When you ask people what they think about British accents, most of them either love ‘em or find them amusing. While some of us are busy swooning over people speaking like Hugh Grant, some Twitter users have pointed out that far from every Brit speaks like they’re Victorian gentlemen and ladies.
by insifdngoi
Love em.. except Brummies, Scousers, Mancs and Cockneys.
I always find it funny when an American (and 99% of the time it is an American) is surprised we don’t all speak like either The Queen, Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins, or Tommy Shelby from Peaky Blinders.
Their lack of historical education doesn’t allow them to realise Britain was invaded repeatedly for 2000+ years, and various accents developed as a result of those different cultures having rule over different regions
Ah yes I love tea toym . Cor blimey guv’nor