South Africa accuses Israel of genocide as hearing at UN’s top court begins

South Africa accuses Israel of genocide as hearing at UN’s top court begins

It is a big moment in this war and a dark one in the history of Israel for the first time the Jewish state in the world’s court facing charges of genocide allegations directed by South Africa at every level of Israel’s government we remind the court of the identity and authority of the genocidal

Inciters the Prime Minister the president the Minister of Defense the minister of national security the minister of energy and infrastructure members of the canet senior Army officials and foot soldiers South Africa played the court video evidence it says shows genocidal incitement by Israelis hero troops they have one

Supreme main goal to completely defeat the murderous enemy and to guarantee our existence in this country from Israel’s prime minister down the court heard officials encourag genocide and Israeli soldiers responded willingly South Africa claims the outcome of Israel’s campaign has been genocidal levels of death and destruction in Gaza South Africa told

The court this week our team in Gaza filmed these pictures showing the extraordinary destruction there it could take years for judges here to reach a final ruling on this charge of genocide but that is not the immediate danger for Israel what it fears most at the moment is a provisional ruling imposing a

Ceasefire on its war in Gaza that it says is vital to neutralize the threats of Hamas relatives of Israeli hostages still held in Gaza have looked on with anger here that it’s Israel in court and not Hamas they came to our houses and killed them and took my father 75y old

Sick man and took it out I don’t know if he’s alive and tried to burn my sister with the with my nephews in inside so this is genocide not what we’re doing we’re protecting our Israel says South Africa’s action is politically motivated something its Justice Minister denies

This is not politics it’s about the human life that is being lost in um in Gaza of young children um and elderly of an entire population that is being deprived of Civilian uh civil services water infrastructure that is being destroyed the war is polarizing Global opinion outside the Court protests from

Both sides Palestinians hope the judges could end this war Israel’s lawyers up next in court hope to head off the threat of a ruling that could also brand their Nation a potentially genocidal State Dominic waghorn Sky News the international court of justice in the ha

South Africa has formally accused Israel of committing genocide against Palestinians in a hearing at the United Nations’ International Court of Justice.

During opening arguments, a lawyer for South Africa said the latest war is part of decades of Israeli oppression.

Adila Hassim told a packed room at the Peace Palace in The Hague that evidence from the past 13 weeks “shows incontrovertibly a pattern of conduct and related intention” that amounts to “a plausible claim of genocidal acts”.

Israel has vehemently denied the accusations.

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#Hague #Israel #SouthAfrica #Gaza

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  1. It's so funny how South Africa is in court over Israel when Israel is only defending themselves but then again South Africa will support Russia bombing Ukraine so South Africa is Two-Face and what about all the problems in South Africa look what goes on there 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇮🇱🇮🇱🇬🇧🇬🇧

  2. What is laughable is that israel has zero defense for what it is accused of, and to start with, because israel is an occupying force and controls Gaza, it has zero right to invoke article 51 of self-defense under the UN charter. All what we will hear today, is nonsense about Hamas raping settlers while conducting a military operation where every minute counts and is the difference between life or not, what a despicable argument that has no value in international law even if it was true.

  3. No one expected it that once especially the state of South Africa where western apartheid had been installed for so many years will be the only state which resists the huge pressure coming from the USA and will be able to defend the Human Rights and worlds order. Thanks a lot

  4. hamas tries to maximise civilian deaths. Israel tries to minimise them. This is ridiculous. Even if the arabs dropped a nuclear bomb on Israel, you'd still have people blaming Israel, accusing them of war crimes, denying it even ever happened. Poor Jews. The world will never let them blossom.

  5. Seeing that our leaders apparently suddenly care about human rights. How about protecting South Africans, where more people die per day than in a war torn country, or how about the Christians that are ethnically getting cleanse by moslems in Nigeria.

  6. Well what is south africas murder rate per year? Anc cant even help their own people. Please note Anc only doing this for votes for next year. Anc cares for NO PERSON., ONLY MONEY

  7. 100% politically motivated. Coming from the country that still to this day has not denounced Russia for their invasion of Ukraine. Iran and Russia are 100% behind this using SA as a scape goat to see if they can set a genocide precedence.

  8. Loadshedding
    Water crisis
    Lack of Education
    Poverty … etc
    But go fix another countries issues, sure why not when like cowards they couldn't even come out and say Putin is guilty of war crimes

  9. Sky isn't even considered a real news network around the world lol.only watched for football transfers…. Just a propaganda news network who never even decide to show the live case at the ICJ because it promotes certain interests .

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