Is the Israel-Gaza war spreading across the Middle East? | BBC News

Ever since the Israel Gaza War started there’s been a fear the conflict could spread and that’s happening across the Middle East we’re seeing air strikes bombings assassinations and Border raids the most high-profile escalation involves houthi rebels in Yemen attacking shipping in the Red Sea they say in solidarity with

Palestinians in response the US and the UK have attacked houy positions most recently with us strikes on Wednesday night and a day before America began attacking the houth the US Secretary of State said this we were focused uh on making sure that the conflict uh ongoing now in Gaza doesn’t

Spread uh to other places that’s been our Focus since uh since October 7th uh and it remains our Focus today but as America’s own actions show stopping the spread is proving difficult as the New York Times puts it the regional war no one wanted is here and it asks how wide

Will it get because already along with the Israel Gaza War and the exchanges in the Red Sea and Yemen there have been other incidents in Iran Syria Iraq and Lebanon and all of these different escalations connect both to the Israel Gaza war and to longer term tensions too

What you have here really are two sets of conflicts overlapping one Israel the Hamas and the ramifications of that but of course behind that the much longer running and wider conflict between a low-level conflict if you like between Iran and its various allies in the region and Western interests more

Generally and the United States in particular we’re seeing this overlap play out across the region following October the 7th there’s been an increase in Border clashes between the Israeli military and the Hezbollah group in Lebanon Hezbollah is backed by Iran as is Hamas then in early January there was

An assassination in Lebanon of a senior Hamas leader it’s assumed Israel was responsible the same is true of the assassination of a senior Iranian commander in Syria in December Syria is an ally of Iran Israel is trying to disrupt Iran’s Regional Network located in these places what Iran calls its axis

Of resistance Iran uses its allies non-state actors allies in order to show solidarity with isra with the Palestinians in order to increase the cost of war in Gaza for Israel and the United States and also to divert some of Israel’s military assets from Gaza to the northern front with Lebanon last

November Iran’s foreign minister said Iran does not want the war to spread but warned a wider conflict could prove inevitable and recently Iran has shown it is willing to take military action two weeks ago in an Iranian city called Kerman the Islamic State group carried out the biggest bomb attack in Iran in

Decades and Iran retali ated with strikes in Syria aimed at what it claimed were Islamic State positions there were also missile strikes in Iraq targeting what Iran claimed was an Israeli spy base Iran also claims that Israel and the US were in part responsible for the Kerman attack Iran’s

Provided no evidence for either allegation Iran is relevant to other escalations in Iraq too in recent weeks there’s been an increase in attacks by Shia militias on US forces in Iraq those militias are backed by Iran then this week another layer of complexity was added on Tuesday Iran launched a missile

And drone attack in neighboring Pakistan it said the target was an Iranian militant group in response Pakistan launched retaliatory strikes at Targets inside Iran these developments don’t directly connect to Gaza but they do connect to Iran’s broader efforts to establish its military strength in the region there more evidence of how fluid

The security situation is and faced with that situation each country each military group has choices to make for now the houthis keep attacking shipping in the Red Sea and the US has redesignated the houthis AS Global terrorists it continues its military action too the Americans argue this is

The way to stop disruption in the Red Sea but not everyone takes that position France decided not to join a coalition that sought to carry out or had carried out preemptive strikes against the houthis on their soil why precisely because we have a stance that seeks to avoid any

Escalation but escalation is what’s happening and this week Iran had this message if the genocide in Gaza stops then it will lead to the end of other crisis and attacks in the region Israel denies carrying out genocide and an end to hostilities in Gaza will certainly not end the

Long-standing tensions in the region but while we are some distance from a fullscale regional War there’s no doubt the Israel Gaza War continues to pour fuel onto fires that were already burning

US President Joe Biden has said that attacks on the Houthis will continue – after America carried out more strikes on Yemen on Thursday after a US ship was struck by a Houthi drone.

Meanwhile Pakistan has launched retaliatory missile strikes into Iran, after Tehran carried out strikes in Pakistan. And earlier this week, Iran also attacked targets in Iraq and in Syria.

These various strikes add to the growing tension across the Middle East – and concern that the Israel-Gaza conflict could be spreading across the wider region.

Our analysis editor Ros Atkins explains.

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  1. Politics

    Fani Fingered: Jilted Wife In Trump-Georgia Fiasco Drops Bank Statements Revealing Lavish Vacations
    by Zero Hedge
    January 20th 2024, 9:58 am
    Alleged lover Nathan Wade bought tickets for he and Fani Willis to travel on both Norwegian and Royal Caribbean cruise lines, to records filed in the Wade divorce.

