Share of votes cast for the far right and its allies in Europe

Share of votes cast for the far right and its allies in Europe

by ken_f

  1. I hope many moons from now some confused archaeologists will keep finding these maps and think that the UK literally exited Europe. They sawed off Ireland and sailed away into the Atlantic.

  2. AFD is not >50% in half of Eastern Germany. Where is this data from? They poll at 30-36% in these states.

  3. This is all wrong. If PiS + Konfederacja are considered the same thing in Poland, then PP + Vox should be considered the same thing in Spain, so all of Spain should be orange or light green. With even more reasons since afaik PP+Vox did actually create coalitions and PiS+Konfa didn’t, although I might be wrong about that.

  4. The map is misleading for Czechia. It actually shows the exact opposite of what it’s supposed to show. It considers the ODS party as far right just because it is part of the ECR group, while it really is a democratic centre-right party. On the map it appears as though the border regions do not vote for far-right parties. In reality, that’s where SPD, the actual far-right party, is most popular and ODS is not.

    According to this map, Prague is the most fascist part of the country, which is obviously false.

  5. Got to love how the definition of “far right” is being stretched to include any political forces that oppose the further federalization of the EU.

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