Sovereignty was to be respected. What would happen if Ukraine had not handed over its nuclear weapons to Russia?

Sovereignty was to be respected. What would happen if Ukraine had not handed over its nuclear weapons to Russia?

by nikopoltoday

  1. Well they didnt have the codes to launch them or likely the skills to maintain them. So probably wouldnt have beem able to use them

  2. it is obvious now that you cannot trust any international treaties.

    And partial fault is on US – because they pushed Ukraine to give up weapons.

  3. I don’t think Ukraine could have afforded to be a nuclear power. On top of the bombs themselves they’d need a large cruise- or ballistic missile program, and then they would need to hide everything so Russia couldn’t destroy it in a surprise attack.

  4. First lesson here is thay do not give away your weapons even if somebody quarantees your safety. Second lesson is to build up your army and do not trust anyone (get the nuclear weapons if possible).

    Knowing Ukrainians they probably had managed to make thise to work. Only problem is that Russia do not care about their people, so they do not care if somebidy nukes them (they have only problem with it if it is done against some military base).

  5. >And so it transpired. But could Ukraine, mindful of its experience, re-emerge as a nuclear-armed entity? No, it’s implausible. For political and financial reasons. This chapter of history is firmly behind Ukraine, and history will not echo itself in this instance!

    It’s pre-2022 year thinking. Before times when Russia began to use WMD-blackmail in every possible way, shell Ukrainian nuclear facilities, and mass-produce nuclear holocaust Status-6 torpedoes, designed to kill millions of civilians.

    Let’s say that in some day Ukraine didn’t have any nuclear weapon. Then Russia launch a nuclear strike on Kyiv and Kharkov. Did Ukraine still don’t have nuclear weapons?

    No, Ukraine suddenly acquires huge arsenals of it in form of drones and civil aviation loaded by nuclear wastes from enormous storage facilities. That Russia just cannot nuke. Nuclear. Weapon.

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