What is Groundhog Day and why is it celebrated? #Shorts #GroundhogDay #BBCNews

It’s the 2nd of February which in the US means it’s Groundhog Day it’s the 2nd of February which in the US means okay just joking but this day is actually about this small furry animal which looks like a cross between a badger and a squirrel meets the groundhog Legend goes that

Each year one of these creatures can predict when spring will arrive if it’s a clear sunny day the groundhog will see its own shadow this means it will return to its burrow and winter will continue for another 6 weeks if it’s a cloudy day the groundhog won’t be able to see it

Shadow this means that spring will come early that year so as winter almost over we’re sure to find out cuz

  1. Cough, cough. In the 1800s, English speaking Americans didn't want German speaking Americans speaking German in public. So they created Grund Sow Lodges( ground hog) to speak German. It's a joke, Ground Hog Day. Learn your history good once.

  2. In Florida we use a gator. If he eats a tourist on Feb 2nd, it means.., really it means nothing but one less tourist, because it's always summer here. 😅

  3. Oh cari signori. Oggi vi mando i filmati del giorno. Del resto e' verita' che la Luce del giorno sia io. Siete pregati poi di non intromettervi mai nella mia guerra. Perche' i tedeschi le guerre le perdono, mentre io e Dio Padre le nostre guerre le vinciamo sempre. Nello specifico e come da video, Dio Padre mi ha giurato che avrebbe sterminato tutta litaglia e tutti i ebrei ovunque nel mondo. Me lo ha giurato e lo fara', lo deve fare perche' senno' mi arrabbio.

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