  2. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

    The jilted wife of DA Fani Willis’ alleged lover and outside counsel Nathan Wade dropped receipts in a Friday court filing, revealing that Wade purchased plane tickets in Willis’ name, with alleged travel to places such as Napa Valley, California, Florida and the Caribbean, according to the Daily Caller.

  3. As the Caller further notes;

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    Wade filed to divorce his wife on Nov. 2, 2021, the day after his contract with the District Attorney began. His wife alleged in prior filings that he did not disclose his earnings from the county to her but continued to draw from her bank account.

    Wade’s firm has been paid nearly $654,000 from the Fulton County District Attorney’s office since 2022, county data shows.

  4. Katelynn Richardson
    Jan 19, 2024
    BREAKING: District Attorney Fani Willis' alleged romantic partner Nathan Wade paid for plane tickets to Miami and San Francisco in her name, bank statements contained in a Friday court filing made by Wade's wife in their divorce case show.

  5. The Friday filing was made in response to Willis’s attempt to quash a subpoena for her to testify in the divorce proceedings – with Willis accusing Joycelyn Wade Thursday of seeking to “harass and embarrass” her to obstruct the Trump case.

    Wade’s wife hit back Friday, calling Willis’ arguments “disingenuous,” and said that the evidence is clear “Ms. Willis was an intended travel partner” for several trips.

  6. “It is regrettable that Ms. Willis has filed such an inflammatory Motion, which has left Defendant with no other choice than to respond forcefully and with supporting evidence in a case that is very personal in nature,” reads the filing.

  7. BREAKING: Americans Being Infected With Live Ebola By Secret Bill Gates Project

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    Jones is LIVE covering this and more:

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  8. Tucker Carlson has just released a powerful and concise breakdown of how America is being conquered via an invading replacement population – all paid for and allowed by our so-called political leaders!

    “The story of history is the story of invasions,” said Carlson in his now mega-viral exposé. “One group of people moving into someone else’s land and taking it. One Nation ends, another begins.”

  9. Us is not able to stop Russia in Europe and is not able to win against Russians, so they decided to invade Middle East in the name of Israel but not in the name of Jewish people, because for them Israel is unsafest place on earth.

  10. Jeffery Epstein
    Ghislane maxwell
    Harvey weinstein
    Mossad blackmailing rings
    Lavon affair
    Uss liberty
    King David Hotel bombing
    Munich incident

    Yeah, with allies like these who need enemies lmao 🤡 👃

  11. Hezbollah said no one’s protecting the gazans so they will. Stop bombing gaza. That seems simple. Peace talks. Iran is saying the same. Instead we Americans have sent war ships drones bombs and the marines. We also veto peace talk and cease fire. We are clearly as deaf and dangerous as we are stupid.

  12. Almost all supporters of Israel's cruelty against the Palestinian people are human victims of the lies of the rotten propaganda of Israel and the USA. Western media as a source of news that is trusted by the people of Western Europe is just a lying media, which always presentsnews that does not correspond to the reality on the ground, western media is just media whose existence is a tool to slander the victims of the USA and its allies. Thank God for the existence of Al Jazeera, Al Araby and Middle Eastern media, as well as South mediaAfrica, all the lies of the USA, Israel and its allies were exposed so that many western publics turned to support Palestinian independence

  13. Anjing Zionis Bangsa monyet terkutuk,,,, Dan bagi anda Amerika yang mendukung Israel,,, dalam sejarah anda tidak pernah memerangi perang kecuali di Film Rambo

  14. No mention of US strikes in Iraq and Syria before any Houthi or Iranian attacks…

    Also US saying they will protect shipping in the Red Sea but have done nothing directly to stop Russia in the Black Sea when Ukrainian grain feeds half the world.

    Always Iran this, Hamas that. Nobody is talking about how US and Israel are equally and sometimes initially escalating the conflict for their own personal interests.

    US and Israel are up there with the worst of the world (Russia, Iran, China, North Korea). UK and EU are yesmen to these horrible countries too.

  15. That is our "journalism"…. Israel – Gaza war? Israel is at war against that group you BBC refuses to call terrorist. Now are trying to hide their existence? What is all this love for Hamas?
    Not to mention this is a very shallow take on the situation. That's Iran trying to be the main power on the region. Israel is an enemy, but the rival to Iranian hegemony is Saudi Arabia. Oct 7 was close to the Saudis entering the Abraham Accords. Damn, you even get money from the taxpayers to make such a hogwash work?

