Drones could have helped grow your Valentine’s Day flowers. #Shorts #BBCNews

Our years are punctuated by times that we want to buy flowers Valentine’s birthdays Christmases and the chances are when you look in your Bou one of the stems would have been grown here in Kenya but like most places this part of the world is not immune to climate

Change that’s where the tech comes in artificial intelligence company Lima Labs is providing a Machine Vision system using drones AI algorithms being used can help predict the weather patterns through sensors on the farm that detects humidity temperature and other environmental conditions a dashboard on a computer screen displays

Footage of the plant providing stem and flour head count and other crucial data like the chance of an insect infestation this all helps Farmers better predict fluctuations in growing and harvesting patterns

  1. In response to Putin’s illegal re-election as the Russian president! Or legal dictatorship! We suggest that the Russian people take legal means to remove Putin through a national public vote! If you want change, you must be brave enough to vote negative!

  2. American Countries & islands proposal Labor Holimonth:

    To celebrate the labor of all participants and qualified workers including volunteers and students w/children, a Holimonth that allows you to respectfully stay at home with your family and friends!

    Holimonth- a 30 or 31 day holiday month once a year for qualified laborers.

    All qualified laborers will have completed at least 5,000 paid work hours within 3 years of time. At least 1 or more employers accounted for. That means W’2s are very important! W’2s will represent a receipt for all legal hours calculated and is the #1 acceptable (easy) form in regards to qualification.

    After the qualified individual has completed 5,000 hours of paid labor the individual will be granted a Holimonth which includes 30-31 days of paid vacation. The pay amount will be calculated based off your average hourly income. (New start, previous hours will never be accounted for.)

    Example: if the individuals average hourly based sits at 20$/hr, that individuals holipay will be
    9$/hr 40hrs a week a total of 160hrs a month bringing the check to $1440.

    This proposal is to thank the American citizens for all the hard work that helps sustain our people and the land we reside on!

    Note: North America & South America must make amends! Legally South Americans are Also by a forsaken mistake in the Declaration of Independence after legally identifying the neighboring continent South “America” .

  3. If you haven't already done so you need to Watch The Circle Of Poison.

    Pesticides band for domestic use in US but still allowed to produce and ship it to third world countries. These pesticides have made men infertile and babies born or children develop severe body abnormalities.

  4. T. Carlson ran away like the last coward at the beginning of the interview without waking up to anything. Hahaha
    Т. Карлсон сбежал, как последний трус в начале интервью, ничего не проснив.Хаха T. Carlson, COME BACK! You just started an interview with Putin, and you’ve already run away. V.V. Putin will tell you that some American leaders should not be elected president, but should be tried for supporting global terrorism. And killing children. How they transplant organs. How the White Helmets replaced Hollywood. All the power of the rich and successful families and clans of America are holding the people of the United States for fools who should only serve the rich and successful criminals. Anglo-Saxon puppets are everywhere. Which should not be chosen, but should be judged and executed in a chemical chair. V.V. Putin will tell you how he plans to cut the ropes pulling the puppets one by one, one by one, so that it is not the proteges who are responsible, but those behind them. It's time to destroy the mentality of the rich who oppress not only their own people, but are annoying all over the world. It makes sense to clean out this rot so that the American people can live with dignity, like Russians.
    Т. Карлсон, ВЕРНИСЬ! Ты только начал интервью с Путиным, а уже сбежал. В. В. Путин расскажет тебе, что некоторых американских лидеров не выбирать надо в президенты, а судить за поддержку мирового терроризма. И убийство детей. Как они трансплантирую органы. Как Белые каски заменили Голливуд. Вся власть богатых и успешных семей и кланов Америки держат народ США за дураков, которые должны только обслуживать богатых и успешных преступников. Англосаксонские марионетки везде и по всюду. Которых не выбирать, а судить и казнить нужно на химическом стуле. В. В. Путин расскажет тебе как планирует обрезать веревки дергающие марионетками одну за другой, одну за другой, что бы ответветственность несли не ставленники, а кто за их спиной. Пора разрушить менталитет богатых угнетающих не только свой народ, но надоевший по всему миру. Эту гниль есть смысл вычистить, что бы американский народ жил достойно, как русский.

  5. We will help change the thinking of the people of America to a sincere human perception of reality. For the benefit of the American people. He deserves better leaders.
    Будем помогать менять мышление народа америки на искренее человеческое восприятие действительности. В пользу американскоого народа. Он заслужил лучших лидеров.

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