‘He wasn’t rude. He was racist’: SNP leader calls Tories to return donor cash

‘He wasn’t rude. He was racist’: SNP leader calls Tories to return donor cash

The conservative party have accepted A10 million donation from an individual who has said that one of our parliamentary colleagues in this chamber should be shocked why is the prime minister of the United Kingdom putting money before morals Mr Speaker as I said the comments were wrong the gentleman in question is

Apolog for them and that remorse should be accepted Steven Flynn this is complete rubbish the gentleman in question apologized for being rude he wasn’t rude he was racist he was odious and he was downright bloody dangerous now on Monday the number 10 said we’ve seen an unacceptable rise in extremist

Activity which is seeking to divide our society and hijack our Democratic institutions isn’t the extremism that we should all be worried about the the views of those Tory donors that we’ve read about this week prime minister no Mr Speaker there has actually been a rise in extremist

Activity that is seeking to hijack our Democratic institutions it’s important it is important it is important that we have the tools to tackle this threat that’s what the extrem and strategy will do and I would urge him to wait for the community to release the details

Stephen Flynn, the SNP leader at Westminster, rejected Rishi Sunak’s decision to forgive the Conservative’s biggest donor, Frank Hester, after it emerged he had said that the then Labour MP Diane Abbott ‘should be shot’ and she made him ‘want to hate all black women’.

‘He wasn’t rude. He was racist. He was odious, and he was downright bloody dangerous,’ Flynn said in parliament, suggesting the government should address extremism in the Conservative party and return Hester’s donations.

Downing Street has called Hester’s remarks ‘racist and wrong’ after senior politicians from across the political spectrum piled pressure on the prime minister to intervene

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  1. Rishi is a fish out of water he cannot keep up with his own agenda let alone make any positive impact on society in UK hence why extremism has been soaring in UK ever since the torys have been in charge.

  2. "There has been a rise in extremist activity that seeks to hijack our democratic institution." What, like someone paying the current government £10 million in exchange for contracts worth £400 million of taxpayer money, then calling for an MP to be shot? You honestly couldn't write this level of irony.

  3. This Tory party and this prime minister….are amoral…quite happy to throw the grenade of racism…extremism…which actually clearly has a home in their party…..they are shameless and shameful

  4. The scary part was when Flynn was saying the facts, Parliament sounded a little suspect. The donor should lose all the contracts and bailouts he was handed by the Tories too.

  5. In the words of Bruce Cockburn song, Call it Democracy.
    "See the paid-off local bottom feeders
    Passing themselves off as leaders
    Kiss the ladies shake hands with the fellows
    Open for business like a cheap bordello."

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