Former officer who exposed Rochdale case says failings still happening

This report talks about the past but what I want to do is to bring it from the past into the present and into the future because my work in the Maggie Oliver Foundation now means that I have current information about what is going on today and I would say

Categorically and I am sorry Mr Watson but the failures that happened then are still happening now we have more communication for sure but we do not have a system that supports victims that listens to their voices and when they do challenge the system unfortunately the organization closes ranks it protects the

Organization institutional protection and um and and covering up what is really going on is what I’m hearing today I’m hearing those at the top of these organizations saying that things are now better well we are currently supporting in the foundation over 371 victims today who say they are still being failed by

GMP and their voices are silenced we support them now to try and be heard to go into the system and make a complaint they will go to Professional Standards and and as I repeatedly say it is Police marking their own homework they then go to the iopc but any complaint that they make

Goes directly back into the police force against who the complaint is made very often the iopc are not even aware of the complaint that has been made we support those survivors and very often we come to the media to share those cases because those comp PLS fall

On deaf ears and what I am saying today is that it’s okay to have a report like this but I want change from this report I don’t want in 10 years time to be standing here again with another report about failures

Maggie Oliver, a former detective constable at Greater Manchester police and the whistleblower who exposed the poor handling of the Rochdale child sexual abuse ring case by her own force, has claimed that the failures found in the Rochdale report are not a thing of the past.
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Oliver said: ‘The failures that happened then are still happening now,’ citing information learned through her work at the Maggie Oliver Foundation. Oliver called for real change to come from the report, saying: ‘I don’t want, in 10 years’ time, to be standing here again with another report about failures.’

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#GreaterManchester #RochdaleCase #MaggieOliver

  1. Finally maggie cause is getying the attention it needs,maggie deserves a OBE for what she done and doing to help victims ie the maggie oliver foundation.

  2. Police worried more about their careers if they said the wrong thing than actually policing. They say things have changed but I don't believe it for a minute. How did these gangs manage to form and operate without many more people being aware of what was going on. It was tolerated if not actively condoned by many many more people than those who faced prosecution. The police remain scared of putting a foot wrong. Sadly the native British population has been browbeaten into docility too.

  3. Unfortunately this story has always received very shaped and editted coverage by this media organisation. Clearly it's an inconvenient truth that they dare not speak its name.

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