Peta protesters disrupt Victoria Beckham’s Paris fashion week show

Peta protesters disrupt Victoria Beckham’s Paris fashion week show

Victoria Beckham’s show at Paris fashion week was interrupted by protesters from the animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (Peta), who invaded the runway to protest against her use of animal products.
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Protesters wore white T-shirts that read: ‘Turn your back on animal skins’ and ‘Animals aren’t fabric’. They walked alongside models on the catwalk, holding up placards that read: ‘Viva vegan leather’. The European president of the group said on Friday: ‘No garment or accessory is worth violently slaughtering and skinning a sensitive and intelligent animal. We are urging Victoria Beckham to turn instead to the ethical and eco-friendly innovations available today, such as high-end leather made from apples, grapes, pineapples, mushrooms and more.’

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  1. Debería primero de hacer una lista de lo que usa en su vida diaria y es derivado animal y luego pensar antes de salir a protestar además de revisar lo que está haciendo en su vida que contamina y hacer un cambio en su vida principalmente. Afectar un desfile no cambiará al mundo

  2. the plastics in vegan leather will probably do more damage for the world in the long run than ethically sourcing leather. That said, the fashion industry in general is a toxic nightmare and anyone supporting these brands need to sort themselves out.

  3. According to UN data, 165 million children worldwide are too small for their age, or stunted, due to chronic malnutrition. Three quarters of these children live in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. In sub-Saharan Africa, 40% of children are affected; in South Asia, 39%.

    3.2 million children under the age of 5 die each year in sub-Saharan Africa – that's about half of the world's deaths in this age group.

    Worldwide, nearly every second death in children under the age of five is due to malnutrition. 0:07

  4. The only problem I have with vegan leather is it is made of plastic and therefor bad for the planet. Until we can find a green alternative to leather, I do feel it is better to use real leather or just none at all.

  5. Regardless of anyone's stance on the issue .. this complete lack of security puts the models in danger. Sure .. the protestors were peaceful .. but what about next time? Whoever is running security for the show should be fired immediately and replaced with someone competent. Shameful.

  6. I would rather imagine a world without plastic pollution. In which case we will need animal products to fill the gaps. And intensive plant farming for soya and palm oil and and veg etc is responsible for the destruction of huge amounts of habitat of wild animals and so many animals are massacred to create tofu and hummus. Avocado and almond farming contribute to drought and therefore more habitat destruction. Quinoa farming has destroyed Peruvian farmers natural diets as their staple crop is now harvested for export. Any intensive farming is just as toxic to the environment as intensive animal farming, however soil regenerative farming means using grazing animals to regenerate soil and nutrients. You want a healthy planet, you need animal manure.

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