Finding COCAINE in public toilets – BBC

Let’s go sniff this Toilet I genuinely couldn’t even start to estimate how much coke goes through the city from cafes to pubs to bars there is a crazy amount of coke I have and I do work in quite high-end hotels at the moment and we do get quite high-end clients and so we

Have a lot of kind of well-known faces stay with us and so you see a lot of the coke usage anyway through housekeeping it’s a running joke with some of the conge team who can find the most free drugs after some of these like high-end Events hi come in I can basically walk into any bar and someone will offer me a line I feel like in London especially it’s so normalized I think I’ve met less people that don’t do Coke than actually do it I’m Franchesca sniffs I’m a Sniff fluenc and I rate toilets on Tik Tok

Based on how well you can take drugs in the toilet it’s basically a drug influencer it’s not like I want to influence people to do drugs but it’s kind of a play on my or maybe an OV exaggeration or maybe it is just me when I go out writing toilets I sniffed an

Exquisite toilet to rail a fat line sniff ability 10 out of 10 have you ever had accusations of glamorizing drugs oh yes all the time how I like to think of it is what is the difference between me and a movie I’m just entertaining I think it’s quite

Similar what if children see all your Tik toks I mean children shouldn’t be on Tik Tok children love Tik Tok children do love Tik Tok but children also watch Euphoria almost every teen drama has some teenager snorting coke in the bathroom what’s the difference between that and

Me I blocked my parents on all social media I blocked all of their friends but somehow my dad had his work colleagues stalk me honestly his reaction was not that bad at all he’s just like worried that I won’t get a a real office job I think I have like 25,000 followers now

On Tik Tok so I guess I would say drugs are quite popular [Applause] Because of the culture of the UK we’re so proud of being functional drug users no one wants to be the person who can’t do it it happens all the time literally all the time when you think to yourself I’m not going on it tonight I’m not doing it

And then one of your friends ends up doing it or even just suggesting it and you just completely turn 180 within a second I think the majority of coke users in general don’t think that they have a problem even when the problem is like severely severely dire most people tend

To be in denial about it so I think that also creates a big problem with actually having awareness of when things are starting to become a problem rather than just a bit of fun it’s Addiction in general that puts people in denial no one really wants to admit that they’re dependent on anything

Drugs Map of Britain: In East London, Francesca Sniffs is a TikTok influencer who rates toilets for their ‘sniffability’. She wants to represent the silly side of taking drugs but is she adding to wider a problem by both normalising and undermining the seriousness of using Cocaine?

Cutting through the headlines – the real world of users and dealers in the UK today. What are the drugs of choice across the nation, and what are they doing to local communities?

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  1. "what's the difference between 'euphoria' and me?"
    Well, all the drug addicts in Euphoria end up with a severely fucked up life, career, health, friendships, relationships, a debilitating depression, a whole lotta debt, death threats and they all become burdens to their families… yeah nah I don't know if there's a difference.

  2. This is full-on damaging circle that starts from where the cocaine is laced with gasoline, carcinogenics and fentanyl that will cause chronic illness that range from organ damage to septum necrosis, depression among many other issues. But what all this careless behaviour from these people are also doing is feeding bloodbaths between mafias in the Global South where the poorest innocent children are killed everyday on the streets in the mafias in and out from the war zones. If people feel any compassion to the most vulnerable families that suffer this everyday, think about leaving it completely if you are an ocasional user or find a multidisciplanary program to leave it

  3. At her age you feel immortal, but from personal experience I can tell you that especially coke is easier to get hooked on than some may think.
    It is sad that she is influencing other young people to go down this dangerous road.

  4. They're all young and partying is a life for them so let them have fun. I say if they do it to themselves it's their problem, I'm not here to judge them. I'm sure most of them get out of it as they age and their bodies can no longer handle it like they once were used to.

  5. One problem with coke is that when there is no more on the night you are going out you can get really upset or mad or really determined to get or find more I had a ex husband and a ex boyfriend who one sold coke and the other one just bought it and had the money to buy as much as he wanted to buy and I back then with both did do it not all the time just when we went out which wasn’t every weekend. It didn’t bother me to see it but if I did a line that’s when it made me different I haven’t done coke in probably 30 year’s but I can remember what it felt like and the disappointment when it was gone I’m glad I don’t feel that feeling anymore it was a very stupid thing to do and I do regret it. This girl will one day realize that it was stupid and not worth the money she wasted BUT…..I DO NOT CARE HOW CLEAN SHE MAY THINK A TOILET IS THERE ARE STILL GERM’S AND SHIT YOU CAN’T SEE WITH THE NAKED EYE I WOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN OUT IN A BAR AND SNORTED COKE FROM A TOILET OR ANY PART OF A BATHROOM THAT TO ME IS DISGUSTING 🤢 🤮

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