan earthquakes has risen by seven to 55.

Aftershocks continued to shake Ishikawa prefecture and nearby areas a day after a magnitude 7.6 tremor slammed the area. Sky’s Helen-Ann Smith reports.

Read more here:

#japan #earthquake #asia

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  1. The loss of life’s is always a tragedy. But this goes to show again how well prepared Japan is for these kind of situations. A 7.5 quake would obliterate almost every capital city in Europe, specially in the south, with a uncountable number of victims.

  2. One of the most peaceful, thoughtful, kind, humane, highly intelligent emotionally/spiritually and intellectually cultures on the planet, they were very well prepared each person and animal's life is precious in Japanese culture, I have visited and they are such a gentle caring smart bunch. The lovely 55 people, who lost their earth lives are now happy and peaceful in spirit, japanese people believe in Shinto and that all is energy and spirit, thus life is seen as precious but so is the afterlife. Shinto is derived from Buddhism.

  3. Has anyone else noticed that every media channel outlet that is covering the earthquake in Japan is reading from the same script all the different media channels I seen today star off the same way or similar in wording and sometimes they use different words that mean the same.

  4. Great condolences for Japanese. Ii has been written that before the second coming of Jesus, there will be wars, famine and great earthquakes in many places(Mathew 24:7). This earth is not our safe place.
    Believe or not, Jesus will be coming soon to pick up His believers. Repent, receive Him and get ready, folks!!

  5. Imo the crash caused by D.E.W. Earthquake caused by the weather control perpetrated by the N.W.O. Something massive is going to happen this year. Get ready.

  6. I remember when the Sendai Earthquake/Tsunami happened in 2011. For many months afterward, the Japanese government claimed that only like 20 something people died. Of course in reality, some 20,000 people died! When looking at events like this, people are unfortunately just very naive and don't understand the ridiculous face culture there. Sometimes they will be aware of it in China, like when the Jingguang North Road expressway tunnel flooded in 2021. They claimed that only 6 people died, even though it was obvious it was much bigger. The tunnel is 2.5 miles long and it was absolutely packed with gridlocked, standstill traffic. For lanes of traffic, parked, bumper to bumper. It flooded so fast, it was utterly deluged in only a few minutes. Nobody had time to escape. In reality, thousands of people drowned!!! The CCP cracked down on officials that admitted this large death toll later! So unfortunately we don't know the true death toll in this latest earthquake. It could be in the thousands!

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