  16. الولايات المتحده الامريكيه تغامر بأمن العالم كلة بوقوفها الأعمى مع الإبادة الجماعية للبشر وسفك الدماء البريئة للفلسطينيين فى غزة والضفة الغربية والوقوف مع إحتلال الأراضى والاستيلاء عليها بالقوة العسكرية .. للأسف لقد استطاعت إسرائيل توريط الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية فى الكثير من الأخطاء الكارثية على العالم أجمع وليس الشرق الأوسط فحسب…وندعوا الله ان يعم السلام فى العالم ونتجنب الحروب الفتاكة.

  17. الولايات المتحده الامريكيه تغامر بأمن العالم كلة بوقوفها الأعمى مع الإبادة الجماعية للبشر وسفك الدماء البريئة للفلسطينيين فى غزة والضفة الغربية والوقوف مع إحتلال الأراضى والاستيلاء عليها بالقوة العسكرية .. للأسف لقد استطاعت إسرائيل توريط الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية فى الكثير من الأخطاء الكارثية على العالم أجمع وليس الشرق الأوسط فحسب…وندعوا الله ان يعم السلام فى العالم ونتجنب الحروب الفتاكة.

  18. Ever Wondered if Evil Exists ? Ever wondered what You would have Done when the Evil German Empire unleashed the Horrors of the Holocaust in World War 2 ? Would you have Followed the Crowd, bent the knee, relinquished your Right to be Free as the deadly darkness spread & the Crimes escalated & Escalated & ESCALATED ? Would you have Enabled the Evil ? Or would you have Resisted the Dark Side by standing up & saying – Not in My Name ?

    No need to Wonder ! The Genocidal Mass Slaughter unfolding in the Gaza Ghetto – before the Eyes of the World – is Israel's '' Final Solution '' to the Palestinian Question. 25,000 Murdered so far & counting. Many of them Children ! Can You hear the Death Bell Tolling – Innocent Blood is dripping from Murderous Hands. How Far will they go ? How far will We Let them go – is The Answer.! Now is your chance: Will You stand up and say – Not in My Name ?

  19. Pouring Fuel on the Ukraine war but stopping the elimination of terrorists by Israel?!

    Khamenei, dictator of Iran requested a ceasefire to keep his pro radical groups like 'Jihadi Islamic' and Hamas (that their leaders are living in Qatar luxury hotels) in power, while they refused to release hostages!

    -He also ordered Yemen's Houthis to strike commercial ships with ballistic missiles and drones!

    Jan 17- World Economic Forum (WEF) invited the master of terrorists to Davos amid simmering tensions with the West!

    -Iran's regime FM Abdollahian interviewed with their favorite host, Fareed Zakaria from CNN: "If the Gaza conflict ends, we will stop other crises and attacks in the region!?"

    – Iran's regime leader, Khamenei: "It was necessary to use the latest political opportunities to stop the war, and if the situation goes out of control, no party (he means terrorists) will be safe from its consequences!!" Ayatollahs of Iran's regime are scared!

  20. What happened in Gaza was genocide at the hands of Israel, but also with the incitement, support, and partnership of the Americans, Canada, Britain, Germany, and France. All of these countries must be held accountable, and they have no right from now on to speak about human values ​​or human rights, from a moral perspective. All of these countries, led by Israel, Britain, America, and Germany, are countries that must be classified as countries that advocate terrorism.


  22. Okay thanks al international and community my family all brothers and sisters my family all amid and all international and community my family all palatine the government my family all west bank and Gaza all the government my family all Iran the government my family all Iran good happen my family all Saudi the government my family all Saudi good happen my family all brothers and sisters my family all Lebanon the government my family all Lebanon good happen my family all Jordan the government my family all Jordan good happen my family all brothers and sisters my family all Yemen the government my family all Yemen good happen my family all freedom and Democratic policies my family all Egypt the government my family all Egypt good happen my family all Iraq the government my family all Iraq good happen my family all Syria the government my family all Syria good happen my family all brothers and sisters my family all Pakistan the government my family all Pakistan good happen my family all brothers and sisters my family all freedom and Democratic policies my family all Afghanistan the government family all Afghanistan good happen my family all brothers and sisters my family all Oman the government family all Oman good happen my family all Kuwait the government family all Kuwait good happen my family all brothers and sisters my family all freedom and Democratic policies my family all South African the government my family all South African and all human and all history my family all brothers and sisters my family all freedom and Democratic policies my family all peace OK thanks

  23. Egyptian, Arabian, Jordanian, Persian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Phoenician complicity in the weaponization and martyrdom of the "Palestinians" that they have conveniently marginalized and sold out for centuries is the Only Crime not being discussed for some reason.

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