‘It’s not clear who is responisble’ • FRANCE 24 English

As of now there’s not much information uh first I must say and I must stress that uh first the opposition channels abroad reported it uh and telegram as Russian version of Twitter of X reported it and only an hour after the terrorist act or the event or the tragedy

FSB officially spoke out and that’s when Russian official governmental TV channel started speaking about it but uh in such a manner that there’s not much information uh it said that there was even a grenade launcher and that the weapons were hid somewhere before the event they were brought in in advance I

Must say that ran noesy reports that the metal detector frames did not work prior to the concert and the guards did not check the bags of people coming in and there was the the as just as you’ve just said that there there’s not much information and what I’ve heard last is

That there four Shooters fled and four barricaded themselves and then that now there is an ongoing operation to bring out some people outside and um I must say that we don’t know what is happening right now but I’ve seen footage of B buddies of those killed lying on the

Street outside of crocus and the fire intensifies wounded people are being carried out of the building and there are about 70 ER cars right there by cro crocos so it’s not clear who is responsible no one knows no one claims responsibility of course all Russian propagandists are already saying that

It’s ukrainians who are to blame and I must say that the Russian volunteer corpse stated that they were not involved in any manner Russian volunteer corpse are Russian Nationals who fight for Ukraine on Ukrainian side and uh one of the speakers of UK Ukrainian government has already said on a Russian

Opposition Channel TV Reign that uh Ukraine has of course nothing to do with what what’s happening in Russia so as of now there is not much we know but we know there’s chaos happening and we know that uh Russian official media did not report on it for the whole hour while we

Already all knew what was going on through Independent Media and through Telegram

“It’s not clear who is responisble”, said Alexandra Filippenko. “Of course all Russian propagandists are already saying that it’s Ukrainians who are to blame and the Russian volunteer corps stated that they were not involved in any manner,”  she added. The latter are Russian nationals who fight for the Ukraine. A spokesperson from the Ukrainian government has also stated that Ukraine has nothing to do with what is happening in Russia. 

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  1. Yeah the Russian media didnt report anything yet but western news already claim that something is Russian propaganda. How Ironic. There is coverage on Russian TV btw

  2. The Quran is explicit in its message recognising the sanctity of all human life: to kill one person it is as though all of mankind has been killed (Quran 5:32). The Quran further forbids Muslims from creating disorder in the world: do not commit abuse on the earth spreading corruption (Quran 29:36).

  3. Why they show Lithuania when everything happened in Moscow. It is weird a bit. Nobody knows who it was. Russia did enough bad things

  4. Shody security I expect better from Russia. What is the world coming to? Most likely some people who have a grievance with Moscow. What a sad time for the families of all those killed and injured. Awful news just after the Orthodox Christmas

  5. Apparently there are russians wahhabites from Ingouchie.
    Why did putin not listen to the alertes that ambassade warn them ?
    Why putin didn't get any mesures to protect their civilians ?
    Why all emergency exits were locked?
    Why national guards soldiers at this place were not present at this moment ?
    Why the terroristes could go Always by car?

  6. So terrible to hear that happened,, Civilians always pay the highest price,,That things will not happen in London + Paris + Berlin + big city of Western ? How long will be safe ? 😢😢😢

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